Binance Square
在币圈,有惊喜、有失落,充满着各种发财的机会,一个神奇的圈子,一个充满魅力的地方,说是多空博弈,但更像是一种心态的管理。拥抱币圈,一起发财。 公众号:凡哥说币
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Gate is in trouble again Recently, some fans reported that when withdrawing money from Gate Exchange, they encountered various false reasons for official rejection of withdrawal. This may include account risk, anti-money laundering agreement and other requirements, which prevented users from withdrawing money smoothly. Gate Exchange may use the coins recharged by users to maliciously smash the market on other exchanges, and then release them to users at a low price. This behavior is suspected of manipulating the market and harming the interests of users. When the price of some projects is high, users may encounter obstruction from Gate Exchange when trying to withdraw coins, such as claiming that the account is at risk and requiring users to sign an anti-money laundering agreement. This process may last for several days, causing users' coins to be stuck all the time. Gate Exchange may deliberately block users' high-level withdrawal requests, accumulate a certain amount of coins, and then smash the market on other exchanges to affect the market price. Subsequently, the coins will be released to users at a low price, further harming the interests of users. Fans who have been pitted by Gate can leave a message below
Gate is in trouble again

Recently, some fans reported that when withdrawing money from Gate Exchange, they encountered various false reasons for official rejection of withdrawal. This may include account risk, anti-money laundering agreement and other requirements, which prevented users from withdrawing money smoothly.

Gate Exchange may use the coins recharged by users to maliciously smash the market on other exchanges, and then release them to users at a low price. This behavior is suspected of manipulating the market and harming the interests of users.

When the price of some projects is high, users may encounter obstruction from Gate Exchange when trying to withdraw coins, such as claiming that the account is at risk and requiring users to sign an anti-money laundering agreement. This process may last for several days, causing users' coins to be stuck all the time.

Gate Exchange may deliberately block users' high-level withdrawal requests, accumulate a certain amount of coins, and then smash the market on other exchanges to affect the market price. Subsequently, the coins will be released to users at a low price, further harming the interests of users.

Fans who have been pitted by Gate can leave a message below
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🔥Battle of the Gods: Markets are full of expectations🔥 📺At nine o'clock in the morning, the stage for the battle of wits between Trump and Biden was ready, and an intellectual duel quietly unfolded on the TV debate platform At the same time, the cryptocurrency market seemed to feel the "heat" of the debate, stabilizing and showing signs of rising 💬 When it comes to debating ability, many people think of Trump, who is articulate and witty. His sharp words always hit the point and win people's admiration. At the same time, the 81-year-old Biden exudes calmness and wisdom, although occasionally a little relaxed 💡 Remember Trump's recent "incident"? During a speech, he accidentally called his wife's name wrong and was cleverly mocked by Biden. These details may be just the tip of the iceberg of many interesting aspects of this debate. 👀 🌟 Let's continue to pay attention to this fight between these two political veterans! Who knows what unexpected things will happen If you want to know about specific opportunities and specific decisions, click on the avatar to follow the homepage, you can get the position allocation strategy, which will teach you how to make money in the bull market and earn coins in the bear market
🔥Battle of the Gods: Markets are full of expectations🔥

📺At nine o'clock in the morning, the stage for the battle of wits between Trump and Biden was ready, and an intellectual duel quietly unfolded on the TV debate platform

At the same time, the cryptocurrency market seemed to feel the "heat" of the debate, stabilizing and showing signs of rising

💬 When it comes to debating ability, many people think of Trump, who is articulate and witty. His sharp words always hit the point and win people's admiration. At the same time, the 81-year-old Biden exudes calmness and wisdom, although occasionally a little relaxed

💡 Remember Trump's recent "incident"? During a speech, he accidentally called his wife's name wrong and was cleverly mocked by Biden. These details may be just the tip of the iceberg of many interesting aspects of this debate. 👀

🌟 Let's continue to pay attention to this fight between these two political veterans! Who knows what unexpected things will happen

If you want to know about specific opportunities and specific decisions, click on the avatar to follow the homepage, you can get the position allocation strategy, which will teach you how to make money in the bull market and earn coins in the bear market
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New era of cryptocurrency investment: abandon the old hoarding strategy and seize emerging hot spots! 1. Say goodbye to the outdated hoarding thinking Are you still adhering to the hoarding strategy and expecting the Bitcoin price to soar to realize your wealth dream? This strategy has gradually become outdated. Although the price of Bitcoin once stood at a high of $65,000, it has become much more difficult to achieve huge returns by hoarding coins alone. Especially for those unknown altcoins, the risks should not be underestimated, and you may suffer heavy losses if you are not careful. 2. Embrace emerging hot spots and seize investment opportunities The cryptocurrency circle in 2024 will be a year full of vitality and opportunities. But please note that the opportunities here are not brought by simple hoarding. Now, we need to pay more attention to emerging hot spots in the market, such as new projects, new applications, new technologies, etc. Only by keeping up with market trends and keenly capturing investment opportunities can we be invincible in the cryptocurrency circle and win rich returns. 3. Hot spot investment, a new way to grow wealth Yes, the current cryptocurrency circle is to seize hot spots to earn more profits. These emerging hot spots, whether it is technological innovation or application promotion, may become a new direction for our investment. As long as we can accurately judge the market trend and make decisive investments, the next wealth legend may happen to us. If you just want to make steady financial management in the currency circle and do not pursue excessive returns, then investing in Bitcoin is still a relatively safe choice. But remember that this is just a conservative way of financial management, not the best way to achieve rapid wealth growth. 4. Climb to the top and start a new era of investment Dear investors, it is time to abandon the old thinking of hoarding coins and actively embrace emerging hot spots. Let us use a more keen vision and more decisive actions to start our own new era of investment in the field of currency circle, which is full of infinite possibilities! #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #以太坊ETF批准预期
New era of cryptocurrency investment: abandon the old hoarding strategy and seize emerging hot spots!

1. Say goodbye to the outdated hoarding thinking
Are you still adhering to the hoarding strategy and expecting the Bitcoin price to soar to realize your wealth dream? This strategy has gradually become outdated. Although the price of Bitcoin once stood at a high of $65,000, it has become much more difficult to achieve huge returns by hoarding coins alone. Especially for those unknown altcoins, the risks should not be underestimated, and you may suffer heavy losses if you are not careful.

2. Embrace emerging hot spots and seize investment opportunities
The cryptocurrency circle in 2024 will be a year full of vitality and opportunities. But please note that the opportunities here are not brought by simple hoarding. Now, we need to pay more attention to emerging hot spots in the market, such as new projects, new applications, new technologies, etc. Only by keeping up with market trends and keenly capturing investment opportunities can we be invincible in the cryptocurrency circle and win rich returns.

3. Hot spot investment, a new way to grow wealth
Yes, the current cryptocurrency circle is to seize hot spots to earn more profits. These emerging hot spots, whether it is technological innovation or application promotion, may become a new direction for our investment. As long as we can accurately judge the market trend and make decisive investments, the next wealth legend may happen to us.

If you just want to make steady financial management in the currency circle and do not pursue excessive returns, then investing in Bitcoin is still a relatively safe choice. But remember that this is just a conservative way of financial management, not the best way to achieve rapid wealth growth.

4. Climb to the top and start a new era of investment

Dear investors, it is time to abandon the old thinking of hoarding coins and actively embrace emerging hot spots. Let us use a more keen vision and more decisive actions to start our own new era of investment in the field of currency circle, which is full of infinite possibilities!

#Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #以太坊ETF批准预期
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When asked what I mean by fixed investment, I explain it this way: I started to practice the fixed investment strategy when the market was in a downward phase, that is, a bear market. If I have 10,000u of funds, I usually choose to use at least 6,000u for fixed investment in Bitcoin and Ethereum. For the remaining 4,000u or less, I will consider investing in other coins. After completing these investments, unless there are major problems with the project team or the project itself has hidden dangers, I usually adopt a "buy and hold" strategy and will not pay too much attention to short-term fluctuations in the price of the currency. I will hold on to these assets until I think the market has entered a bull market and it is the right time to cash out, and then gradually sell them. Many people wonder why it is difficult to make a profit in a bull market. One of the important reasons is that they often start buying and selling when the market is high. And those investors who can make a profit, their success lies in starting to lay out in the bear market, accumulating assets, and then choosing the right time to sell in the bull market. If you can't find the direction in the currency circle and don't know what currency to buy, Zhu Yejian will find me and share more information and strategies related to the currency circle for free. #以太坊ETF批准预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛
When asked what I mean by fixed investment, I explain it this way:

I started to practice the fixed investment strategy when the market was in a downward phase, that is, a bear market. If I have 10,000u of funds, I usually choose to use at least 6,000u for fixed investment in Bitcoin and Ethereum. For the remaining 4,000u or less, I will consider investing in other coins.

After completing these investments, unless there are major problems with the project team or the project itself has hidden dangers, I usually adopt a "buy and hold" strategy and will not pay too much attention to short-term fluctuations in the price of the currency. I will hold on to these assets until I think the market has entered a bull market and it is the right time to cash out, and then gradually sell them.

Many people wonder why it is difficult to make a profit in a bull market. One of the important reasons is that they often start buying and selling when the market is high.

And those investors who can make a profit, their success lies in starting to lay out in the bear market, accumulating assets, and then choosing the right time to sell in the bull market.

If you can't find the direction in the currency circle and don't know what currency to buy, Zhu Yejian will find me and share more information and strategies related to the currency circle for free. #以太坊ETF批准预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛
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In digital currency trading, there are some taboo behaviors that must be vigilant. Once violated, it may lead to a significant shrinkage of assets or even zero. The following are the risk points: 1. Contract trading does not set a risk defense line: When participating in high-risk contract trading, be sure to set a stop loss point. Not setting a stop loss can easily lead to uncontrollable losses and may even face the risk of liquidation. 2. Eager to withdraw after making a profit: When making a profit in the market, you should not rush to withdraw cash, but should plan funds reasonably according to market conditions to avoid missing greater profit opportunities. 3. Easily leave the market in a big market: When the market fluctuates greatly, if you choose to leave the market after only making a small profit, you may miss the subsequent larger gains. 4. Go against the market and insist on resisting orders: When the market trend is obvious, you should not go against the trend. Insisting on resisting orders will only increase the risk of losses. You should learn to follow the market trend and adjust your strategy in time. 5. Seek a quick rebound in a plunge: When the market price plummets, don't be lucky and try to make a quick profit by grabbing a rebound or bottoming out. This approach is often prone to greater losses. 6. Blindly touch the top and short when the price soars: When the market price soars, you should not blindly touch the top and short, because the market may continue to rise, resulting in short failure and losses. You should decide whether to short based on market conditions and your own strategy. In the currency circle, you need to stay calm and rational and avoid violating these taboos to ensure the safety and steady appreciation of your assets. If you have been losing money and don’t know what to do, join me in laying out a hundred-fold coin! Please see my introduction! ! #以太坊ETF批准预期 #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划
In digital currency trading, there are some taboo behaviors that must be vigilant. Once violated, it may lead to a significant shrinkage of assets or even zero. The following are the risk points:

1. Contract trading does not set a risk defense line: When participating in high-risk contract trading, be sure to set a stop loss point. Not setting a stop loss can easily lead to uncontrollable losses and may even face the risk of liquidation.

2. Eager to withdraw after making a profit: When making a profit in the market, you should not rush to withdraw cash, but should plan funds reasonably according to market conditions to avoid missing greater profit opportunities.

3. Easily leave the market in a big market: When the market fluctuates greatly, if you choose to leave the market after only making a small profit, you may miss the subsequent larger gains.

4. Go against the market and insist on resisting orders: When the market trend is obvious, you should not go against the trend. Insisting on resisting orders will only increase the risk of losses. You should learn to follow the market trend and adjust your strategy in time.

5. Seek a quick rebound in a plunge: When the market price plummets, don't be lucky and try to make a quick profit by grabbing a rebound or bottoming out. This approach is often prone to greater losses.

6. Blindly touch the top and short when the price soars: When the market price soars, you should not blindly touch the top and short, because the market may continue to rise, resulting in short failure and losses. You should decide whether to short based on market conditions and your own strategy.

In the currency circle, you need to stay calm and rational and avoid violating these taboos to ensure the safety and steady appreciation of your assets.

If you have been losing money and don’t know what to do, join me in laying out a hundred-fold coin! Please see my introduction! ! #以太坊ETF批准预期 #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划
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As the United States is about to release the first quarter core PCE price index, the disclosure of this key economic data will undoubtedly have a series of chain reactions on the cryptocurrency market. 1. Inflation expectations and market adjustments: As an important measure of inflation levels, the PCE index shows rising inflationary pressures, and the market expects that the Federal Reserve may take interest rate hikes to curb inflation. This expectation may cause investors to turn to safer assets, thereby reducing their holdings of risky assets such as cryptocurrencies. 2. Potential shifts in monetary policy: The core PCE index has an important impact on the Federal Reserve's monetary policy decisions. If there are clear signs of inflation, the Federal Reserve may adjust its policy stance and turn to a tighter monetary policy, which will bring uncertainty to the cryptocurrency market and may trigger market adjustments. 3. Investor sentiment and market volatility: The release of inflation data often triggers fluctuations in market sentiment. If inflation data exceeds expectations, investors may be concerned about the economic outlook and monetary policy, which will affect their investment decisions in cryptocurrencies. This may lead to market volatility, and investors need to respond with caution. 4. Liquidity changes and market impact: Inflation data has an important impact on market liquidity. If inflation levels rise, it may cause the central bank to tighten monetary policy and reduce market liquidity. For the cryptocurrency market that relies on liquidity, this may bring shocks, and investors need to pay attention to changes in market liquidity. 5. Market outlook and strategy adjustment: As an important indicator of market sentiment and Fed decision-making, the core PCE price index will have a profound impact on the cryptocurrency market. Investors need to pay close attention to the release of this data and adjust their investment strategies in a timely manner according to market reactions. The first quarter core PCE price index to be released in the United States will have an important impact on the currency circle. Investors should remain vigilant, pay close attention to market changes, and be prepared to respond to possible market changes. If you have been losing money and don’t know what to do, join me in laying out a hundred-fold coin! Please see my introduction! ! #美国PCE数据将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划
As the United States is about to release the first quarter core PCE price index, the disclosure of this key economic data will undoubtedly have a series of chain reactions on the cryptocurrency market.

1. Inflation expectations and market adjustments: As an important measure of inflation levels, the PCE index shows rising inflationary pressures, and the market expects that the Federal Reserve may take interest rate hikes to curb inflation. This expectation may cause investors to turn to safer assets, thereby reducing their holdings of risky assets such as cryptocurrencies.

2. Potential shifts in monetary policy: The core PCE index has an important impact on the Federal Reserve's monetary policy decisions. If there are clear signs of inflation, the Federal Reserve may adjust its policy stance and turn to a tighter monetary policy, which will bring uncertainty to the cryptocurrency market and may trigger market adjustments.

3. Investor sentiment and market volatility: The release of inflation data often triggers fluctuations in market sentiment. If inflation data exceeds expectations, investors may be concerned about the economic outlook and monetary policy, which will affect their investment decisions in cryptocurrencies. This may lead to market volatility, and investors need to respond with caution.

4. Liquidity changes and market impact: Inflation data has an important impact on market liquidity. If inflation levels rise, it may cause the central bank to tighten monetary policy and reduce market liquidity. For the cryptocurrency market that relies on liquidity, this may bring shocks, and investors need to pay attention to changes in market liquidity.

5. Market outlook and strategy adjustment: As an important indicator of market sentiment and Fed decision-making, the core PCE price index will have a profound impact on the cryptocurrency market. Investors need to pay close attention to the release of this data and adjust their investment strategies in a timely manner according to market reactions.

The first quarter core PCE price index to be released in the United States will have an important impact on the currency circle. Investors should remain vigilant, pay close attention to market changes, and be prepared to respond to possible market changes.

If you have been losing money and don’t know what to do, join me in laying out a hundred-fold coin! Please see my introduction! ! #美国PCE数据将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划
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A new chapter of Ethereum is about to be unveiled, and the currency circle will set off an unprecedented wave! Today, the Ethereum field has ushered in a remarkable development-a new EFT project. This news is like a spark that quickly ignited the craze in the currency circle. Countless investors and enthusiasts are eager to try, ready to get a share of this feast, and look forward to harvesting a full "fruit of wealth". In this frenzy, we also need to remain calm and rational. Although good news is exciting, market trends are often unpredictable. When the EFT project is actually implemented, the market may fluctuate briefly or even form an attractive low. It's like a huge whirlpool is quietly forming in the turbulent sea, attracting countless brave sailors to come and explore. We also need to be wary of institutions that hold a large number of Ethereum chips, such as Grayscale. Once they start to act, they may have a significant impact on the market. Imagine what a storm it will be when these institutions start selling or buying Ethereum? The flow of gold coins will be as surging as a flood, making it difficult to cope with. I would like to remind everyone that when faced with good news, do not blindly follow the trend. Always keep a clear mind and do not be confused by short-term market fluctuations. At the same time, pay attention to risk management and do not open positions randomly because of a momentary impulse, otherwise the consequences may be disastrous. I am optimistic about the trend of Bitcoin (bread). I think it is expected to reach an astonishing height in the short term, but this is just a prediction. The market is unpredictable and still needs to be treated with caution. As for those altcoins, although some have rebounded, investors still need to choose carefully. Do not blindly chase the high-ranking currencies on the list of gains unless you have already ambushed at a low level in advance. On the contrary, looking for those currencies that are trading sideways at a low level may be more cost-effective and have more potential. If you have been losing money and don’t know what to do, join me in laying out a hundred-fold coin! Please see my introduction!! #以太坊ETF批准预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛
A new chapter of Ethereum is about to be unveiled, and the currency circle will set off an unprecedented wave! Today, the Ethereum field has ushered in a remarkable development-a new EFT project. This news is like a spark that quickly ignited the craze in the currency circle. Countless investors and enthusiasts are eager to try, ready to get a share of this feast, and look forward to harvesting a full "fruit of wealth". In this frenzy, we also need to remain calm and rational. Although good news is exciting, market trends are often unpredictable. When the EFT project is actually implemented, the market may fluctuate briefly or even form an attractive low. It's like a huge whirlpool is quietly forming in the turbulent sea, attracting countless brave sailors to come and explore. We also need to be wary of institutions that hold a large number of Ethereum chips, such as Grayscale. Once they start to act, they may have a significant impact on the market. Imagine what a storm it will be when these institutions start selling or buying Ethereum? The flow of gold coins will be as surging as a flood, making it difficult to cope with.

I would like to remind everyone that when faced with good news, do not blindly follow the trend. Always keep a clear mind and do not be confused by short-term market fluctuations. At the same time, pay attention to risk management and do not open positions randomly because of a momentary impulse, otherwise the consequences may be disastrous.

I am optimistic about the trend of Bitcoin (bread). I think it is expected to reach an astonishing height in the short term, but this is just a prediction. The market is unpredictable and still needs to be treated with caution.

As for those altcoins, although some have rebounded, investors still need to choose carefully. Do not blindly chase the high-ranking currencies on the list of gains unless you have already ambushed at a low level in advance. On the contrary, looking for those currencies that are trading sideways at a low level may be more cost-effective and have more potential.

If you have been losing money and don’t know what to do, join me in laying out a hundred-fold coin! Please see my introduction!! #以太坊ETF批准预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛
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ULTI has indeed started to rise in volume, because its price is at a low level and is about to fall below the upper price, so the probability of rising in this case is relatively high! Next, we need to pay attention to the key position of 0.05u above. Once it breaks through, it is expected to usher in a reversal. Friends who got on the train yesterday afternoon can now gain at least 50 points, which is very stable! Recently, the coins we have laid out have earned more than 50%. Selecting coins is our strong point, and making money is just a by-product. The password will be announced in my circle of good friends. Click on my avatar to see my information. Let's communicate together. #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #美国PCE数据将公布
ULTI has indeed started to rise in volume, because its price is at a low level and is about to fall below the upper price, so the probability of rising in this case is relatively high!

Next, we need to pay attention to the key position of 0.05u above. Once it breaks through, it is expected to usher in a reversal. Friends who got on the train yesterday afternoon can now gain at least 50 points, which is very stable!

Recently, the coins we have laid out have earned more than 50%.

Selecting coins is our strong point, and making money is just a by-product. The password will be announced in my circle of good friends. Click on my avatar to see my information. Let's communicate together. #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #美国PCE数据将公布
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For novices in short-term contract trading, steady operation is the key. Here are some trading tips and suggestions for novices to help you better grasp the opportunities of short-term trading in the digital currency market. First, regarding the choice of trading time, the market is often more active at night because it overlaps with the trading time of financial markets such as US stocks. Trading activities during this time period may be more frequent, providing short-term traders with more potential trading opportunities. Second, it is very important to stop profit in time after making a profit. Many novices often want to continue to expand their results after tasting the sweetness, but this greedy mentality is often accompanied by huge risks. In order to avoid unnecessary losses, it is recommended that you close your position in time to lock in profits after reaching the expected profit target. Third, the length of time you watch the market also directly affects your trading decisions. If you have enough time to observe market trends, you can adjust the stop loss and take profit points more flexibly. But if your time is limited, it is particularly important to set reasonable stop loss and take profit points, which can help you reduce potential losses caused by market fluctuations when you cannot watch the market. In the trading process, it is necessary to clarify the purpose of profit. After you have gained a certain amount of profit, it is recommended that you withdraw part of the funds or transfer them to the capital account to reduce the overall risk. At the same time, when you encounter continuous losses, you should learn to control your mentality and not blindly add investment. In terms of technical analysis, you can refer to the one-hour K-line chart to judge the market trend. When the market shows a clear upward or downward trend, you can make corresponding long or short operations based on these signals. When the market is sideways, you can check the K-line chart with a longer time period to assist in judging the future trend of the market. Finally, I would like to emphasize that the reasonable allocation of funds is the key to reducing risks. Don't invest all your funds in one currency or one trading direction, but diversify your investments and trade in multiple positions and directions. This can reduce the risk of a single investment and improve the stability of overall returns. #币安合约锦标赛 #MegadropLista #CryptoTradingGuide
For novices in short-term contract trading, steady operation is the key. Here are some trading tips and suggestions for novices to help you better grasp the opportunities of short-term trading in the digital currency market.

First, regarding the choice of trading time, the market is often more active at night because it overlaps with the trading time of financial markets such as US stocks. Trading activities during this time period may be more frequent, providing short-term traders with more potential trading opportunities.

Second, it is very important to stop profit in time after making a profit. Many novices often want to continue to expand their results after tasting the sweetness, but this greedy mentality is often accompanied by huge risks. In order to avoid unnecessary losses, it is recommended that you close your position in time to lock in profits after reaching the expected profit target.

Third, the length of time you watch the market also directly affects your trading decisions. If you have enough time to observe market trends, you can adjust the stop loss and take profit points more flexibly. But if your time is limited, it is particularly important to set reasonable stop loss and take profit points, which can help you reduce potential losses caused by market fluctuations when you cannot watch the market.

In the trading process, it is necessary to clarify the purpose of profit. After you have gained a certain amount of profit, it is recommended that you withdraw part of the funds or transfer them to the capital account to reduce the overall risk. At the same time, when you encounter continuous losses, you should learn to control your mentality and not blindly add investment.

In terms of technical analysis, you can refer to the one-hour K-line chart to judge the market trend. When the market shows a clear upward or downward trend, you can make corresponding long or short operations based on these signals. When the market is sideways, you can check the K-line chart with a longer time period to assist in judging the future trend of the market.

Finally, I would like to emphasize that the reasonable allocation of funds is the key to reducing risks. Don't invest all your funds in one currency or one trading direction, but diversify your investments and trade in multiple positions and directions. This can reduce the risk of a single investment and improve the stability of overall returns.
#币安合约锦标赛 #MegadropLista #CryptoTradingGuide
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Why are young people keen on investing in cryptocurrencies? Many young people seem to be enthusiastic about investing in cryptocurrencies, and the reason behind this is often misunderstood as a simple "get rich overnight" mentality. Indeed, the Internet is full of stories about quickly accumulating wealth through cryptocurrencies, buying cars and houses. However, these stories are often exaggerated or even false, and the reality behind them is far from that. In fact, the cryptocurrency market is extremely risky, and most investors face the risk of losing up to 99.99% of their principal, or even losing their principal completely. But why are there still people flocking to it, fantasizing about becoming the protagonist of the next myth of getting rich quickly? To a large extent, this is due to the fact that social media and the Internet are full of bragging and showing off. These stories are often aimed at attracting attention and exaggerating to attract more investors to the market to take over their so-called "success". These stories are difficult to distinguish between true and false, but the purpose behind them is clear: to induce others to enter the market and serve their own interests. True Investors who are successful in the cryptocurrency market do not frequently show off their wealth on social media. Especially in this era of great economic pressure, it is often unwise to show off wealth publicly. Therefore, for those who frequently post their orders and chicken soup stories on social media, their motives are often questionable. Investing in cryptocurrencies requires caution and rationality. Although there are indeed opportunities in this market, the risks are equally huge. Don't be fooled by superficial stories of showing off wealth, but make decisions through in-depth research and rational analysis. In the currency circle, if you don't know how to operate and are still confused, welcome to follow and check the introduction! This round of bull market will explode more 100x coins, and then I will announce the next 100x potential coin among 10,000 fans! It's better to grasp it than to guess blindly!
Why are young people keen on investing in cryptocurrencies?

Many young people seem to be enthusiastic about investing in cryptocurrencies, and the reason behind this is often misunderstood as a simple "get rich overnight" mentality. Indeed, the Internet is full of stories about quickly accumulating wealth through cryptocurrencies, buying cars and houses. However, these stories are often exaggerated or even false, and the reality behind them is far from that.

In fact, the cryptocurrency market is extremely risky, and most investors face the risk of losing up to 99.99% of their principal, or even losing their principal completely. But why are there still people flocking to it, fantasizing about becoming the protagonist of the next myth of getting rich quickly?

To a large extent, this is due to the fact that social media and the Internet are full of bragging and showing off. These stories are often aimed at attracting attention and exaggerating to attract more investors to the market to take over their so-called "success". These stories are difficult to distinguish between true and false, but the purpose behind them is clear: to induce others to enter the market and serve their own interests.

Investors who are successful in the cryptocurrency market do not frequently show off their wealth on social media. Especially in this era of great economic pressure, it is often unwise to show off wealth publicly. Therefore, for those who frequently post their orders and chicken soup stories on social media, their motives are often questionable.

Investing in cryptocurrencies requires caution and rationality. Although there are indeed opportunities in this market, the risks are equally huge. Don't be fooled by superficial stories of showing off wealth, but make decisions through in-depth research and rational analysis.

In the currency circle, if you don't know how to operate and are still confused, welcome to follow and check the introduction! This round of bull market will explode more 100x coins, and then I will announce the next 100x potential coin among 10,000 fans! It's better to grasp it than to guess blindly!
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Cryptocurrency trading strategy sharing1. Explore potential currencies Track recent strong currencies Look for currencies that have risen by more than 100% in the past two months. These currencies often show some specific signs before they start. We can compare it to the rules in real life: people or things that have performed well in the past are often more likely to continue to perform well in the future. Therefore, when investing, you may wish to include currencies that have performed strongly recently in your watch list. When screening, we prefer to choose those currencies with stable growth and steady performance. This is just like when selecting talents, we prefer to choose those with stable overall quality and continuous outstanding performance.

Cryptocurrency trading strategy sharing

1. Explore potential currencies
Track recent strong currencies
Look for currencies that have risen by more than 100% in the past two months. These currencies often show some specific signs before they start. We can compare it to the rules in real life: people or things that have performed well in the past are often more likely to continue to perform well in the future. Therefore, when investing, you may wish to include currencies that have performed strongly recently in your watch list.
When screening, we prefer to choose those currencies with stable growth and steady performance. This is just like when selecting talents, we prefer to choose those with stable overall quality and continuous outstanding performance.
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Analysis of ETH and L2 investment options 1. Historical market trends Although the number of L2 projects has increased, it can be seen from Figure 1 that the total fully diluted valuation (FDV) of L2 as a proportion of ETH has not increased significantly, but has shrunk. In addition, with the emergence of more L2, the TVL (total locked value) of the ETH system has not grown simultaneously, but has caused market fragmentation and insufficient liquidity. 2. Value evaluation and cost-effectiveness Currently, the total FDV of mainstream L2 tokens is approximately US$40 billion, and its annualized fees are as high as US$40 million, forming a valuation multiple of up to 1,000 times. This is in sharp contrast to the valuation multiples of DeFi protocols, which typically remain between 15-60x. In addition, although the implementation of EIP-4844 reduced Gas fees, it did not significantly increase the overall fee income. Currently, the cost of L2 has dropped to US$3 million to US$4 million per month, an exponential decrease compared with before. 3. Narrative changes in public chain ecology Although from a long-term perspective, L2 is likely to generate significant fee revenue, estimated at $150 million per year. However, in the current market environment, the block space between L2 and high-throughput chains (such as Sol, Sui, Apt, etc.) is not a scarce resource. The real limiting factor is how to attract application layer projects to use these resources. As a result, market trends in the coming years are likely to favor the application layer over the infrastructure layer. In the currency circle, if you don’t know how to operate and are still confused, please follow and view the introduction! This bull market will explode with more 100-fold coins. Next, I will announce the next 100-fold potential coin among tens of thousands of fans! Guessing is worse than being sure! #币安合约锦标赛
Analysis of ETH and L2 investment options

1. Historical market trends
Although the number of L2 projects has increased, it can be seen from Figure 1 that the total fully diluted valuation (FDV) of L2 as a proportion of ETH has not increased significantly, but has shrunk. In addition, with the emergence of more L2, the TVL (total locked value) of the ETH system has not grown simultaneously, but has caused market fragmentation and insufficient liquidity.

2. Value evaluation and cost-effectiveness
Currently, the total FDV of mainstream L2 tokens is approximately US$40 billion, and its annualized fees are as high as US$40 million, forming a valuation multiple of up to 1,000 times. This is in sharp contrast to the valuation multiples of DeFi protocols, which typically remain between 15-60x. In addition, although the implementation of EIP-4844 reduced Gas fees, it did not significantly increase the overall fee income. Currently, the cost of L2 has dropped to US$3 million to US$4 million per month, an exponential decrease compared with before.

3. Narrative changes in public chain ecology
Although from a long-term perspective, L2 is likely to generate significant fee revenue, estimated at $150 million per year. However, in the current market environment, the block space between L2 and high-throughput chains (such as Sol, Sui, Apt, etc.) is not a scarce resource. The real limiting factor is how to attract application layer projects to use these resources. As a result, market trends in the coming years are likely to favor the application layer over the infrastructure layer.

In the currency circle, if you don’t know how to operate and are still confused, please follow and view the introduction! This bull market will explode with more 100-fold coins. Next, I will announce the next 100-fold potential coin among tens of thousands of fans! Guessing is worse than being sure! #币安合约锦标赛
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The so-called "strategy" in the market is actually a carefully designed game. When the public chooses to hold their coins and wait and see, and is unwilling to enter the market easily, the market manipulators will slowly and gradually increase the price, as steady as a snail, until the increase is attractive, making people excited and eager to try. At this moment, the market sentiment was quietly awakened, and the activity instantly rose, just like water heated to boiling, people could not hold themselves back, rushed in, and competed to buy. But just as the public was immersed in the frenzy of buying, an unpredictable storm was quietly brewing. In just a few days, the market direction suddenly changed, and the fierce downward action came unexpectedly, catching people off guard. In the face of such a market strategy, only by learning to think in reverse can you gain a firm foothold. In the currency circle, experienced investors are well aware of the unpredictable market. They know how to stay calm and have insight into opportunities, so that they can win in this currency circle full of variables. In the currency circle, if you don’t know how to operate and are still confused, welcome to follow and check the introduction! This round of bull market will see more 100x coins appear. I will announce the next 100x potential coin among my 10,000 followers! It’s better to seize the opportunity than to guess blindly!
The so-called "strategy" in the market is actually a carefully designed game.

When the public chooses to hold their coins and wait and see, and is unwilling to enter the market easily, the market manipulators will slowly and gradually increase the price, as steady as a snail, until the increase is attractive, making people excited and eager to try.

At this moment, the market sentiment was quietly awakened, and the activity instantly rose, just like water heated to boiling, people could not hold themselves back, rushed in, and competed to buy.

But just as the public was immersed in the frenzy of buying, an unpredictable storm was quietly brewing. In just a few days, the market direction suddenly changed, and the fierce downward action came unexpectedly, catching people off guard.

In the face of such a market strategy, only by learning to think in reverse can you gain a firm foothold.

In the currency circle, experienced investors are well aware of the unpredictable market. They know how to stay calm and have insight into opportunities, so that they can win in this currency circle full of variables.

In the currency circle, if you don’t know how to operate and are still confused, welcome to follow and check the introduction! This round of bull market will see more 100x coins appear. I will announce the next 100x potential coin among my 10,000 followers! It’s better to seize the opportunity than to guess blindly!
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The so-called "strategy" in the market is actually a carefully designed game. When the public chooses to hold their coins and wait and see, and is unwilling to enter the market easily, the market manipulators will slowly and gradually increase the price, as steady as a snail, until the increase is attractive, making people excited and eager to try. At this moment, the market sentiment was quietly awakened, and the activity instantly rose, just like water heated to boiling, people could not hold themselves back, rushed in, and competed to buy. But just as the public was immersed in the frenzy of buying, an unpredictable storm was quietly brewing. In just a few days, the market direction suddenly changed, and the fierce downward action came unexpectedly, catching people off guard. In the face of such a market strategy, only by learning to think in reverse can you gain a firm foothold. In the currency circle, experienced investors are well aware of the unpredictable market. They know how to stay calm and have insight into opportunities, so that they can win in this currency circle full of variables. In the currency circle, if you don’t know how to operate and are still confused, welcome to follow and check the introduction! This round of bull market will see more 100x coins appear. I will announce the next 100x potential coin among my 10,000 followers! It’s better to seize the opportunity than to guess blindly!
The so-called "strategy" in the market is actually a carefully designed game.

When the public chooses to hold their coins and wait and see, and is unwilling to enter the market easily, the market manipulators will slowly and gradually increase the price, as steady as a snail, until the increase is attractive, making people excited and eager to try.

At this moment, the market sentiment was quietly awakened, and the activity instantly rose, just like water heated to boiling, people could not hold themselves back, rushed in, and competed to buy.

But just as the public was immersed in the frenzy of buying, an unpredictable storm was quietly brewing. In just a few days, the market direction suddenly changed, and the fierce downward action came unexpectedly, catching people off guard.

In the face of such a market strategy, only by learning to think in reverse can you gain a firm foothold.

In the currency circle, experienced investors are well aware of the unpredictable market. They know how to stay calm and have insight into opportunities, so that they can win in this currency circle full of variables.

In the currency circle, if you don’t know how to operate and are still confused, welcome to follow and check the introduction! This round of bull market will see more 100x coins appear. I will announce the next 100x potential coin among my 10,000 followers! It’s better to seize the opportunity than to guess blindly!
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Analysis of retail investor mentality The mentality of retail investors often presents some commonality. When market sentiment is high, the main institutions only need to guide slightly and absorb chips at key positions, and retail investors will actively follow and jointly push the price to the level expected by the main institutions. Subsequently, the main institutions can easily release the chips in their hands at high levels. When market sentiment is extremely active, most investors will be infected by the enthusiasm of the market, causing the market to be over-enthusiastic, so there will be frequent high prices, and these highs will often be refreshed again and again. After a long period of rise, a sudden plunge will cause the entire market to fall into a brief silence, just like being suddenly poured with cold water in a hot environment. At this time, the market will be filled with a panic atmosphere, and retail investors will be worried that their losses will be further expanded, so they will rush to sell their chips, causing the market price to continue to fall. In the currency circle, if you don’t know how to operate and are still confused, welcome to follow and check the introduction! This round of bull market will explode more 100-fold coins. Next, I will announce the next 100-fold potential coin among 10,000 fans! It’s better to grasp it than to guess blindly!
Analysis of retail investor mentality

The mentality of retail investors often presents some commonality. When market sentiment is high, the main institutions only need to guide slightly and absorb chips at key positions, and retail investors will actively follow and jointly push the price to the level expected by the main institutions. Subsequently, the main institutions can easily release the chips in their hands at high levels.

When market sentiment is extremely active, most investors will be infected by the enthusiasm of the market, causing the market to be over-enthusiastic, so there will be frequent high prices, and these highs will often be refreshed again and again.

After a long period of rise, a sudden plunge will cause the entire market to fall into a brief silence, just like being suddenly poured with cold water in a hot environment. At this time, the market will be filled with a panic atmosphere, and retail investors will be worried that their losses will be further expanded, so they will rush to sell their chips, causing the market price to continue to fall.

In the currency circle, if you don’t know how to operate and are still confused, welcome to follow and check the introduction! This round of bull market will explode more 100-fold coins. Next, I will announce the next 100-fold potential coin among 10,000 fans! It’s better to grasp it than to guess blindly!
See original
Analysis of retail investor mentality The mentality of retail investors often presents some commonality. When market sentiment is high, the main institutions only need to guide slightly and absorb chips at key positions, and retail investors will actively follow and jointly push the price to the level expected by the main institutions. Subsequently, the main institutions can easily release the chips in their hands at high levels. When market sentiment is extremely active, most investors will be infected by the enthusiasm of the market, causing the market to be over-enthusiastic, so there will be frequent high prices, and these highs will often be refreshed again and again. After a long period of rise, a sudden plunge will cause the entire market to fall into a brief silence, just like being suddenly poured with cold water in a hot environment. At this time, the market will be filled with a panic atmosphere, and retail investors will be worried that their losses will be further expanded, so they will rush to sell their chips, causing the market price to continue to fall. In the currency circle, if you don’t know how to operate and are still confused, welcome to follow and check the introduction! This round of bull market will explode more 100-fold coins. Next, I will announce the next 100-fold potential coin among 10,000 fans! It’s better to grasp it than to guess blindly!
Analysis of retail investor mentality

The mentality of retail investors often presents some commonality. When market sentiment is high, the main institutions only need to guide slightly and absorb chips at key positions, and retail investors will actively follow and jointly push the price to the level expected by the main institutions. Subsequently, the main institutions can easily release the chips in their hands at high levels.

When market sentiment is extremely active, most investors will be infected by the enthusiasm of the market, causing the market to be over-enthusiastic, so there will be frequent high prices, and these highs will often be refreshed again and again.

After a long period of rise, a sudden plunge will cause the entire market to fall into a brief silence, just like being suddenly poured with cold water in a hot environment. At this time, the market will be filled with a panic atmosphere, and retail investors will be worried that their losses will be further expanded, so they will rush to sell their chips, causing the market price to continue to fall.

In the currency circle, if you don’t know how to operate and are still confused, welcome to follow and check the introduction! This round of bull market will explode more 100-fold coins. Next, I will announce the next 100-fold potential coin among 10,000 fans! It’s better to grasp it than to guess blindly!
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When you notice a danger signal, don't argue with it, and wisely choose to avoid it. After a few days, if the situation seems stable, return. This will not only avoid unnecessary trouble, but also save costs. Do you understand? A wise man will not put himself in danger! If you know that the market is being washed and the risks are obvious, but you still insist on trading, or frequently ask others how to operate, this is unwise. Please remember this principle: In the market shock, minimize losses; in a clear trend, try to maximize profits. Losses in trading are normal, but what is really terrible is that your profits cannot make up for these losses. In the currency circle, if you don’t know how to operate and are still confused, welcome to follow and check the introduction! This round of bull market will explode more 100-fold coins. Next, I will announce the next 100-fold potential coin among 10,000 fans! It’s better to grasp it than to guess blindly! #币安合约锦标赛
When you notice a danger signal, don't argue with it, and wisely choose to avoid it.

After a few days, if the situation seems stable, return. This will not only avoid unnecessary trouble, but also save costs. Do you understand?

A wise man will not put himself in danger!

If you know that the market is being washed and the risks are obvious, but you still insist on trading, or frequently ask others how to operate, this is unwise.

Please remember this principle:

In the market shock, minimize losses; in a clear trend, try to maximize profits. Losses in trading are normal, but what is really terrible is that your profits cannot make up for these losses.

In the currency circle, if you don’t know how to operate and are still confused, welcome to follow and check the introduction! This round of bull market will explode more 100-fold coins. Next, I will announce the next 100-fold potential coin among 10,000 fans! It’s better to grasp it than to guess blindly! #币安合约锦标赛
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For adults, retreat is not easy. In this complex world, making money is often the only way for us to stand up straight. Even if there is no bowl of hot porridge in the morning and no warmth of the lights at home, we must be responsible for our own lives. The hardships and fatigue of life are actually only part of the journey of life. But what really makes adults feel collapsed is often the lack of funds. Without money, it is like losing the support of life. When the challenges of life come, we may find ourselves unable to resist. All life setbacks, in the final analysis, are often related to money. But please remember that as long as there is tomorrow, today is a new starting point. No matter how many difficulties we encounter, we should stick to it and keep fighting for our lives. In the currency circle, if you don’t know how to operate and are still confused, welcome to follow and check the introduction! This round of bull market will explode more hundred-fold coins. Next, I will announce the next hundred-fold potential coin among 10,000 fans! It’s better to grasp it than to guess blindly!
For adults, retreat is not easy. In this complex world, making money is often the only way for us to stand up straight. Even if there is no bowl of hot porridge in the morning and no warmth of the lights at home, we must be responsible for our own lives.

The hardships and fatigue of life are actually only part of the journey of life. But what really makes adults feel collapsed is often the lack of funds. Without money, it is like losing the support of life. When the challenges of life come, we may find ourselves unable to resist.

All life setbacks, in the final analysis, are often related to money. But please remember that as long as there is tomorrow, today is a new starting point. No matter how many difficulties we encounter, we should stick to it and keep fighting for our lives.

In the currency circle, if you don’t know how to operate and are still confused, welcome to follow and check the introduction! This round of bull market will explode more hundred-fold coins. Next, I will announce the next hundred-fold potential coin among 10,000 fans! It’s better to grasp it than to guess blindly!
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During the period from July to September, a series of important events are worth our in-depth understanding. First, the Yitai spot ETF is expected to start trading, and this milestone event will undoubtedly bring new upward momentum to the price of $ETH. The timetable for the Fed's interest rate cut in September has attracted much attention. The implementation of the interest rate cut policy will release more market liquidity, which is expected to bring prosperity to the altcoin market and provide more opportunities for investors. The implementation of Layer0 and Eigen is also an important node in the development of blockchain technology. The advancement of these two technologies will bring revolutionary progress to blockchain technology and provide more solid support for the development of altcoins. CZ's release from prison may also become a major highlight of the market. His return may inject new vitality and momentum into the market, attracting widespread attention and expectations from the market. The events during this period will provide investors with rich opportunities and challenges, which are worth our attention and participation. In the currency circle, if you don't know how to operate and are still confused, welcome to follow and check the introduction! This round of bull market will explode more 100-fold coins. Next, I will announce the next 100-fold potential coin among 10,000 fans! It's better to grasp it than to guess blindly!
During the period from July to September, a series of important events are worth our in-depth understanding.
First, the Yitai spot ETF is expected to start trading, and this milestone event will undoubtedly bring new upward momentum to the price of $ETH.

The timetable for the Fed's interest rate cut in September has attracted much attention. The implementation of the interest rate cut policy will release more market liquidity, which is expected to bring prosperity to the altcoin market and provide more opportunities for investors.

The implementation of Layer0 and Eigen is also an important node in the development of blockchain technology. The advancement of these two technologies will bring revolutionary progress to blockchain technology and provide more solid support for the development of altcoins.

CZ's release from prison may also become a major highlight of the market. His return may inject new vitality and momentum into the market, attracting widespread attention and expectations from the market.

The events during this period will provide investors with rich opportunities and challenges, which are worth our attention and participation.

In the currency circle, if you don't know how to operate and are still confused, welcome to follow and check the introduction! This round of bull market will explode more 100-fold coins. Next, I will announce the next 100-fold potential coin among 10,000 fans! It's better to grasp it than to guess blindly!
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