Analysis of retail investor mentality

The mentality of retail investors often presents some commonality. When market sentiment is high, the main institutions only need to guide slightly and absorb chips at key positions, and retail investors will actively follow and jointly push the price to the level expected by the main institutions. Subsequently, the main institutions can easily release the chips in their hands at high levels.

When market sentiment is extremely active, most investors will be infected by the enthusiasm of the market, causing the market to be over-enthusiastic, so there will be frequent high prices, and these highs will often be refreshed again and again.

After a long period of rise, a sudden plunge will cause the entire market to fall into a brief silence, just like being suddenly poured with cold water in a hot environment. At this time, the market will be filled with a panic atmosphere, and retail investors will be worried that their losses will be further expanded, so they will rush to sell their chips, causing the market price to continue to fall.

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