Gate is in trouble again

Recently, some fans reported that when withdrawing money from Gate Exchange, they encountered various false reasons for official rejection of withdrawal. This may include account risk, anti-money laundering agreement and other requirements, which prevented users from withdrawing money smoothly.

Gate Exchange may use the coins recharged by users to maliciously smash the market on other exchanges, and then release them to users at a low price. This behavior is suspected of manipulating the market and harming the interests of users.

When the price of some projects is high, users may encounter obstruction from Gate Exchange when trying to withdraw coins, such as claiming that the account is at risk and requiring users to sign an anti-money laundering agreement. This process may last for several days, causing users' coins to be stuck all the time.

Gate Exchange may deliberately block users' high-level withdrawal requests, accumulate a certain amount of coins, and then smash the market on other exchanges to affect the market price. Subsequently, the coins will be released to users at a low price, further harming the interests of users.

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