In digital currency trading, there are some taboo behaviors that must be vigilant. Once violated, it may lead to a significant shrinkage of assets or even zero. The following are the risk points:

1. Contract trading does not set a risk defense line: When participating in high-risk contract trading, be sure to set a stop loss point. Not setting a stop loss can easily lead to uncontrollable losses and may even face the risk of liquidation.

2. Eager to withdraw after making a profit: When making a profit in the market, you should not rush to withdraw cash, but should plan funds reasonably according to market conditions to avoid missing greater profit opportunities.

3. Easily leave the market in a big market: When the market fluctuates greatly, if you choose to leave the market after only making a small profit, you may miss the subsequent larger gains.

4. Go against the market and insist on resisting orders: When the market trend is obvious, you should not go against the trend. Insisting on resisting orders will only increase the risk of losses. You should learn to follow the market trend and adjust your strategy in time.

5. Seek a quick rebound in a plunge: When the market price plummets, don't be lucky and try to make a quick profit by grabbing a rebound or bottoming out. This approach is often prone to greater losses.

6. Blindly touch the top and short when the price soars: When the market price soars, you should not blindly touch the top and short, because the market may continue to rise, resulting in short failure and losses. You should decide whether to short based on market conditions and your own strategy.

In the currency circle, you need to stay calm and rational and avoid violating these taboos to ensure the safety and steady appreciation of your assets.

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