When you notice a danger signal, don't argue with it, and wisely choose to avoid it.

After a few days, if the situation seems stable, return. This will not only avoid unnecessary trouble, but also save costs. Do you understand?

A wise man will not put himself in danger!

If you know that the market is being washed and the risks are obvious, but you still insist on trading, or frequently ask others how to operate, this is unwise.

Please remember this principle:

In the market shock, minimize losses; in a clear trend, try to maximize profits. Losses in trading are normal, but what is really terrible is that your profits cannot make up for these losses.

In the currency circle, if you don’t know how to operate and are still confused, welcome to follow and check the introduction! This round of bull market will explode more 100-fold coins. Next, I will announce the next 100-fold potential coin among 10,000 fans! It’s better to grasp it than to guess blindly! #币安合约锦标赛