A new chapter of Ethereum is about to be unveiled, and the currency circle will set off an unprecedented wave! Today, the Ethereum field has ushered in a remarkable development-a new EFT project. This news is like a spark that quickly ignited the craze in the currency circle. Countless investors and enthusiasts are eager to try, ready to get a share of this feast, and look forward to harvesting a full "fruit of wealth". In this frenzy, we also need to remain calm and rational. Although good news is exciting, market trends are often unpredictable. When the EFT project is actually implemented, the market may fluctuate briefly or even form an attractive low. It's like a huge whirlpool is quietly forming in the turbulent sea, attracting countless brave sailors to come and explore. We also need to be wary of institutions that hold a large number of Ethereum chips, such as Grayscale. Once they start to act, they may have a significant impact on the market. Imagine what a storm it will be when these institutions start selling or buying Ethereum? The flow of gold coins will be as surging as a flood, making it difficult to cope with.

I would like to remind everyone that when faced with good news, do not blindly follow the trend. Always keep a clear mind and do not be confused by short-term market fluctuations. At the same time, pay attention to risk management and do not open positions randomly because of a momentary impulse, otherwise the consequences may be disastrous.

I am optimistic about the trend of Bitcoin (bread). I think it is expected to reach an astonishing height in the short term, but this is just a prediction. The market is unpredictable and still needs to be treated with caution.

As for those altcoins, although some have rebounded, investors still need to choose carefully. Do not blindly chase the high-ranking currencies on the list of gains unless you have already ambushed at a low level in advance. On the contrary, looking for those currencies that are trading sideways at a low level may be more cost-effective and have more potential.

If you have been losing money and don’t know what to do, join me in laying out a hundred-fold coin! Please see my introduction!! #以太坊ETF批准预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛