1. Explore potential currencies

Track recent strong currencies

Look for currencies that have risen by more than 100% in the past two months. These currencies often show some specific signs before they start. We can compare it to the rules in real life: people or things that have performed well in the past are often more likely to continue to perform well in the future. Therefore, when investing, you may wish to include currencies that have performed strongly recently in your watch list.

When screening, we prefer to choose those currencies with stable growth and steady performance. This is just like when selecting talents, we prefer to choose those with stable overall quality and continuous outstanding performance.

Watch out for all-time highs and mature coins

Don't hesitate just because the price of a coin has hit a new high. You should know that any coin that has a big rise starts with a small increase. Those coins that can grow significantly often hit a new historical high at some stage. This is not blindly following the trend, but a keen insight into market trends.

2. Wait for the market to adjust

In the investment process, it is very important to patiently wait for the mid-term adjustment of the market. Here, "mid-term adjustment" refers to the market's shock or correction for at least two months after a period of rise.

Why wait so long? This is because the market needs time to digest the previous gains, allowing overly excited investors to calm down, while also allowing investors with larger profits to change hands, thereby injecting new vitality into the market. This strategy helps stabilize the market and integrate investors' thinking and strength.

Of course, for some particularly strong currencies, the adjustment time may be relatively short, perhaps only about two weeks. These particularly strong currencies tend to achieve a sharp rise in a short period of time.

3. Capture the resonance signals of the market and sectors

When the market mid-term adjustment meets the requirements, it does not mean that we can enter the market immediately. At this time, we need to further observe the resonance of the overall market and specific sectors. The following are some signals worth paying attention to:

The medium and long Yang line with large volume starts

When a market or sector shows a medium-long positive line with large volume, it is often a positive signal. It indicates that the market or sector has broken through the previous resistance level and started to enter a new rising stage.

Shrinking volume and narrow range fluctuation

After a long-term positive line with large volume, if the market or sector shows a narrow range of fluctuations with reduced volume, this is also a signal worthy of attention. It indicates that the market or sector has gone through a period of digestion and consolidation, the differences between investors are gradually decreasing, and the market is about to enter a new rising stage.

After capturing these signals, we can choose the appropriate time to enter the market based on our own investment strategy and risk tolerance.

In the cryptocurrency circle, if you don’t know how to operate and are still confused, welcome to follow and check out the introduction! This round of bull market will see more 100x coins. Next, I will announce the next 100x potential coin among 10,000 fans! It’s better to grasp it than to guess blindly!