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Brother Peng has taken a unique approach and created the "Trend Rolling Strategy". This unique strategy helped a classmate double his investment from 70,000R to an astonishing 1.5 millionR in just one month! In Binance, we will share the trend of the market from time to time, analyze the trend of the market in depth, and reveal the potential of the currency opportunities, so that more people can grasp the pulse of the market and realize the rapid appreciation of wealth. Buddhist follow-up plan WeChat: BNBC 2024️⃣
Brother Peng has taken a unique approach and created the "Trend Rolling Strategy". This unique strategy helped a classmate double his investment from 70,000R to an astonishing 1.5 millionR in just one month!

In Binance, we will share the trend of the market from time to time, analyze the trend of the market in depth, and reveal the potential of the currency opportunities, so that more people can grasp the pulse of the market and realize the rapid appreciation of wealth.

Buddhist follow-up plan WeChat: BNBC 2024️⃣
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Face the reality! The weak trend of the persimmon market has continued, and the bullish power has been repeatedly weakened. Don't be stubborn! If you fail to change your mindset in time, you may repeat the same mistakes and fall into an irreversible situation! There is still a chance to turn around. Dapeng has always been here, but the position is not always waiting for you here! #BTC走勢分析 #ETH投资
Face the reality! The weak trend of the persimmon market has continued, and the bullish power has been repeatedly weakened. Don't be stubborn!

If you fail to change your mindset in time, you may repeat the same mistakes and fall into an irreversible situation!

There is still a chance to turn around. Dapeng has always been here, but the position is not always waiting for you here! #BTC走勢分析 #ETH投资
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Currently, Kakiba is experiencing a long-lasting shock, with only a hundred points of room for fluctuations, but its subtle changes are enough to test our patience. From a structural point of view, the market is still weak. From the hourly chart analysis, it is still hovering within the concussive range. In the afternoon, the momentum of the bulls weakened significantly, and the above-water shrinkage of the MACD histogram indicated that it was about to turn underwater, further weakening the power of the bulls. Combined with the four-hour chart, it is not difficult to find that the current structure of the market is still in a downward channel. Therefore, we will stick to the high-altitude strategy tonight and wait for further guidance from Kakiba. On the road of struggle, courage is an indispensable force, while laziness always easily finds a haven. The range from 65000 to 65500 is empty, look down to 63000; the range from Ether 3535 to 3560 is empty, look down to 3430. #CryptoTradingGuide #BTC走勢分析 #ETH投资
Currently, Kakiba is experiencing a long-lasting shock, with only a hundred points of room for fluctuations, but its subtle changes are enough to test our patience. From a structural point of view, the market is still weak.

From the hourly chart analysis, it is still hovering within the concussive range. In the afternoon, the momentum of the bulls weakened significantly, and the above-water shrinkage of the MACD histogram indicated that it was about to turn underwater, further weakening the power of the bulls.

Combined with the four-hour chart, it is not difficult to find that the current structure of the market is still in a downward channel. Therefore, we will stick to the high-altitude strategy tonight and wait for further guidance from Kakiba.

On the road of struggle, courage is an indispensable force, while laziness always easily finds a haven.

The range from 65000 to 65500 is empty, look down to 63000; the range from Ether 3535 to 3560 is empty, look down to 3430. #CryptoTradingGuide #BTC走勢分析 #ETH投资
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I will teach you how to accurately capture the short-selling signal in the K-line chart First, we must understand that the short-selling signal usually appears when the persimmon market is in a downward trend. When the price on the K-line chart continues to fall, accompanied by an increase in trading volume, it may mean that the short-selling force is strengthening and the persimmon market is about to usher in a larger decline. I will tell you a formula and you will know! Figure 1, three yangs are not more than yin, the short-selling situation is fierce. Figure 2, two yins are sandwiched between one yang, and the short-selling power is strong. Figure 3, one yin swallows three yangs, and there is no discussion about short-selling. Figure 4, big yin double cannon, the persimmon market is in a strong decline. BTC, ETH.
I will teach you how to accurately capture the short-selling signal in the K-line chart

First, we must understand that the short-selling signal usually appears when the persimmon market is in a downward trend. When the price on the K-line chart continues to fall, accompanied by an increase in trading volume, it may mean that the short-selling force is strengthening and the persimmon market is about to usher in a larger decline. I will tell you a formula and you will know!

Figure 1, three yangs are not more than yin, the short-selling situation is fierce. Figure 2, two yins are sandwiched between one yang, and the short-selling power is strong. Figure 3, one yin swallows three yangs, and there is no discussion about short-selling.

Figure 4, big yin double cannon, the persimmon market is in a strong decline. BTC, ETH.
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Cake, yesterday it suddenly dropped from around 66500 to 64500, and ether also quickly plunged from 3560 to 3500. This trend is completely in line with our previous expected analysis, which is absolutely correct! Perhaps everyone has noticed that in the past two days, the trend of the persimmon market seems to have failed to break through the range of 64000 to 66500 mentioned by Dapeng, as if it was bound by an invisible force, which seemed both strong and resilient. Faced with such a persimmon market. On Friday, we might as well make precise steps around this range again, high-altitude and low-long, and operate flexibly to capture more opportunities! Long around 64000, look up to around 66000; then short around 66000, look down to around 64000. Ether enters and exits the market synchronously. If this rule is broken, we will make flexible adjustments! #币安HODLer空投 #ETH投资
Cake, yesterday it suddenly dropped from around 66500 to 64500, and ether also quickly plunged from 3560 to 3500. This trend is completely in line with our previous expected analysis, which is absolutely correct!

Perhaps everyone has noticed that in the past two days, the trend of the persimmon market seems to have failed to break through the range of 64000 to 66500 mentioned by Dapeng, as if it was bound by an invisible force, which seemed both strong and resilient. Faced with such a persimmon market.

On Friday, we might as well make precise steps around this range again, high-altitude and low-long, and operate flexibly to capture more opportunities!

Long around 64000, look up to around 66000; then short around 66000, look down to around 64000. Ether enters and exits the market synchronously. If this rule is broken, we will make flexible adjustments! #币安HODLer空投 #ETH投资
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Oscillation requires superb technology, while breakthroughs rely on keen sense of the market. I feel that this sentence is very convincing and impeccable! Recently, Dapeng has been looking at and chasing shorts, and has successfully captured the space of shorts. The big cake has successfully dived to around 64,600, and the ether has also steadily fallen to 3,500. In my opinion, the current decline has been clearly confirmed, indicating that the persimmon field will continue to look for a breakthrough downward! #BTC翻倍之路 #ETH投资
Oscillation requires superb technology, while breakthroughs rely on keen sense of the market. I feel that this sentence is very convincing and impeccable!

Recently, Dapeng has been looking at and chasing shorts, and has successfully captured the space of shorts. The big cake has successfully dived to around 64,600, and the ether has also steadily fallen to 3,500.

In my opinion, the current decline has been clearly confirmed, indicating that the persimmon field will continue to look for a breakthrough downward! #BTC翻倍之路 #ETH投资
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In the transaction, you must follow the trend of the persimmon market! Many times, it is your stubborn character that makes you make mistakes. At present, the short-selling force in the persimmon market is strong, but you insist on going against the trend and trying to buy at the bottom. However, the bottom depth of the persimmon market is often beyond our imagination. At this time, we should adopt the strategy of trading with the trend that I proposed. At any position in the early trading, boldly chase the short position. Once it falls below 64,000, the next target is 63,000! #BTC走勢分析 #ETH大涨
In the transaction, you must follow the trend of the persimmon market! Many times, it is your stubborn character that makes you make mistakes. At present, the short-selling force in the persimmon market is strong, but you insist on going against the trend and trying to buy at the bottom.

However, the bottom depth of the persimmon market is often beyond our imagination. At this time, we should adopt the strategy of trading with the trend that I proposed. At any position in the early trading, boldly chase the short position. Once it falls below 64,000, the next target is 63,000! #BTC走勢分析 #ETH大涨
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As expected, the trend of air traffic showed a downward trend. Bitcoin fell from 65,500 to around 64,800, while Ethereum fell from around 3,560 to 3,510. Overall, there is a certain need for adjustment. 64,000 must be seen tonight! #BTC走勢分析 #ETH大涨
As expected, the trend of air traffic showed a downward trend.

Bitcoin fell from 65,500 to around 64,800, while Ethereum fell from around 3,560 to 3,510.

Overall, there is a certain need for adjustment. 64,000 must be seen tonight! #BTC走勢分析 #ETH大涨
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Bitcoin once rose to 65700 in the morning, and then began to show a weak trend. This fully shows that this resistance is strong. Students who shorted near here in the morning can continue to hold! Bitcoin is short near 65500, looking down to 64000 to 64500, and Ethereum can be entered and exited simultaneously! #BTC走勢分析 #ETH大涨
Bitcoin once rose to 65700 in the morning, and then began to show a weak trend. This fully shows that this resistance is strong. Students who shorted near here in the morning can continue to hold!

Bitcoin is short near 65500, looking down to 64000 to 64500, and Ethereum can be entered and exited simultaneously! #BTC走勢分析 #ETH大涨
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Is it so easy to get rich now? I just saw a post from a netizen saying that in 2004, when the share price of Moutai was 35 yuan, he bought 12,000 shares and has held them until now. His share capital has risen to about 38,333, and now there are dividends every year. This year's dividends are 550,000, and last year's dividends are more than 380,000. At present, the share price of Moutai has risen to 2,000+. After calculation, plus the dividends of hundreds of thousands every year, his assets are indeed more than 35 million. From the cost of 420,000 to more than 35 million now, this rate of return is really mouth-watering. I suddenly feel that I am too short-sighted. Even playing with Bitcoin can have such a rate of return. I remember that a few years ago, a friend recommended me to play Bitcoin. If I bought it for tens of thousands of yuan at that time, how much would it be now? Maybe this is fate. Even if I bought it at that time, I would have sold it a long time ago if it rose a little. Most people can't hold it. What do you think? #BTC走勢分析 #ETH大涨
Is it so easy to get rich now? I just saw a post from a netizen saying that in 2004, when the share price of Moutai was 35 yuan, he bought 12,000 shares and has held them until now. His share capital has risen to about 38,333, and now there are dividends every year. This year's dividends are 550,000, and last year's dividends are more than 380,000.

At present, the share price of Moutai has risen to 2,000+. After calculation, plus the dividends of hundreds of thousands every year, his assets are indeed more than 35 million. From the cost of 420,000 to more than 35 million now, this rate of return is really mouth-watering. I suddenly feel that I am too short-sighted. Even playing with Bitcoin can have such a rate of return.

I remember that a few years ago, a friend recommended me to play Bitcoin. If I bought it for tens of thousands of yuan at that time, how much would it be now? Maybe this is fate. Even if I bought it at that time, I would have sold it a long time ago if it rose a little. Most people can't hold it. What do you think? #BTC走勢分析 #ETH大涨
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As expected, Bitcoin continued to fluctuate in a weak trend during the day. It plunged first in the morning session. Although it rebounded, it only rebounded to around 65850. It fell again in the US session, breaking the support of 65000 and falling to around 64000. The short-term market has clearly shown a weak state and is stronger than expected. According to the 1- and 4-hour chart structures, after breaking 64000, the short-term market is still likely to continue to retrace. The support near 64000 can be paid attention to first. Today, the main idea can be to go long first and then go short when the opportunity arises. As long as the upper side is tested near 66500, you can intervene in the short position with a light position, with a defense of 67100, and the target is 65000.#BTC走勢分析 #ETH大涨
As expected, Bitcoin continued to fluctuate in a weak trend during the day. It plunged first in the morning session. Although it rebounded, it only rebounded to around 65850. It fell again in the US session, breaking the support of 65000 and falling to around 64000. The short-term market has clearly shown a weak state and is stronger than expected.

According to the 1- and 4-hour chart structures, after breaking 64000, the short-term market is still likely to continue to retrace. The support near 64000 can be paid attention to first. Today, the main idea can be to go long first and then go short when the opportunity arises.

As long as the upper side is tested near 66500, you can intervene in the short position with a light position, with a defense of 67100, and the target is 65000.#BTC走勢分析 #ETH大涨
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The so-called black swan events of 312 in 2020 and 519 in 2021 represent the violent market fluctuations caused by the epidemic and policy factors, respectively. The 312 incident caused panic selling around the world due to the impact of the epidemic, which was far more ferocious than the 519 incident. The market fell sharply on the same day, and the stock price was almost halved, which shows its far-reaching impact. The 519 incident was triggered by policy factors, and the main funds took the opportunity to sell, resulting in a continuous decline in the market. Although the decline was also large, compared with the 312 incident, the decline on that day was not deep, only about 30%. If we refer to the trend of the 312 incident to predict future market trends, similar large fluctuations may occur. In just a few days, the market may quickly climb to 60,000, and then quickly fall to 45,000, or even lower to 40,000. Such violent fluctuations will undoubtedly bring huge challenges and opportunities to investors. Therefore, for investors, it is necessary to pay close attention to market dynamics and reasonably allocate assets to cope with possible risks. At the same time, we also need to remain calm and rational, not be affected by short-term market fluctuations, adhere to the concept of long-term investment, and steadily grasp market opportunities. #BTC#ETH
The so-called black swan events of 312 in 2020 and 519 in 2021 represent the violent market fluctuations caused by the epidemic and policy factors, respectively. The 312 incident caused panic selling around the world due to the impact of the epidemic, which was far more ferocious than the 519 incident. The market fell sharply on the same day, and the stock price was almost halved, which shows its far-reaching impact.

The 519 incident was triggered by policy factors, and the main funds took the opportunity to sell, resulting in a continuous decline in the market. Although the decline was also large, compared with the 312 incident, the decline on that day was not deep, only about 30%.

If we refer to the trend of the 312 incident to predict future market trends, similar large fluctuations may occur. In just a few days, the market may quickly climb to 60,000, and then quickly fall to 45,000, or even lower to 40,000. Such violent fluctuations will undoubtedly bring huge challenges and opportunities to investors.

Therefore, for investors, it is necessary to pay close attention to market dynamics and reasonably allocate assets to cope with possible risks. At the same time, we also need to remain calm and rational, not be affected by short-term market fluctuations, adhere to the concept of long-term investment, and steadily grasp market opportunities. #BTC#ETH
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Recently, the number of Dapeng strategy posts has indeed decreased, and the number of in-depth analysis and forward-looking forecasts of the persimmon market has also decreased slightly. This is mainly because I have devoted more time to the guidance of Shi Panzhong, and am committed to helping students achieve a doubling of purple production. In order to make up for this shortcoming, I decided to post blogs at a fixed time from now on, and publish the precise strategy analysis of "BTC and ETH" as soon as possible before 8 am every day. For this trend analysis every day, I will give a clear interval position for students to refer to, so as to help everyone better grasp the pulse of the persimmon market. In addition, today Dapeng specially provides three places to grasp the opportunities of the band and mid-line, aiming to further help more students realize their dreams. These three places are especially suitable for students with a bullet size of about 1.5w oil, so as to better control the wind line of the position, do a good job of defense, and learn the skills of stopping profit and stopping bamboo shoots. Of course, if the two baskets reach the threshold of the long-line skirt, they can also follow the planning group to move forward together! In short, let us work together and move forward hand in hand to create more glory in the digital currency persimmon market! #BTC走勢分析 #ETH大涨
Recently, the number of Dapeng strategy posts has indeed decreased, and the number of in-depth analysis and forward-looking forecasts of the persimmon market has also decreased slightly. This is mainly because I have devoted more time to the guidance of Shi Panzhong, and am committed to helping students achieve a doubling of purple production.

In order to make up for this shortcoming, I decided to post blogs at a fixed time from now on, and publish the precise strategy analysis of "BTC and ETH" as soon as possible before 8 am every day. For this trend analysis every day, I will give a clear interval position for students to refer to, so as to help everyone better grasp the pulse of the persimmon market.

In addition, today Dapeng specially provides three places to grasp the opportunities of the band and mid-line, aiming to further help more students realize their dreams. These three places are especially suitable for students with a bullet size of about 1.5w oil, so as to better control the wind line of the position, do a good job of defense, and learn the skills of stopping profit and stopping bamboo shoots. Of course, if the two baskets reach the threshold of the long-line skirt, they can also follow the planning group to move forward together!

In short, let us work together and move forward hand in hand to create more glory in the digital currency persimmon market! #BTC走勢分析 #ETH大涨
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What is Bitcoin? A unique set of numbers will start your wonderful journey of owning Bitcoin. Back on January 3, 2009, the creation block of Bitcoin came out of nowhere, announcing the arrival of a new era. Bitcoin cleverly uses distributed ledger technology to get rid of the constraints of traditional third-party institutions. This innovative design was given the name "blockchain" by Satoshi Nakamoto. In this exciting field, users are willing to contribute their CPU computing power, run a special software, and become "miners" in this network. They jointly maintain this "blockchain" to ensure the security and reliability of every transaction. In this process, new Bitcoins are also constantly generated, injecting a steady stream of vitality into the entire network. Bitcoin transactions are also extended on this network. Computers running the software compete to crack complex cryptographic puzzles, which contain multiple transaction data. Once a "miner" successfully solves the problem, he will receive a generous reward of 50 Bitcoins, and the relevant transactions will also be permanently recorded on the blockchain. As the number of miners participating in "mining" continues to increase, the difficulty of each problem is gradually increasing to ensure that the productivity of Bitcoin is stable at about one every 10 minutes. This mechanism ensures the stable operation of the Bitcoin network and encourages more people to join this world full of challenges and opportunities. The issuance process of Bitcoin is full of wisdom and creativity. The system automatically adjusts the difficulty of mathematical problems to ensure that a qualified answer can be generated every about 10 minutes. Subsequently, the newly generated Bitcoin will be awarded as a block reward to miners who successfully solve the problem. This reward mechanism not only motivates the enthusiasm of miners, but also ensures that the supply of Bitcoin is within a controllable range. At the beginning of Bitcoin, the block reward was as high as 50. However, as the total amount continues to increase, the reward is gradually decreasing. When the total amount of Bitcoin reaches 10.5 million, the block reward is halved to 25; when the total amount increases to 15.75 million, the reward is halved again to 12.5. This design ensures that the total number of Bitcoins will be permanently limited to about 21 million, giving scarcity and value to the entire monetary system.
What is Bitcoin?
A unique set of numbers will start your wonderful journey of owning Bitcoin. Back on January 3, 2009, the creation block of Bitcoin came out of nowhere, announcing the arrival of a new era. Bitcoin cleverly uses distributed ledger technology to get rid of the constraints of traditional third-party institutions. This innovative design was given the name "blockchain" by Satoshi Nakamoto.

In this exciting field, users are willing to contribute their CPU computing power, run a special software, and become "miners" in this network. They jointly maintain this "blockchain" to ensure the security and reliability of every transaction. In this process, new Bitcoins are also constantly generated, injecting a steady stream of vitality into the entire network.

Bitcoin transactions are also extended on this network. Computers running the software compete to crack complex cryptographic puzzles, which contain multiple transaction data. Once a "miner" successfully solves the problem, he will receive a generous reward of 50 Bitcoins, and the relevant transactions will also be permanently recorded on the blockchain.

As the number of miners participating in "mining" continues to increase, the difficulty of each problem is gradually increasing to ensure that the productivity of Bitcoin is stable at about one every 10 minutes. This mechanism ensures the stable operation of the Bitcoin network and encourages more people to join this world full of challenges and opportunities.

The issuance process of Bitcoin is full of wisdom and creativity. The system automatically adjusts the difficulty of mathematical problems to ensure that a qualified answer can be generated every about 10 minutes. Subsequently, the newly generated Bitcoin will be awarded as a block reward to miners who successfully solve the problem. This reward mechanism not only motivates the enthusiasm of miners, but also ensures that the supply of Bitcoin is within a controllable range.
At the beginning of Bitcoin, the block reward was as high as 50. However, as the total amount continues to increase, the reward is gradually decreasing. When the total amount of Bitcoin reaches 10.5 million, the block reward is halved to 25; when the total amount increases to 15.75 million, the reward is halved again to 12.5. This design ensures that the total number of Bitcoins will be permanently limited to about 21 million, giving scarcity and value to the entire monetary system.
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