The so-called black swan events of 312 in 2020 and 519 in 2021 represent the violent market fluctuations caused by the epidemic and policy factors, respectively. The 312 incident caused panic selling around the world due to the impact of the epidemic, which was far more ferocious than the 519 incident. The market fell sharply on the same day, and the stock price was almost halved, which shows its far-reaching impact.

The 519 incident was triggered by policy factors, and the main funds took the opportunity to sell, resulting in a continuous decline in the market. Although the decline was also large, compared with the 312 incident, the decline on that day was not deep, only about 30%.

If we refer to the trend of the 312 incident to predict future market trends, similar large fluctuations may occur. In just a few days, the market may quickly climb to 60,000, and then quickly fall to 45,000, or even lower to 40,000. Such violent fluctuations will undoubtedly bring huge challenges and opportunities to investors.

Therefore, for investors, it is necessary to pay close attention to market dynamics and reasonably allocate assets to cope with possible risks. At the same time, we also need to remain calm and rational, not be affected by short-term market fluctuations, adhere to the concept of long-term investment, and steadily grasp market opportunities. #BTC#ETH