I will teach you how to accurately capture the short-selling signal in the K-line chart

First, we must understand that the short-selling signal usually appears when the persimmon market is in a downward trend. When the price on the K-line chart continues to fall, accompanied by an increase in trading volume, it may mean that the short-selling force is strengthening and the persimmon market is about to usher in a larger decline. I will tell you a formula and you will know!

Figure 1, three yangs are not more than yin, the short-selling situation is fierce. Figure 2, two yins are sandwiched between one yang, and the short-selling power is strong. Figure 3, one yin swallows three yangs, and there is no discussion about short-selling.

Figure 4, big yin double cannon, the persimmon market is in a strong decline. BTC, ETH.