Is it so easy to get rich now? I just saw a post from a netizen saying that in 2004, when the share price of Moutai was 35 yuan, he bought 12,000 shares and has held them until now. His share capital has risen to about 38,333, and now there are dividends every year. This year's dividends are 550,000, and last year's dividends are more than 380,000.

At present, the share price of Moutai has risen to 2,000+. After calculation, plus the dividends of hundreds of thousands every year, his assets are indeed more than 35 million. From the cost of 420,000 to more than 35 million now, this rate of return is really mouth-watering. I suddenly feel that I am too short-sighted. Even playing with Bitcoin can have such a rate of return.

I remember that a few years ago, a friend recommended me to play Bitcoin. If I bought it for tens of thousands of yuan at that time, how much would it be now? Maybe this is fate. Even if I bought it at that time, I would have sold it a long time ago if it rose a little. Most people can't hold it. What do you think? #BTC走勢分析 #ETH大涨