As an old miner, I still have some say. After all, I started mining with Bao Erye ten years ago. I remember that the first machine I bought was called Avalon. It seemed that I could get my money back in the first month, but later it took two months, and it was getting slower and slower.

I used a connection to use electricity for 300 yuan a month. You heard it right. The cost of electricity here is very low. That is the advantage of second-tier cities. Later, I sold the mining machine to the imd leader of WV Dream Journey. Although I made money at the time, now I think I was stupid. If I didn't sell it and continued to mine, I probably wouldn't write any diaries. I should have a place in the mining circle. I should have a share of the world even if I don't compete with Wu Jihan.

But if there is no if, just like if there is a regret medicine in the world, most of the partners you find may not be the one lying next to you now, then everyone's fate may be completely different from the current trajectory. I never tell fortunes for others, but I subconsciously love to help people change their fate. Just like the popular CX movie "The Grass and Trees", I believe it describes the past realistic experiences of many of you leaders in the circle. Don't think that I can't smell the taste of success in you just because you have transformed to the web3 blockchain.

If 3M hadn't popularized the knowledge of Bitcoin to the Chinese people, and if plstoken hadn't preached the concept of Bitcoin wallet to the Chinese people, would you still be arbitrage? Maybe you wouldn't be in the cryptocurrency circle today, because you may not have waited for the referral to appear in your life due to the lagging information source. In other words, you may still be far away from the web3 blockchain.

Look at the speakers invited to the Hong Kong Carnival stage. How many of them speak human language? Don’t even mention that you don’t understand those technical terms. Even the old leeks like the team leader don’t understand them. Not to mention the conferences in English. In fact, if you think about it carefully, the web3 summit is just a beauty show hype. There may be more roadshows than retail investors. Maybe they stay in expensive Hong Kong hotels every night just to pick up the beautiful business women in your fake exchange. Isn’t this a proper B-circle Hai Tian Sheng Yan? Now many of these people have flown to Dubai again. I am not as young as them and can’t play. I will just lie at home and watch the fun. There are so many monsters in the bull market.

It is said that the private placement quota is large enough, and some knockoff and local businesses will even pay you to sleep with them. What about the small nose and small eyes? Wearing professional clothes during the day, and changing into transparent clothes in the nightclubs in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong at night. The above is purely the imagination of the group leader, don't take it seriously.

Cryptocurrency traders are very tired and hard-working. I have to give everyone psychological massages and empower emotional value in this volatile market every day. Is it easy for me? I chat and laugh every day. Many people have been using me for free for more than a year without paying a penny. I am not as valuable as Thai ladyboys. At least some of you pay for beautiful ladyboys on the Oriental Princess. Don't think I don't know. I never say one thing in front of others and another behind their backs. I am a lustful person and people call me Chu Liuxiang in the cryptocurrency circle. This is known to everyone in the web3 world. The exchange screws you, and you screw others. When will the cycle of revenge end? Give up manual contract trading, turn over a new leaf, and start quantitative trading. The cryptocurrency world is boundless, and turning back is the shore.

Alas, my weakness is so obvious, I love the country more than the beauty. If any project party does not use the Honglou Chengzhongcun threesome, the leader may help you to launch the coin platform, I just have no willpower. You said that you have so many big cakes, but you don’t smoke, drink, or like food, and you have almost no hobbies. The only sexual interest is investment, so I have been cheated of hundreds of w by some unscrupulous project parties for so many years. I won’t say more, it’s all tears.

I worked so hard, but it was all for the scammers. I didn’t spend much money. My car was blown up by Changpeng, and they don’t allow me to trade contracts, not even giving me a chance to make up for my losses. Yesterday, I started a live broadcast on the video account, and when I was talking about the climax, it was blocked and the background prompt said that I couldn’t talk about financial topics. I don’t have the right to live broadcast when I am overseas, which is depressing.

What I wrote is a mess, unbearable to read, illogical, and incomprehensible. Even with my elementary school level, you still find it so interesting. A few days ago, a futures company boss came to me and wanted to ask about being a consultant, which is equivalent to the vice president of a city branch. I don't have to do anything, and I am offered an annual salary of 300,000. Occasionally, I can help their employees train trading techniques, which is really easy. But I don't care, he doesn't know that I can make that year's income in two months by lying down, isn't it just two-thirds of the pie.

Why didn't I agree to let the boss be the vice president of the futures company? He made an unreasonable request to me. He asked me to take a securities and futures qualification certificate, and I had no objection. Then he said that my college degree was not enough, and asked me to further my studies and get a bachelor's degree. I thought to myself that what I despised most were doctors and professors. But I didn't say it to give him face. I just said: academic qualifications have nothing to do with a person's ability. The boss and I, who can debate with heroes, naturally couldn't refute each other. We can only go our own way. Different paths, no plan. I thought to myself, I am more than qualified to be your CEO, and you dare to ask me to take that broken certificate. I am a good hypnotist, but I never take that broken psychological counselor certificate. The academic school is useless. There are masters among the people.

Why is the Chinese stock market such a mess for those people to trade? It's because of those broken rules. People with securities qualification certificates are not allowed to trade stocks. Isn't this a contradiction between wanting to be a whore and wanting to be a saint? The broken rules of the financial industry are like saying: People who know martial arts in the world are not allowed to display their kung fu. Only the leeks who don't know kung fu are allowed to go out and gamble. Traders who know technology can only stand by the swimming pool and watch retail investors swim. They are not allowed to command and shout orders, but the unspoken rules allow them to imply the direction or down. These broken rules of the securities capital market, a group of people who don't understand financial management, will only hurt the hearts of the leeks and force people to speculate in cryptocurrencies with a rebellious mentality. So the big cake and gold will make the stock market look like a clown, and young people don't even go to open an account. Two words for Chinese finance: sad!

I really earn money from selling cabbages but worry about selling flour, haha. Tonight at 8 o'clock, fight the tiger, room number 488363263, core starts, wealth code, see you there, quantitative run, Lao Wang has something to say...