Overnight, Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway collapsed. The rats ate rat poison, and Buffett fell from grace, losing 99% of his net worth. But a lean camel is still bigger than a horse, and he is still a billionaire.

However, after the rollback, it is like time goes back, and everything may be restored to the good times of the US stock market bull market for more than ten years. However, the decentralized financial blockchain slapped Buffett in the face, and the leeks began to doubt the fairness of the securities market and whether the market makers were suspected of misappropriating liquidity control funds. In fact, the answer is basically clear. It’s just that no one on Wall Street is willing to admit that even the US stock market is a complete scam.

It is not easy to be a leek. Even if you have all kinds of skills, sooner or later you will be game over if you accidentally step on a landmine. However, Buffett is backed by an institution, and he himself does not theoretically have the possibility of bankruptcy. Just like what we have heard, being a beggar in Dubai or traveling across the ocean to Europe and the United States is more relaxed than working 996 in China. People have too good welfare, too much security, and too much freedom. It is hard not to be happy.

The blockchain gaming sector has started to move abnormally, and several blockchain gaming tokens seem to be showing signs of pulling up. There was a signal in the 4-hour trading last night, but I bought half of the spot at the bottom, and now I can move in and out freely. If the market rises, I won’t miss out.

Yesterday, OMG's young model coin also collapsed. The moment of the plunge made me feel a bit like Luna, so I hinted to my friends in the group to use full leverage and go all in to short OMG at highs. The bold and proactive friends probably made a lot of money yesterday.

At present, the most fair and transparent market is the foreign exchange market with a daily trading volume of up to 7.5 trillion US dollars. It is also the most reassuring. Last night, Tencent Conference announced the launch of foreign exchange. All the masters have come to listen to the technical opportunities after smelling the scent of money. You can start as a broker with 1,000 oil, and then set up a team to copy my plan of a million-dollar annual salary. The upgrade is just around the corner.

Hong Kong is also facing a wave of delisting applications from exchanges. The Hong Kong government hopes to adjust regulatory policies to keep these web3 venture capital technology companies, otherwise they will be taken advantage of by Singapore or Malaysia. Why do I always have a God's perspective? Pay attention to these things that have nothing to do with my pocket. I just hope that the rise of the East and the decline of the West will not become a fantasy bubble. In fact, now that 40 blue-chip stocks in the US stock market have collapsed, Hong Kong has made a big move to attract the attention of exchanges and financial capital institutions, and throw out an olive branch to truly use a relaxed environment. If the West is not bright, the East will be bright.

Look at how relaxed Malaysia is, even the Ponzi schemes are left unchecked and allowed to grow wildly. Of course, there are pros and cons, but human nature is the same everywhere.

I am preparing to restart the forex broker sector. If you want to join the team leader in asset-light financial management and start a business, please send me the information and account opening link. If you don't make millions or tens of millions at this station, you can't make money. I am familiar with the forex + model, with a monthly profit of 4% to 18%, which is a steady stream of income and expenditure. The dynamic team has two major sources of cash flow: commission fees and profit sharing.

The leaders of Haihui, TR, Puton, Ogilvy, and Gainuo welcome cooperation. We will get up from where we fell. We will officially launch the Chinese market at the end of June. I will not explain the first opportunity. It is not a foreign exchange fund. I use the smart copy trading PAMM system of traditional financial technology. The principal is in the brokerage MT4. Your own independent securities account is absolutely safe and has the same license as the three major ones.

I won't say more. I'm going to do the market. When our managed financial management funds exceed 100 million yuan in the future, you will be the branch president of the Sky Fund Digital Bank. This kind of foreign exchange project has great potential. In the past, several of my former members have made hundreds of thousands of yuan, and a male and female partner have made tens of millions of yuan. Experienced drivers all believe these facts. This is a money-making track suitable for Chinese soil that can get big results. It always creates myths by taking small risks and making big gains.

I hope you can understand my good intentions. If you make a fortune from foreign exchange, you can buy a few more bitcoins with the monthly cash flow. I believe that for the fans who went out to dig for gold with the team leader in June, by the end of this year, you will thank yourself for your courage and trust. You will not give up until you get his passive income of 50,000 or 80,000 yuan a month. . . . .