I gave up. I really lost money this time. I lost several months' salary of an average person in one day. It's impossible not to be sad, although I've been used to losing money for so many years. But I was still disappointed to see that the big cake failed to attack 72,000 dollars again.

It's been cleared again. Sooner or later, the dog dealer will drive the leeks crazy. I think even if you go to the club every day and spend money, your wealth will not evaporate as fast as it did when the market fell. If you want to find a culprit for this crash, is it the Ethereum Foundation, the jinx, or OKCoin, the arrogant big firm that is careless about risk control? Nurse Xu, no matter how much wealth you have, you should manage the technical security department that guards the gate, and don't turn it into a beautiful business public relations team. As a digital bank, preventing insiders and hackers are daily security work. When checking out in a small supermarket, security guards with guns are used to escort the money transport vehicle. You can't be careless. Don't be careless and lose the Jingzhou. Many people have their entire fortunes stored with you.

I traded impulsively today. Don't learn from me. I am an invincible hot wheeler with the attitude of dying together with the main force. Either the position is liquidated or my hard-earned money is returned. While I cleared the spot, I went short. If you can't beat them, join the air force.

If the house market can collapse, why can't the cake market collapse? I heard that the price of houses near Qingdao, Shandong, has dropped to only 15% down payment. According to this trend, in a few years, you and I may be lucky enough to see a house with zero down payment. If anyone tells me that the economy is good, I can only smile and say nothing.

It's really boring to stay in this besieged city. I'm afraid I'll get depression if I stay here for a long time. My mental exhaustion is too serious. My assets are cut by the dog dealers, my business is defrauded by online fraud, and there are invisible shackles and tight rings in my heart. I can't say anything and can only say some polite words. I'm tired of the young models in the club all day. I feel like a walking corpse. Forget it, I'll fly to Thailand in a few days to relax. It's too tiring to fight wits and courage with the dog dealers all day.

Southeast Asia is also hot, but it is free, I can do what I want, and be myself. Even if I have to spend a lot of money every day, it is better than being depressed by the wall in the north. The public account is not very popular now. If it continues like this, I will not have the energy to update it, and I don’t know who to write for. Does anyone like to read it? This is a thankless job.

Today, my pet died, so I was in a bad mood. I was very sad. I suddenly realized that life is so fragile. What does it matter if you make a fortune? You can't take it with you when you die. I feel guilty. My pet died of gluttony. I fed it too much food. I didn't realize that it had no thoughts.

I went to watch the movie "The Negotiator" hoping to divert my attention. Seeing that Lau Ching-wan and Francis Ng are both old, good guys are playing bad roles, bad guys are playing good guys, I don't know whether I am black or white in the web3 financial world, or whether I am both good and evil, cynical. But I can't seem to be free of worries and can't let go of many things. Just like the losses in the past two days, the painful scenes of the explosion and bankruptcy emerged in my mind. Could it be that the subconscious mind is just to remind me that I am still alive, and I will have mixed emotions when facing joys and sorrows.

Forex starts to make stable profits every day, and 10% monthly return is as stable as Mount Tai. Big funds are welcome to come. Mature people will find that there is nothing in this world that is risk-free. For those who want to get rich overnight, including me, an unqualified trader, it is wise to put my future on AI algorithmic trading. At least I can free my hands and time to spend more time with my family.

I will never work as a part-time worker in my lifetime, and no one will hire me because the salary is too high and even the boss may not be able to get it. So I can only take an unconventional approach, but I act uprightly. Even in the financial circle where scammers are rampant, I stay clean and never touch the side door or make money, and I don’t associate with crooked ways. That’s why I can become an evergreen in the cryptocurrency circle. Although I haven’t grown into a towering tree, I also hope to protect the leek dumplings sitting under my shade from wind and rain.

Making money is not easy. If anyone tells me that making money is as easy as breathing, I really want to slap that person. I have won and I have lost. I have been rich and I have been poor. But I will still be rich in the end. . . . . .