If the market is as I imagined, then there will be a blowout next week, just like adventurers discovering a super oil field, and the capital flow will be so rich that it will overflow into the pockets of true believers and brave people.

I, a die-hard bull on the big pie, am back again, just like Mad Max: Fury of the Goddess is back, I immediately went on a mad pilgrimage today. Audi ordi has also finished washing out, $56 is the average cost of retail positions, it is no problem to take delivery at this position, the inscription has not fallen. As soon as the new coin GME was listed on the big exchange, I asked the core students to pay attention, but unfortunately I didn't buy it myself, which pissed me off, it soared 116% today.

The market may break through the previous high at any time in June. I am now sitting in the car with a full position, just like Mad Max, thrilling and exciting. She fights for revenge, I fight for dignity. She fights with the immortal old Joe, I fight with the dog village sickle. She is a slave, I am a leek.

Even if there is no hope in life, we must still move forward risking our lives. Along the way, people will get on and off the bus, we will meet old friends and new friends, and there will even be partings between life and death. Destiny is no different from the movie. Sometimes brilliant, sometimes black and white. The main thread of all struggles is inseparable from desire and persistence. Although I have long been pessimistic about the sensuality, fame and fortune, I still want to lead the Leek Tuanzi fans to do something earth-shattering. That’s why I flew to Southeast Asia three times in just a few months to experiment with smart money-making technologies.

Whether it is contracts or foreign exchange, whether it is the cryptocurrency circle or the currency exchange market, I must have a place. I don't believe in evil, I want to have both. Just kidding, Sun Wukong can master all kinds of martial arts, and can travel 108,000 miles with one somersault cloud. Why can't I have foreign exchange in my left hand and web3 blockchain in my right hand, and keep earning cash flow and asset appreciation.

I am a bank on the road. Although I don't have a storefront, my ability to attract money is no less than that of private equity funds. I don't even take Wall Street seriously. Simons, the founder of quantitative investment, is dead, and Charlie Munger has gone to see God. There are Buffett and the Wolf of Wall Street abroad, so why can't China have them? If you can't find one, I will be that person.

If you don't have the energy to be at the bottom of your life, "Mad Max" should be worth watching, just like Wang Jiu's crazy laughter in "Kowloon Walled City" is because he has the confidence of a golden bell and iron cloth shirt. I can pretend to be cool in the cryptocurrency circle for 10 years and still pretend to be so fresh because I can see through the main chip cost with my eyes in the sky. My iron palm is not a false reputation, and it can make me walk on the snow without leaving any trace in winter.

After so many reincarnations, I am almost a living fossil of blockchain. Other big Vs either disappear or get beaten down, but I am like the hot and indestructible cockroach spirit in "The Shameful Iron Fist". This is the core competitiveness of the group leader.

I am not the best at technical strategy, but my inner strength is definitely the most profound. You can feel my lion roar through the screen. I have a telescope in the web3 kingdom, but I don’t see any technical experts who cross the border of foreign exchange + contracts like me, and have mastered the two most difficult bones. I know there is a tiger in the mountain, but I still go there.

Smart quantization is a tough nut to crack. I am like digging a well. If I can't find any minerals, I will not stop until the well sprays water. God will not let down those who work hard. Finally, both foreign exchange and contracts have made breakthroughs. The strategy is very stable. My left and right hands are making stable profits. This feeling is wonderful.

The financial vision and positioning are different, so believe in Jesus and you will have eternal life. Believe in the leader and you will have wealth. I seem to have smelled the $80,000 pie waving to us not far away, but unfortunately most retail investors of famous brands have too small chips and are not qualified to have a say at the table. So I flew thousands of miles to Malaysia with good intentions to find you another opportunity as a foreign exchange broker. You can play the new retail multiplication model for this job. As long as you have traffic or connections, you are equivalent to asset management.

What casinos, what exchanges, what brokerage firms, are not worth mentioning as long as you can pull in funds. Because wealth is at the terminal, any leader who understands sales and is willing to build a team will not be too poor. Even if she is a mother doing micro-business, she is worthy of respect. . . . . .