The high temperature of over 40℃ is too abnormal. It is only June. It seems that even Thailand is not that hot. However, the market seems to be cold. The bulls may be asleep. Be prepared for the shock until the end of the year, and also be prepared for the bears.

The cost of living is cutting people with a blunt knife, and expenses are constantly increasing, but the income of most people has never increased. On the contrary, many people have had their salaries cut, not to mention people like me who have already entered old age. No matter what you cook, quarrel, I guess there are a lot of people whose lives are in a mess.

I see people losing 8 million coins and having their coins stolen. Ordinary people may have a hard time saving that much money in their lifetime. I can only say that it is easy for rich people to make money, and they probably won’t feel bad about losing money. No matter how bad the economy is, there are always piles of luxury cars on the streets. I don’t know what they do. Are there many industries that make money faster and easier than web3 blockchain? I can’t figure it out. Some things are really hard to figure out.

Last night, I somehow came across a pornographic film shot by Haonan, the money-making brother. So I searched for the full version and thought to myself, is this the only hobby I have besides cryptocurrency trading? Am I such a low-brow person? Does the short video big data algorithm know me better than I do? Are my assets still safe after AI face-changing is used by hackers? It's terrifying to think about it. Is it only by living a carefree and wonderful life like foreigners? My three views are shattered again and again as I stay overseas for a longer time.

Sometimes I even want to play it. Regardless of whether it is contracts or futures, as long as I still have bullets, I will keep betting forever. Am I a trader or a gambler who regards gambling as my life? I doubted myself. I wonder if you have such an experience? When you don't operate, your market analysis is as accurate as Chow Yun-fat's. But I can't bear to be trapped by continuous stop losses or floating losses every time I trade. It works once you see it, but not once you do it? Evil?

Before going to bed last night, I closed the short position and took the profit. Because I know there will be a small rebound today, and I will continue to short on Thursday. Yes, I don’t recommend that you catch the falling knife now. Instead, I think it is less risky to go with the trend and short the copycat with low multiples and set a stop loss in advance than to hold the spot. But there is a big premise, that is, you understand the technology. If you don’t understand, come to me to learn the four-part strategy video course with a tuition fee of 599. It is better to have it yourself than to have it by yourself. Once you learn the method, you will never ask others for help. Wherever you go, you can turn stones into gold with a laptop.

In the next week, I don't recommend you to buy the bottom easily, because there is no bottom. I just bought a new book "Stock Master Trading Skills", I need to be quiet. Now I finally understand why martial arts masters sometimes practice in seclusion in the mountains and forests for a few days without seeing the world. Can I only fly to Southeast Asia and take a sauna to relax my tangled heart and bloom my soul, and truly come alive?

Anyway, every time I come back, I feel like I have turned into a zombie. Either my heart has nowhere to rest, or my body has nowhere to go. The reason why people suffer is because they are too demanding of perfectionism. I have never found anything in this world that can satisfy all wishes. Everything has flaws, even money. No matter how rich a person is, there will always be something missing, such as health, or loneliness that follows him everywhere.

I won’t say any more. I’m going to watch the movie “Sweeping Black: Never Give Up” again. I will pay for any rubbish movie. Retirement life is really boring. I’m the only useless person. Brothers, don’t trade in cryptocurrencies in your next life! It’s really uncomfortable to lie down, even if there’s a beautiful woman sitting on you. . . . . .