The big pie has been completely manipulated by Wall Street, and has become a financial tool for Western institutions to harvest the small leeks in the East. Therefore, the market is boring on Saturday and Sunday, and there is really nothing to write, and I don’t want to update daily for the sake of daily update. Today, the big pie broke through the previous high of 65,000, and everything was expected. I said last weekend that the real pressure is around 70,000. However, there is still a need for a correction in March, and the technical indicators show signs of blunting, so we must not be careless. We still have to be careful of the dog dealer’s return of the horse like 3.12. Pepe and Dogecoin, these momos are rising to the sky, and the inscriptions are also starting to quietly pk and catch up. The bull market will not be easily gameover. Recently, many new retail investors have entered the circle, and we need to pay attention to the risks. Those peripheral workers, takers or cannon fodder, isn’t it just to see who will retreat first before the bubble is punctured? They seem to have no fear of heights, and will mindlessly rush for those air coins with N zeros after the decimal point, regardless of whether they have value or not. They don’t look at the strategy, just betting on a zero movement, which is similar to the routine of buying lottery tickets. Whenever you have these people asking for advice, it is almost the high point of each wave. The same is true for playing with the capital plate, the ones who are always hurt are the greedy, angry, and foolish dreamers.

Just like those who play with the Force Coin, they are all newbies who know nothing. When others say that the Metaverse is the future, they keep talking about the Metaverse, as if the world is waiting for you ignorant people to change, and Zuckerberg is a joke compared to you. Don't talk to me about the Metaverse, although I just finished playing VR and came out of the virtual reality exhibition hall. The tickets I bought to play the Metaverse game are marked with time. You chat with me and waste my time, and you come to pua me and ask me to teach you technology for free. What are you thinking? I'm not Jesus, I'm not that great.

Now there is a mining farm in Bangkok, Thailand, selling Bitcoin computing power. I am considering whether to fly again and buy a few mining machines for fun. After all, in the future, the number of Bitcoins in everyone's hands will become less and less. Although I have supersensory awakening, I don't have the ability to predict everything like "Spider Lady". Although I have read "The Four Lessons of Life", the only traditional book in China that can help people change their fate, my thinking concepts have long been a combination of Chinese and Western. I read "Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils", but it's a pity that it is an abridged version. Why can't I see the complete footage? Why don't you show the Chinese people the scene of the female leader letting herself go? Is it interesting to hide it? There are teachings in small Taiwan. Although it's a bit evil, the collective chorus of ethereal and ethereal songs in white and pure clothes can indeed purify the dirty souls of people like us. Because no one is clean!

Recently, some random people have added me. They are not web3 or financial people. If you are under 25 years old, please unfollow me. My writing and experiences are not suitable for children. I don't need to take the initiative to socialize. Linghu Chong is still a martial arts master even if he lives in seclusion in the mountains. Don't you know that academic qualifications are devalued these days? I won't look at anyone who graduated from Tsinghua University. This society relies on ability, which is not something that those dregs of academic schools like you learned in the ivory tower can understand. You have not suffered the beating of society, so you can only live in fantasy. The cryptocurrency circle is not suitable for those of you who are unwilling to take risks but want to get rich, unless you find a rich person to marry and look at his face for a lifetime, lick his face and sell your soul. Don't talk to me about bullshit love, I am already past that age. Interpersonal communication is a value exchange. Didn't the business war in "Genesis" teach you? It's useless to go to the garbage business school of Peking University. In the future, if your children want to cross the circle, I will give you the most pertinent advice: it is better to go to a technical secondary school than to go to high school, and it is better to use the tuition fees directly to start a business to buy some experience. Otherwise, after leaving the school, you will only be confused about the east, west, south, and north.

I can't stand the decadent thinking of Beijingers, especially those who are drifting in Beijing. Is it worth spending 2 million to buy a house of more than ten square meters? Is that what you call home? Frog in the well. How can you live with only one bed in it? Is being a slave to a mortgage for a lifetime your so-called refined petty bourgeois life? The values ​​of young people today are simply a mess. If I were the president of a university, I would have laid off your professional professors many times. I really don't know what the superiority of graduating from Tsinghua University is. Don't deceive yourself with sticky notes. I don't like it. If you were a top student at MIT, it would be almost the same. At least you could do mental arithmetic to make some money in Las Vegas. Burn the books in college. They are useless and just a pile of waste paper. You might as well watch a Hollywood movie "Spider Lady" to learn the superpower of predicting the future. Many women nowadays are not as good as Jia Ling. Jia Ling has no self-control. If she had, she would not have become fat. If you were given 100 million, you could also lose 100 pounds, because you really can't get married if you are that fat. The truth is so unpleasant. The movies made during the Chinese Spring Festival are terrible, so they picked the best from the worst to prove how lacking spiritual culture China is. The audience can't be forced to watch those small-scale remakes of Japanese movies by capital. My skills are really not that good, but other kols in the cryptocurrency circle are worse than me, so they highlight my little ability. Hey, if you had seen through the world earlier and joined Musk's dog cult, doge would have made a fortune earlier! You should listen to the song at the beginning to purify your soul. . . . . .