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The pancake will soon break through the previous high. As the leader said, even Jesus can't stop it.As long as it does not fall below 68800, there is no need to panic. Today's correction is a little bit, and it takes energy to build a new platform at a high level. Is it waiting for people to get on board? If it's fast, next week, if it's slow, we may usher in a new height of the web3 market in early June. Unexpectedly, this year's leeks have made Pepe the most eye-catching one. At present, the new bottom of 60,000 has been basically established. It will be as difficult to see the market price below 60,000 again next year as it is to see Zhang Ziyi’s youth again. Hoarding coins instead of speculating is the right way of thinking. Nowadays, young people do not get married, and some even do not talk about love. No wonder China's population has begun to decline. Do you all want to be leeks? After all, there is only one emperor. Since you and I are born as leeks, we should do our part as leeks, make our pockets plump, and let those sickles cut a few pieces of meat occasionally without any pain. As long as we don't let the dog dealer catch our life and swallow us, we will never be able to turn over.

The pancake will soon break through the previous high. As the leader said, even Jesus can't stop it.

As long as it does not fall below 68800, there is no need to panic. Today's correction is a little bit, and it takes energy to build a new platform at a high level. Is it waiting for people to get on board?
If it's fast, next week, if it's slow, we may usher in a new height of the web3 market in early June. Unexpectedly, this year's leeks have made Pepe the most eye-catching one.
At present, the new bottom of 60,000 has been basically established. It will be as difficult to see the market price below 60,000 again next year as it is to see Zhang Ziyi’s youth again.
Hoarding coins instead of speculating is the right way of thinking. Nowadays, young people do not get married, and some even do not talk about love. No wonder China's population has begun to decline. Do you all want to be leeks? After all, there is only one emperor. Since you and I are born as leeks, we should do our part as leeks, make our pockets plump, and let those sickles cut a few pieces of meat occasionally without any pain. As long as we don't let the dog dealer catch our life and swallow us, we will never be able to turn over.
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There is no 5.19 in the bull market, only Ethereum 5.21 leeks holiday giftEthereum has changed its previous sluggishness today and regained its second place in the web3 world with 18% today. Vitalik’s roadshow call finally worked, and Sun Ge’s all-in finally recovered and turned into floating profits. Ethereum's performance in the first half of the year was really surprising. Its market share and followers were eroded by the later Jin public chain Sol. Solona and its Wall Street godfather are trying to catch up. Yesterday, I privately made a trick and exchanged 80% of my Bitcoin for Sol. It seems that impulse is really the devil. I thought Sol would always increase more than Bitcoin, but I didn't know that this was really a typical leek mentality. I tossed and turned at night and couldn't sleep. I thought I shouldn't betray my beliefs, so I changed back to Bitcoin.

There is no 5.19 in the bull market, only Ethereum 5.21 leeks holiday gift

Ethereum has changed its previous sluggishness today and regained its second place in the web3 world with 18% today. Vitalik’s roadshow call finally worked, and Sun Ge’s all-in finally recovered and turned into floating profits.
Ethereum's performance in the first half of the year was really surprising. Its market share and followers were eroded by the later Jin public chain Sol. Solona and its Wall Street godfather are trying to catch up. Yesterday, I privately made a trick and exchanged 80% of my Bitcoin for Sol. It seems that impulse is really the devil. I thought Sol would always increase more than Bitcoin, but I didn't know that this was really a typical leek mentality. I tossed and turned at night and couldn't sleep. I thought I shouldn't betray my beliefs, so I changed back to Bitcoin.
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Don't step into any pitfalls, only by riding on AI can you soar into the skyWas there a war? I don't know. Anyway, the Iranian president fell from a helicopter and died today. Fortunately, I didn't invest in the Iranian mining project. It was too unpeaceful. Was it an assassination? I don't know. It's too tiring to act in Infernal Affairs. I was carrying a garbage bag downstairs, and a strange old lady smiled at me. I thought to myself, I am not that handsome now. Is China going to learn from Thailand and become a smiling country instead of being cold and indifferent? After I threw away the garbage and walked a distance, I looked back and saw the old lady looking for the garbage I threw in the garbage dump. Alas, in China's aging society, there are so many elderly people living alone without pensions, which makes people feel sorry for them.

Don't step into any pitfalls, only by riding on AI can you soar into the sky

Was there a war? I don't know. Anyway, the Iranian president fell from a helicopter and died today. Fortunately, I didn't invest in the Iranian mining project. It was too unpeaceful. Was it an assassination? I don't know. It's too tiring to act in Infernal Affairs.
I was carrying a garbage bag downstairs, and a strange old lady smiled at me. I thought to myself, I am not that handsome now. Is China going to learn from Thailand and become a smiling country instead of being cold and indifferent? After I threw away the garbage and walked a distance, I looked back and saw the old lady looking for the garbage I threw in the garbage dump. Alas, in China's aging society, there are so many elderly people living alone without pensions, which makes people feel sorry for them.
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I won't bother with sea cucumbers anymore. I'll just fire you, okay?I said you have no vision, and I really have no vision at all, you are petty and narrow-minded. Today he messed with me again, this little black animal from the sea, he has no sense of humor, he is addicted to complaining about me. Come on, I will only eat squid from now on. Can I change my name to Brother Squid and associate with the East Evil and the West Poison? I really despise it. You follow me, which only means you are a little black fan of mine. Unfortunately, I really don't like seafood. When you come to me for a drink, I will treat you to seafood and give you a bottle of Tibetan wine to help you replenish your ginseng. The market direction is very clear, that is, bullish. Even if there is a small correction today, it cannot stop the bullish momentum. I think the possibility of being cheated by the dog dealer this time is very small, the trend is very healthy, I am sitting in the car with a full position, calm and relaxed. That's why I have the mind to prepare grilled squid to eat.

I won't bother with sea cucumbers anymore. I'll just fire you, okay?

I said you have no vision, and I really have no vision at all, you are petty and narrow-minded. Today he messed with me again, this little black animal from the sea, he has no sense of humor, he is addicted to complaining about me.
Come on, I will only eat squid from now on. Can I change my name to Brother Squid and associate with the East Evil and the West Poison? I really despise it. You follow me, which only means you are a little black fan of mine. Unfortunately, I really don't like seafood. When you come to me for a drink, I will treat you to seafood and give you a bottle of Tibetan wine to help you replenish your ginseng.
The market direction is very clear, that is, bullish. Even if there is a small correction today, it cannot stop the bullish momentum. I think the possibility of being cheated by the dog dealer this time is very small, the trend is very healthy, I am sitting in the car with a full position, calm and relaxed. That's why I have the mind to prepare grilled squid to eat.
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Brother Shen, you should come to my place to take the financial technology course. I will help you get some experience.I just finished writing my diary on Wednesday, and then I saw a rebound in the long position, so I re-entered the market in the evening of the 15th. I have made profits in the past two days, and now all my money has been invested. I feel good after all-in. It was Hai Shen who complained to me today, saying that calling you Brother Shen really overestimates you, and you really don't deserve it. You curse others in the live broadcast room all day long, so don't you allow others to comment on you? And reputation, what right do Chinese people have to reputation or not? I only speak fair words. I don't say you have low education like the media does. I have to talk about this. I look down on highly educated experts like Lang Xianping and Sima Nan, because this is an era of devaluation of education. It is an indisputable fact that the broken diploma is useless. On the contrary, I admire those grassroots people who have no education and fought back from the bottom. Yu Lingxiong also has no education, but he was still hanging out with a group of rich bosses from Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Brother Shen, you should come to my place to take the financial technology course. I will help you get some experience.

I just finished writing my diary on Wednesday, and then I saw a rebound in the long position, so I re-entered the market in the evening of the 15th. I have made profits in the past two days, and now all my money has been invested. I feel good after all-in.
It was Hai Shen who complained to me today, saying that calling you Brother Shen really overestimates you, and you really don't deserve it. You curse others in the live broadcast room all day long, so don't you allow others to comment on you? And reputation, what right do Chinese people have to reputation or not?
I only speak fair words. I don't say you have low education like the media does. I have to talk about this. I look down on highly educated experts like Lang Xianping and Sima Nan, because this is an era of devaluation of education. It is an indisputable fact that the broken diploma is useless. On the contrary, I admire those grassroots people who have no education and fought back from the bottom. Yu Lingxiong also has no education, but he was still hanging out with a group of rich bosses from Jiangsu and Zhejiang.
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The incident of Brother Can’s car overturning tells us: People should not be too arrogant, or they will suffer!Women are the root of trouble. These words became the last straw that broke the camel's back for Brother Can, and the image of the leader of the benchwork industry finally collapsed. The market is like chicken ribs. I was so scared that I cleared my position again yesterday. I slapped myself in the face. It was a shameless operation. I cut myself. I was really cheap. I completely surrendered to AI artificial intelligence. Today, I launched a new hedging strategy, which has a stable monthly return of 20%. I pay tribute to Simons, the originator of quantitative trading. This kind of sophisticated egoism by Baidu's Vice President of Public Relations, Qu Jing, directly triggered strong dissatisfaction among the working class. The leeks directly overturned the table, and the sea cucumber was not innocent. Last night, Sea Cucumber was still live streaming and was not banned. I can only say that the incorrect values ​​in the genes of these people in the e-commerce circle are the root cause of the fuse.

The incident of Brother Can’s car overturning tells us: People should not be too arrogant, or they will suffer!

Women are the root of trouble. These words became the last straw that broke the camel's back for Brother Can, and the image of the leader of the benchwork industry finally collapsed.
The market is like chicken ribs. I was so scared that I cleared my position again yesterday. I slapped myself in the face. It was a shameless operation. I cut myself. I was really cheap. I completely surrendered to AI artificial intelligence. Today, I launched a new hedging strategy, which has a stable monthly return of 20%. I pay tribute to Simons, the originator of quantitative trading.
This kind of sophisticated egoism by Baidu's Vice President of Public Relations, Qu Jing, directly triggered strong dissatisfaction among the working class. The leeks directly overturned the table, and the sea cucumber was not innocent. Last night, Sea Cucumber was still live streaming and was not banned. I can only say that the incorrect values ​​in the genes of these people in the e-commerce circle are the root cause of the fuse.
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Is it a fake rebound or a real lure to buy more? Please don’t call me a stinky cryptocurrency trader anymoreI stayed in the club for two days, eating, drinking and having fun. The market was flat, so there was nothing to write about. Is my life wasted? The inertia of laziness is very strong. No wonder the poor always lie in their comfort zone. After all, once you lie on the bed and close your eyes, you don't have to think about any worries. Yesterday afternoon, the main force finally seemed to have chosen a direction, and it rose a little, reaching above 63,000 US dollars. However, the trading volume was not large. In order to prevent the dog dealer from cheating again, I chose to enter half of the spot position at the cost of 61,500. However, I may leave the market at any time because this position is quite embarrassing.

Is it a fake rebound or a real lure to buy more? Please don’t call me a stinky cryptocurrency trader anymore

I stayed in the club for two days, eating, drinking and having fun. The market was flat, so there was nothing to write about. Is my life wasted? The inertia of laziness is very strong. No wonder the poor always lie in their comfort zone. After all, once you lie on the bed and close your eyes, you don't have to think about any worries.
Yesterday afternoon, the main force finally seemed to have chosen a direction, and it rose a little, reaching above 63,000 US dollars. However, the trading volume was not large. In order to prevent the dog dealer from cheating again, I chose to enter half of the spot position at the cost of 61,500. However, I may leave the market at any time because this position is quite embarrassing.
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How to plan for the second half of the web3 bull market in May to find the answer to getting rich quickly?The May Day holiday of reverse budget travel is finally over, and I have started planning my next trip to Thailand. The web3 music festival is being held in Bangkok these two days, which has attracted my attention. Wealth is made through playing, and I don’t want to compete with everyone in a place with so few opportunities in China. After all, there are too few opportunities. All the awesome people I know have gone overseas. Although we are patriotic and don't want to take advantage of Japan's fire, today when the yen exchange rate collapses, we see that the big cake and A shares seem to be stabilizing. I heard a voice in the arena saying that a large amount of foreign hot money in Japan has withdrawn and transferred to web3 and the Chinese stock market, so you have an idea of ​​what to invest in. For those who want to speculate in stocks, I have a follow-the-bank tool, which can see how much money the main force has invested and buy the bottom together. The monthly fee of the software is 399, and friends with computers can use it.

How to plan for the second half of the web3 bull market in May to find the answer to getting rich quickly?

The May Day holiday of reverse budget travel is finally over, and I have started planning my next trip to Thailand. The web3 music festival is being held in Bangkok these two days, which has attracted my attention. Wealth is made through playing, and I don’t want to compete with everyone in a place with so few opportunities in China. After all, there are too few opportunities. All the awesome people I know have gone overseas.
Although we are patriotic and don't want to take advantage of Japan's fire, today when the yen exchange rate collapses, we see that the big cake and A shares seem to be stabilizing. I heard a voice in the arena saying that a large amount of foreign hot money in Japan has withdrawn and transferred to web3 and the Chinese stock market, so you have an idea of ​​what to invest in. For those who want to speculate in stocks, I have a follow-the-bank tool, which can see how much money the main force has invested and buy the bottom together. The monthly fee of the software is 399, and friends with computers can use it.
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Why is May the best time to start the quantitative track?The May Day holiday of poverty travel has made us see the truth of China's economy. National debt, consumption downgrade, real estate collapse, large number of unemployed, middle class returning to poverty, these words are not made up by me. Whoever is in pain knows it in his heart. I only see one fact, that my friends who used to be quite rich are now crying poor. Many people's cash flow has been cut off! Last night was quite interesting. The release of the US non-farm data on Friday night pulled the bitcoin and gold prices back from the edge of the cliff. The $56,000 support is indeed effective. The harder the market makers smash the market, the faster the market will pull back.

Why is May the best time to start the quantitative track?

The May Day holiday of poverty travel has made us see the truth of China's economy. National debt, consumption downgrade, real estate collapse, large number of unemployed, middle class returning to poverty, these words are not made up by me. Whoever is in pain knows it in his heart. I only see one fact, that my friends who used to be quite rich are now crying poor. Many people's cash flow has been cut off!
Last night was quite interesting. The release of the US non-farm data on Friday night pulled the bitcoin and gold prices back from the edge of the cliff. The $56,000 support is indeed effective. The harder the market makers smash the market, the faster the market will pull back.
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Rebirth: I am a real boss in the cryptocurrency circle: real-life web3 travel, you are the protagonistIf I were a person who traveled back from the future, would you believe what I said? If you believed, would you take action? Yes, I saw another self in a parallel world, but I cannot change the fate of many people. Even though I can see the flaws in their personality and cognition at a glance, those who always want to change others are crazy, and those who want to change themselves are gods. Unfortunately, I am neither of them. Is the bull market over? I think I am qualified to answer this question. It is time for the leader to recharge your faith. My answer is: it is just a halftime break.

Rebirth: I am a real boss in the cryptocurrency circle: real-life web3 travel, you are the protagonist

If I were a person who traveled back from the future, would you believe what I said? If you believed, would you take action? Yes, I saw another self in a parallel world, but I cannot change the fate of many people. Even though I can see the flaws in their personality and cognition at a glance, those who always want to change others are crazy, and those who want to change themselves are gods. Unfortunately, I am neither of them.
Is the bull market over? I think I am qualified to answer this question. It is time for the leader to recharge your faith. My answer is: it is just a halftime break.
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Web3 May Day Disaster: It’s time for the leeks to work! It’s not that easy to get along in the B circle "Kowloon Walled City"Yesterday, someone asked me if I could buy at the bottom. I said one word: wait. Yesterday, I was in a group that had nothing to do with me and reminded me of my judgment of the rhythm of the dog market: Yesterday, I said it was just the first day of the downward trend. Don’t you know that the main force will go on a holiday to travel and spend money in the club? Institutions are also people, and they also want to cash out the profit that has risen for 7 consecutive months and squeeze out the bubble. It's really awesome. I thought they would be gentle, but I didn't expect that they would be so fierce in their market-crashing methods. They first locked Brother Changpeng in the iron cage of "Kowloon Walled City". Even if you are as arrogant as the boss played by Richie Jen, you have to bow to fate. A gentleman's revenge is never too late, four years later. My friends who read my diary carefully saw me last Wednesday and Thursday and said: It's raining, put away the clothes. I knew the code, but I still retreated in advance. Our ancestors' 36 strategies taught us: running away is the best policy. If you can't win, run away, it's not shameful. Now in the market, except for the retired masters like Ban Mucha, there are probably few people who escaped this blood waterfall, except for the team leader.

Web3 May Day Disaster: It’s time for the leeks to work! It’s not that easy to get along in the B circle "Kowloon Walled City"

Yesterday, someone asked me if I could buy at the bottom. I said one word: wait. Yesterday, I was in a group that had nothing to do with me and reminded me of my judgment of the rhythm of the dog market: Yesterday, I said it was just the first day of the downward trend. Don’t you know that the main force will go on a holiday to travel and spend money in the club? Institutions are also people, and they also want to cash out the profit that has risen for 7 consecutive months and squeeze out the bubble.
It's really awesome. I thought they would be gentle, but I didn't expect that they would be so fierce in their market-crashing methods. They first locked Brother Changpeng in the iron cage of "Kowloon Walled City". Even if you are as arrogant as the boss played by Richie Jen, you have to bow to fate. A gentleman's revenge is never too late, four years later. My friends who read my diary carefully saw me last Wednesday and Thursday and said: It's raining, put away the clothes. I knew the code, but I still retreated in advance. Our ancestors' 36 strategies taught us: running away is the best policy. If you can't win, run away, it's not shameful. Now in the market, except for the retired masters like Ban Mucha, there are probably few people who escaped this blood waterfall, except for the team leader.
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My philosophy of success and the secret of cryptocurrency trading: A new man (Part 1)After three days of seclusion, I read the banned book "Overcoming the Inner Demons" which I believed to be the "Nine Yin Scriptures". I recommended it to you. I know that few of you would put it into action. This is the truth that only 2% of people in this world can control their own destiny. ​The market situation is no longer important, it is just a fragment of your path to success. I have become enlightened: let me give you a wealth code. You can make some arrangements for ETC spot prices today. Don't complain if you are trapped. After all, you won't give me a penny even if you win. I read very slowly. This is the first time I calmed down and read a book in its entirety, a book that helps people gain spiritual enlightenment. The author of this book is the idol of the group leader. Of course, he is also the founder of the success school, Napoleon Hill, just like Zhang Sanfeng of Wudang.

My philosophy of success and the secret of cryptocurrency trading: A new man (Part 1)

After three days of seclusion, I read the banned book "Overcoming the Inner Demons" which I believed to be the "Nine Yin Scriptures". I recommended it to you. I know that few of you would put it into action. This is the truth that only 2% of people in this world can control their own destiny.
​The market situation is no longer important, it is just a fragment of your path to success. I have become enlightened: let me give you a wealth code. You can make some arrangements for ETC spot prices today. Don't complain if you are trapped. After all, you won't give me a penny even if you win.
I read very slowly. This is the first time I calmed down and read a book in its entirety, a book that helps people gain spiritual enlightenment. The author of this book is the idol of the group leader. Of course, he is also the founder of the success school, Napoleon Hill, just like Zhang Sanfeng of Wudang.
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I am indeed better at bragging than Zhou Wenqiang! This neurotic brain has everyone in the web3 coin circle convincedIn a weak market, the trading volume is the truth. Yesterday I was a pessimist, just saying that there would be a correction, and then the sky suddenly became dark and the market continued to fall. I still have to say one more thing: it's raining, it's time to put away the clothes. I hope you don't get so tired of me talking about demons that you hang yourself. I'm really not the Tang Monk in "A Chinese Odyssey". People who know me know that every word I say is worth a thousand gold and I get straight to the point. When I stand on the stage and give a speech, my aura is no less than Yu Lingxiong, and my practical content is no less than Zhou Wenqiang. If the lifespan of those domestic platforms was not too short, I would have set up a team of tens of thousands of people several times.

I am indeed better at bragging than Zhou Wenqiang! This neurotic brain has everyone in the web3 coin circle convinced

In a weak market, the trading volume is the truth. Yesterday I was a pessimist, just saying that there would be a correction, and then the sky suddenly became dark and the market continued to fall. I still have to say one more thing: it's raining, it's time to put away the clothes.
I hope you don't get so tired of me talking about demons that you hang yourself. I'm really not the Tang Monk in "A Chinese Odyssey". People who know me know that every word I say is worth a thousand gold and I get straight to the point. When I stand on the stage and give a speech, my aura is no less than Yu Lingxiong, and my practical content is no less than Zhou Wenqiang. If the lifespan of those domestic platforms was not too short, I would have set up a team of tens of thousands of people several times.
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Value investing is all in vain, is it feasible to bet all on meme and live in the palace?The market is swaying and finally stands on the important support of 66600 US dollars. However, the daily line has been up for seven consecutive days, and there is a possibility of a correction at any time. Although the trading volume is a bit sluggish, the meme rebound on Solona has been quite good in the past week. The leeks that were buried deep in the copycats in the previous period were seriously injured, but they have recovered a lot this week. As long as you are still a deserter in this market, there is still a possibility of a comeback. Yesterday I sorted out ten ways to play web3 for you. You might think I only focus on blockchain, but I am also familiar with traditional entities. After all, Zhou Wenqiang is my senior, but I rarely talk about financial intelligence in my diary.

Value investing is all in vain, is it feasible to bet all on meme and live in the palace?

The market is swaying and finally stands on the important support of 66600 US dollars. However, the daily line has been up for seven consecutive days, and there is a possibility of a correction at any time. Although the trading volume is a bit sluggish, the meme rebound on Solona has been quite good in the past week. The leeks that were buried deep in the copycats in the previous period were seriously injured, but they have recovered a lot this week. As long as you are still a deserter in this market, there is still a possibility of a comeback.
Yesterday I sorted out ten ways to play web3 for you. You might think I only focus on blockchain, but I am also familiar with traditional entities. After all, Zhou Wenqiang is my senior, but I rarely talk about financial intelligence in my diary.
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Buffett of Circle B accidentally picked up the "Nine Yin Scriptures" and relied on it to change his destiny!With the end of the Dubai 2049token at the Hong Kong Web3 Carnival and the Bitcoin halving that just ended, the team leader sorted out the gameplay in the second half of the bull market: 1. Pledge: If you cannot bear the risk of 100% principal loss, you do not deserve the 3% pledge interest. 2. Mining: If you can’t afford a mining machine that costs tens of thousands of dollars, you don’t deserve to get a few cents of mining income every day. 3. Lu Mao: If you can’t survive the three-year epidemic and the two-year bear market, you don’t deserve to wait for the day when the project is airdropped. 4. Runes: If you can’t afford 1000u of gas fee, you don’t deserve to get a rune worth 100u. 5. Follow the orders: If you don’t have the courage to go bankrupt with the blogger, you are not worthy of following the blogger to trade cryptocurrencies.

Buffett of Circle B accidentally picked up the "Nine Yin Scriptures" and relied on it to change his destiny!

With the end of the Dubai 2049token at the Hong Kong Web3 Carnival and the Bitcoin halving that just ended, the team leader sorted out the gameplay in the second half of the bull market:
1. Pledge: If you cannot bear the risk of 100% principal loss, you do not deserve the 3% pledge interest.
2. Mining: If you can’t afford a mining machine that costs tens of thousands of dollars, you don’t deserve to get a few cents of mining income every day.
3. Lu Mao: If you can’t survive the three-year epidemic and the two-year bear market, you don’t deserve to wait for the day when the project is airdropped.
4. Runes: If you can’t afford 1000u of gas fee, you don’t deserve to get a rune worth 100u.
5. Follow the orders: If you don’t have the courage to go bankrupt with the blogger, you are not worthy of following the blogger to trade cryptocurrencies.
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Smash the cup and buy the bottom again, fight with the dog dealer! Even if it is broken into piecesThis market is quite tiring. Yes, the dog dealer is testing your patience. However, it is rising slowly today. It is really a dilemma whether to enter or not. However, I went all-in again for spot trading. Even if I was tricked into buying by the main force, I accepted it. After all, I didn't want to miss out, so I embraced the risk again and was willing to accept the loss. Therefore, it is difficult to operate manually, and only AI quantitative robots can be used to cut in. In fact, after I talked with the Dubai boss, the biggest consensus was that there was no need for analysis. This industry is the same routine as Macau and Las Vegas, all of which are killing the big and losing the small.

Smash the cup and buy the bottom again, fight with the dog dealer! Even if it is broken into pieces

This market is quite tiring. Yes, the dog dealer is testing your patience. However, it is rising slowly today. It is really a dilemma whether to enter or not.
However, I went all-in again for spot trading. Even if I was tricked into buying by the main force, I accepted it. After all, I didn't want to miss out, so I embraced the risk again and was willing to accept the loss.
Therefore, it is difficult to operate manually, and only AI quantitative robots can be used to cut in. In fact, after I talked with the Dubai boss, the biggest consensus was that there was no need for analysis. This industry is the same routine as Macau and Las Vegas, all of which are killing the big and losing the small.
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Bitcoin halving survival manual: Dubai A9 boss’s wealth creation method, you should be hereYou thought Sun Yuchen flew to Dubai to attend the summit, but in fact, he might have secretly dated AnHuo's female boss. If the two of them get married, it will be the largest exchange merger in the history of blockchain. From then on, AnHuo became the largest exchange in the universe and no longer had to worry about the possibility of bankruptcy. The above is just a joke, but isn't that how all the big conglomerates in Korean dramas get married? Singapore, the cryptocurrency industry, and the richest woman in Dubai Desert Law Firm, are a perfect match. One is good at hype, and the other is good at public relations. They are a match made in heaven. Their wealth will reach a new level. It will make the nurse Xu next door dumbfounded, and the Coinbase in the United States can't catch up.

Bitcoin halving survival manual: Dubai A9 boss’s wealth creation method, you should be here

You thought Sun Yuchen flew to Dubai to attend the summit, but in fact, he might have secretly dated AnHuo's female boss. If the two of them get married, it will be the largest exchange merger in the history of blockchain. From then on, AnHuo became the largest exchange in the universe and no longer had to worry about the possibility of bankruptcy.
The above is just a joke, but isn't that how all the big conglomerates in Korean dramas get married? Singapore, the cryptocurrency industry, and the richest woman in Dubai Desert Law Firm, are a perfect match. One is good at hype, and the other is good at public relations. They are a match made in heaven. Their wealth will reach a new level. It will make the nurse Xu next door dumbfounded, and the Coinbase in the United States can't catch up.
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Memoirs of the halving of the pie: I wish there were no leeks in the world that were easy to be harvestedToday, the bitcoin price is halved, and it is another day that will go down in history for the B-circle. The market is quiet, the heart is in a mess, and the pocket is light. This is the true portrayal of the current web3 leeks. I still remember that on May 12, four years ago, I was staying at Xiamen Marriott Hotel for vacation. At that time, I was looking forward to the future with a foreign exchange tycoon on the beach, discussing what projects to invest in. Later, this friend drove his Audi to do a foreign exchange escrow fund, earned tens of millions, and then lost contact. Although it was an epidemic at the time, he posted about flying every month on his Moments, but suddenly one day he stopped updating.

Memoirs of the halving of the pie: I wish there were no leeks in the world that were easy to be harvested

Today, the bitcoin price is halved, and it is another day that will go down in history for the B-circle. The market is quiet, the heart is in a mess, and the pocket is light. This is the true portrayal of the current web3 leeks.
I still remember that on May 12, four years ago, I was staying at Xiamen Marriott Hotel for vacation. At that time, I was looking forward to the future with a foreign exchange tycoon on the beach, discussing what projects to invest in. Later, this friend drove his Audi to do a foreign exchange escrow fund, earned tens of millions, and then lost contact. Although it was an epidemic at the time, he posted about flying every month on his Moments, but suddenly one day he stopped updating.
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A joke about 2049token: Dubai Scythe Conference is hit by a rainstorm, halving refuses waterfalls, only seeking overwhelming wealthThe price of bitcoin is going to be halved in the next two days. Are you excited? The sickles are holding a meeting in Dubai in the rain today to discuss how to cut us. Fortunately, I am short now, and no matter how powerful the dog dealer is, they can't do anything to me. Using static braking is also a countermeasure. I dream about how to play in the second half of the bull market. It is very easy for me to escape the top. I have studied it for several years and waited for the next year to usher in a surging wealth. My skill in floating in the B circle is not in vain. Why hasn't anyone criticized me for my accurate bearish analysis recently? You must be impressed by my technical strength and shut up. But I want to remind you now not to blindly chase the short position, because your entry point is not good and the callback is easy to hit the stop loss.

A joke about 2049token: Dubai Scythe Conference is hit by a rainstorm, halving refuses waterfalls, only seeking overwhelming wealth

The price of bitcoin is going to be halved in the next two days. Are you excited? The sickles are holding a meeting in Dubai in the rain today to discuss how to cut us. Fortunately, I am short now, and no matter how powerful the dog dealer is, they can't do anything to me. Using static braking is also a countermeasure. I dream about how to play in the second half of the bull market. It is very easy for me to escape the top. I have studied it for several years and waited for the next year to usher in a surging wealth.
My skill in floating in the B circle is not in vain. Why hasn't anyone criticized me for my accurate bearish analysis recently? You must be impressed by my technical strength and shut up. But I want to remind you now not to blindly chase the short position, because your entry point is not good and the callback is easy to hit the stop loss.
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I would rather cry on an AI quantitative robot than laugh on a dead body.Yesterday I met an old friend who has traveled to 17 countries. We talked for a long time and had a lot of memories. We reviewed what our lives would be like if we hadn't sold so many cakes in the past ten years. I was filled with emotion. Things have changed. Life is short, so it must be wonderful! Different paths lead to the same end. Some things are beyond your imagination. In recent years, people have been able to make stable profits by playing the lottery through AI algorithm software. What surprised me most was that a software could be sold for hundreds of thousands. Think about it this way. The smart AI contract quantitative I play with a 28% profit split is really cost-effective. Why don't we cherish technology? I am optimistic about the T model strategy, including the currency-based spot strategy that will be launched next month, which will help you increase the number of bitcoins every month. Isn't it a cloud mining machine? Why don't many people understand this huge business opportunity! If you have a team to do quantitative brokerage, sleep until you wake up naturally every day, and then open the robot to see that there is another after-sleep income, and the cash flow is automatically deposited every minute and every second, you can't be unhappy. Forget it, many people don't believe it. It's like a person with a monthly salary of 300,000 yuan and a person with a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan. How can they communicate? Is it like the curly hair business in "The Wolf of Wall Street" who voluntarily resigned to become the male protagonist's partner?

I would rather cry on an AI quantitative robot than laugh on a dead body.

Yesterday I met an old friend who has traveled to 17 countries. We talked for a long time and had a lot of memories. We reviewed what our lives would be like if we hadn't sold so many cakes in the past ten years. I was filled with emotion. Things have changed. Life is short, so it must be wonderful!
Different paths lead to the same end. Some things are beyond your imagination. In recent years, people have been able to make stable profits by playing the lottery through AI algorithm software. What surprised me most was that a software could be sold for hundreds of thousands.
Think about it this way. The smart AI contract quantitative I play with a 28% profit split is really cost-effective. Why don't we cherish technology? I am optimistic about the T model strategy, including the currency-based spot strategy that will be launched next month, which will help you increase the number of bitcoins every month. Isn't it a cloud mining machine? Why don't many people understand this huge business opportunity! If you have a team to do quantitative brokerage, sleep until you wake up naturally every day, and then open the robot to see that there is another after-sleep income, and the cash flow is automatically deposited every minute and every second, you can't be unhappy. Forget it, many people don't believe it. It's like a person with a monthly salary of 300,000 yuan and a person with a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan. How can they communicate? Is it like the curly hair business in "The Wolf of Wall Street" who voluntarily resigned to become the male protagonist's partner?
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