I stayed in the club for two days, eating, drinking and having fun. The market was flat, so there was nothing to write about. Is my life wasted? The inertia of laziness is very strong. No wonder the poor always lie in their comfort zone. After all, once you lie on the bed and close your eyes, you don't have to think about any worries.

Yesterday afternoon, the main force finally seemed to have chosen a direction, and it rose a little, reaching above 63,000 US dollars. However, the trading volume was not large. In order to prevent the dog dealer from cheating again, I chose to enter half of the spot position at the cost of 61,500. However, I may leave the market at any time because this position is quite embarrassing.

Trading is like leading troops in a war, and strategizing is very brain-intensive. Fortunately, I can take a hot spring bath, get a massage, play billiards, watch movies, eat buffets in the club, and then sleep like a pig until the sun goes down and I don’t want to leave.

These days, there are actually off-site capital operations, hidden in bath centers. After so many years, this thing has been constantly evolving and brainwashing low-cognition marginalized people, constantly wandering around playing hide-and-seek. Now it’s 20,000 per order, and the five-level three-tier system has been iterated to a public row jumping and dividing system, using a high-end environment to confuse people. Although this kind of chain sales is not static, the high bonus ratio can still stimulate people’s greed. The power of the semi-militarized management system, no app, no trace, and the manual accounting model has room for shady operations. Therefore, it has continued to spread from family to family for so many years, like a cancer in China’s deformed market economy. These people do not invite locals, and invisibly create a closed circle isolated from the world, all of which are killing familiar people.

The wash-out phase after the halving is a difficult vacuum period, with low trading volume, and it feels worse than the prosperity of the stock market next door. I saw a table that now ranks the funds invested in spot ETFs by many institutions. The first one is actually a quantitative institution called Haina, which holds 1.3 billion US dollars, far ahead of other capital and funds. It seems that arbitrage ability is not to be underestimated, just like the team leader has skills and no one will underestimate us.

There is a group of people in China who make product plates. This group is very large, covering cross-border memberships such as WeChat business, social e-commerce, new retail, live streaming, knowledge payment, etc. They don’t really have much idea about financial management, but sooner or later some of the young people who dare to innovate will eventually accumulate a pot of gold and take the step of making money from money. This is also the logic of the long-term spiral rise of the pie.

No matter how stupid they are, some people will eventually find that prices are always rising, and inflation cannot cover the purchasing power of the RMB in their hands no matter how hard they work. So they will try to buy funds, then hoard gold, speculate in futures, get cut all over, and finally buy risky assets to go all in. So it is this group of newcomers who have created bull markets again and again and played the role of the author of fueling the flames. However, the mob has no spiritual leader to lead, and will eventually lead to stampedes like May 19 as their ambitions are realized or shattered, dragging the market into the abyss again and again or even into a bear market. Then they will look for new funds and play with bubbles again. You hurt me, I hurt you, and it will be a cycle forever.

Therefore, the ability to make money off-site, whether you have a platform and channels, whether you have a personal IP that can monetize your influence, and whether you have advanced AI software tools? It is particularly important to have what others do not have and be better than others. Only then can you break through the siege and become the king. Otherwise, in the B circle, you can only make wedding clothes for the sickles again and again, and become cannon fodder for those unscrupulous project parties.

The truth is so cruel and bloody, so retail investors should not take chances. Even Melaleuca, which had a steady growth in performance in the past, changed its system and affected the interests of senior leaders. Then, ambitious leaders would leave the company even if they had feelings for it, and then become competitors. Then they would go back to integrate the past market, and before the management could react, they would be hit by the market backlash and their performance would continue to collapse over time.

Therefore, whether in life or in trading, we must comply with the "Way of Heaven", that is, do not go against the rules. Only by following the trend can we have the muscle to catch the bull. Those who always deceive others will eventually end up like those success gurus.

Market analysis is not easy, please be kind. I never want to hurt any fan who trusts me, but it really takes internal motivation to turn things around. For example, if you want to succeed, you need to set a goal. For example, to develop a team of 1,000 people in the quantitative brokerage industry, you only need to personally promote 10 users, and they refer people, and the traffic fission and network double, and it will take about half a year to reach a team of 1,000 people. Then you can enjoy a 40% differential reward. If the team only repurchases 100 fuels per month, you only get a 10% difference reward of 10 fuels, then your monthly passive cash flow is also 1,000 people X 10 fuels = more than 70,000 monthly salary. Understood, applause!

Everyone can do it. Just deposit 100 oil to activate the broker qualification, and you will be the agent of the world's most powerful Ai contract quantitative, and large funds can also follow the strategy on An'an. This is a pipeline business that is sure to make money. With a team, do you still care whether you made a profit or a loss in cryptocurrency trading today? The diamond result is something that everyone envies and is worth pursuing. From now on, no one will call you a stinky cryptocurrency trader...