It is the moment of life and death for the bulls again. $65,000 has become the last key position of defense. What I can see below is a cliff.

In fact, the pin has already broken this point, but after all, this is the dividing line between long and short positions, and both sides still have to fight and struggle. No one wants to die in disgrace.

The first position for replenishment is around 60,000, and the second area for accumulation of funds is around 50,000 to 56,000. If it can fall to 45,000, it will be a once-in-a-lifetime purchasing area, and you can go all in to pick up the bloody chips there.

Although there is a rebound today, we can see that there is a lot of pressure on the top. It was smashed down by selling orders as soon as it rose a little. The K-line shows the mood of who is running faster than retail investors. Most people only look at the present. The leeks do not understand that the deep correction is for a healthier market. If it soars up now, the space must be limited. It will stop at 100,000 US dollars at most, and the bull market will end.

Wall Street cannot be so small. The global money game now involves national teams, financial groups, institutions, various private hot money, traditional financial players who have switched from the stock market, and the "leek cult" composed of Meituan and the unemployed army, with hundreds of millions of people. Among them are rich second-generations like Wang Sicong, Dubai's fraud gangs, gangs in Brazil, Mexico, and Ecuador, the gambling army in the European Cup, the desperate young sleepwalkers in Southeast Asia, and the nouveau riche who bet two yuan on the lottery. All this money added together can probably circle the earth several times.

Next year in 2025, as long as there is a big positive line, retail investors will definitely be excited and go all-in just like seeing Nvidia. The capital tycoons in Hong Kong and Singapore will not show weakness, and the fund managers on Wall Street will allocate more positions of sovereign funds to Bitcoin and Ethereum. Even Solona and dogs. All of this is not the imagination of the group leader, but what I saw in advance when I traveled through the future time and space with my laser eyes.

If you ask me how much the bitcoin will be worth next year, I can only say that the price is a human imagination and does not exist at all. What you need to understand is whether you are holding paper or assets? If you can't tell the difference and only like pink fairy tales, then no matter how much balance you have in your bank card, it may just be a dream.

If you can switch to a currency-based mindset, even if you only have a few cents of bitcoin in your wallet now, as time goes by, this web3 kingdom will reward you as a person of faith. The premise is that you don't hold a bunch of fake coins, and those dog dealers that don't return to zero have already shown mercy. What is real money? What is fake money? I don't need to tell you.

Seeing the collapse of the diamond myth, we should wake up. Capital marketing has brainwashed us for decades, and education and the penetration of self-media have subtly influenced most people to stay in their comfort zone, limit their horizons, and work law-abidingly for decades. Damn, if there is a class that can last for decades, it would be fine, even if there is no pension.

But in Stop and Go, Bao Zong becomes A Bao again. After ten years in Beijing, he returns to a small town in middle age and actually starts a taxi. The movie is really realistic. There are not so many bright and beautiful moments. What is there is only the heavy life, the suffocating pressure, and the anxiety that never disappears when sleeping and going to bed.

I have been Bao Zong and A Bao. I know that life always has two sides, just like actors have a stage and an off-stage. Ups and downs, profits and losses, are the fate of us leeks. Making money has never been easy. No matter what industry you are in, even in finance, no one can reach the top as soon as they debut. They all struggle and get scarred. When they meet a master who gives them guidance, their growth experience is similar to that of the protagonist in martial arts novels. I went bankrupt twice but was not completely defeated. I stood up again and again. What is your experience of a small liquidation?

Therefore, what is more important than the technique itself is your mentality management, your deep understanding of human nature, and your control over your own bad habits.

This week is very risky. If the support level does not work, then the idea is to short at highs and follow the trend. Of course, everyone hopes to start a rebound, but I feel that the bulls are a bit struggling. Trading is like fighting a war. Didn’t the Red Army have to climb snow-capped mountains, cross grasslands, and march 25,000 miles before they finally won the victory?

Let's look at the current external environment. With live streaming being popular among the public, many big anchors have been eliminated. There are more waiters in physical stores than people shopping in shopping malls. The hot weather is just an excuse for people not going out. Everything shows that consumption downgrade will be the norm in the future. More and more people are cautious in investing and no longer spend lavishly. I am one of them. In the past, I would invest 100,000 or 80,000 yuan in a project without blinking an eye and making a decision in minutes. Now, I am also cautious and treading on thin ice, and no longer floating around.

Maturity may not be a good thing. I haven’t been a big brother for many years, and I miss the fearless self who was willing to gamble his life at any time. . . . .