At this moment, I should continue to remind you of the risk of the big cake at the beginning of next month. As the saying goes: if it is the bottom but not rebounding, the rebound is not the bottom. In my intuitive judgment, 58400 may not have really bottomed out. Have you blown up your position? If the leeks still have a chance to survive, it means that the dog dealer has not yet eradicated the roots. Don't worry, the main force will not show mercy to retail investors.

Think about the past 9.4, 3.12, 5.19, which one was not a bloodbath. This time the callback is too gentle, it has not touched the vicinity of 50,000, and the acting needs to increase the waterfall strength. There is still 10,000 points of room for decline from the limit of 48,000.

I've been watching short videos recently and often see "Big Times". Hong Kong dramas are really classics. I'm going to watch the movie "Customs Front" later. If China's customs can have half the respect for people as Hong Kong customs, we won't be so complacent. Yesterday, our foreign exchange technology held a launch conference in Kuala Lumpur. Unfortunately, I was not there. I was quite disappointed. I am sad that this is not a modern version of going to the countryside? It's the feudal and backward thing again. If you have the ability, keep Foxconn and don't let foreign capital move away. Where are the 300,000 Foxconn screwdrivers in Zhengzhou going now? God knows.

Don't say they are uneducated or uneducated. Graduates may not be able to find a satisfactory job within half a year after graduation. Do you believe it? It's inconvenient to go to Macau, so I can only play TM contracts. Who wants to gamble? Who doesn't want to have a stable job? Who doesn't want to have a pension when they get old? But it's too unrealistic. Reality is much crueler than idol dramas. There are not so many overbearing CEOs. Even Meituan has palace fighting dramas between executives and employees, which is as chaotic as the entertainment industry. Look at the young ladies twisting and turning on Douyin all day long. Do they have to sell their bodies and souls to get to the top? The workplace is not clean, the project circle is also full of smoke and miasma, and the currency circle is also full of scammers.

Prices have secretly risen again. The speed of inflation is faster than the speed of the increase in the price of pancakes. Is this going to make people live? Have I expressed your feelings? In the first half of my life, I played in "Battle Royale" and then "Gamble Apocalypse". Do I like excitement and adventure in my bones? I like it. I was forced to do it! I can't tell who forced me. Those who understand will understand.

My fate is like Akiya, like Kaiji, the Japanese drama actor's protagonist's sense of substitution is too strong. When I was traveling in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan two days ago, I thought of "Jade Guanyin", "Never Close Your Eyes", and "What Can I Do to Save You, My Love". At that moment, I really had the urge to go to Myanmar again.

I can now understand you people who do contracts, you always want to get rich overnight, people who choose projects always like to make huge profits, life is short. But the more anxious you are, the easier it is to fall into the gorgeous traps carefully laid out by the dog dealers and project parties. The movie "The Front" did not disappoint me. Nicholas Tse has grown into an action director. His fighting spirit is worth learning from young people. As a rich second generation, he did not lie down, but turned from a rebellious person to a positive and inspirational person. He did not pua other actors like the drama tyrant Donnie Yen.

There is a bull market at the end of the year, because the Hong Kong movie "Beijing Customs" helped us spread the word of cryptocurrencies. In the movie, Jacky Cheung, as a senior customs official, was actually an insider who accepted bribes and bought an island with cryptocurrencies. As time goes by, the more people watch this movie, the more people will buy cryptocurrencies, so it will inevitably push up the prices of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Sol.

When will China Customs be able to crack some major cases like smuggling? Learn from Hong Kong. Stop interrogating ordinary people all day long, even when they are not allowed to travel abroad. It would be a credit if you catch a few more telecom fraudsters. Don't wear a uniform and don't know what you are doing.

There is a risk of further decline in the crypto world in July. Don’t say I didn’t tell you in advance that there may be heavy rain ahead, so buy an umbrella in advance. Safety first, don’t destroy the green mountains, or you will be left with only a pile of firewood.

Be a friend of time, be a partner of the team leader, travel through time and space, the belief in web3 will never die, and the bull market will finally soar next year. . . . . .