I made a lot of money in this market, and I know you feel bad when you see the decline. But I still want to say, make good use of every crisis! If leeks want to become not leeks, they must take an unconventional path. Look at ordinary people, they just go with the flow, and it is highly likely that they will be mediocre all their lives.

This time, those analysts who used to brag and chatter in front of me all day long are silent. They laughed at me when I was escaping the top. Now you know who the real masters are. Many institutions have also lost money recently, and the amount of funds is huge. Who asked them not to hire me as a web3 consultant with an annual salary of 10 million? Otherwise, I could help those funds lose hundreds of millions less in this round of callback.

In fact, I like this kind of plunge very much, because shorting is very smooth, and it is very satisfying to win the contract, and I can feel the feeling of playing in Genting Casino in Malaysia. I am getting bolder and bolder now, and I have even used 50 times leverage. You must not learn from my style of playing with fearlessness and facing death. The dog dealers hide when they see me.

If I double my capital again recently, it means that my skills have reached a new level. Will this round of decline allow me to replace Liang Xi? I am not interested in getting rich overnight. I like a long-term relationship. Just like falling in love, love at first sight is only temporary, and staying together forever is the beginning and the end. In fact, I envy Wuyazi and Xuzhu, they have Li Qiushui and Menggu. I have nothing, only the occasional young model.

Sorry, I should have analyzed the market, am I off topic? I don't know what you like to see? I counted the price of the pie with my fingers, and the worst it can go is 48,000 US dollars. If the main force really hits that level, they will sell houses and land, no, even kidneys, and buy at the bottom to increase their chips. Others will be extremely scared, but we will be extremely greedy. Remember, trading is against human nature! Contrary to most people's operations, you are the controller of truth and will eventually become the winner! You can be the best in the blockchain world!

In fact, it is easy to speculate on real goods. The butt determines the head. Some are actually just a layer of window paper, which can be broken at a touch. I also had dozens of big cakes. After so many years of messing around, the more I messed around, the less I had. So, lying flat is actually a strategy. Look at Jiang Ziya, look at Zhuge Liang, look at Liu Bowen, look at Captain Wang, which one of them is not calm and composed?

Today's small rebound is just because the price deviates from the short-term moving average and needs to fill the gap, so my trading system temporarily stops short and takes profit. Tomorrow, I will continue to execute the idea with ease. When I completely let go of my fear, the dog dealer is no longer my imaginary enemy. The real opponent is whether I can defeat my inner demons and control my greedy hands. I am a practical person. I look down on the experts who only talk about theories all day long. They can only be called empty people. I am a person who wants to turn K-line into wealth every day, either by placing orders, getting rich, or taking revenge.

Many people can't stand my arrogance. My arrogance comes from the fact that the rice I have lost may be an asset that an ordinary person can only accumulate in half a lifetime. My knowledge structure is as boundless and cross-border as the sea, my experience is more exciting than novels, and my circle is wider than Sun Wukong.

There is a prophet whose name I forgot, but almost all his predictions have come true, except for one, which is that he said Trump will be the president of the United States. The answer to this mystery will be revealed in November. If Trump comes back to power, it will definitely be good for web3 people, and it will be a miracle in my opinion.

Recently, the twin brothers of Gemini Exchange gave Trump $1 million because he supports the cryptocurrency field. If we calculate based on the bull market correction of 30%, the bottom of 2024 is no more than $51,100, which is normal and not a black swan. So, there is no need to panic.

If you look at it from another angle, like I am shorting my position now, am I hoping for cheaper chips to come out before I get on board? Then every decline is actually a gift from the dealer to everyone! The only thing you are worried about is that you don't have the cash to add to your position. What you need to think about is whether there is a stable cash flow every month for you to invest regularly. Instead of having an emotional breakdown and a messy mentality every time the market falls.

Everyone is drunk but I am sober, I am free from all worries when I trade in cryptocurrencies. Although I know the tricks by heart, I need money to teach you. . . . . .