What the hell is TOX? It is resistant to falling against the trend. Someone asked me what coin to buy, I just said that the position of this coin is still good. Knowing the fact is not only knowing the reason, if you want to know the reason, just pay 599 tuition to join the private board meeting, and you will know how to choose the coin entry point and make decisions.

Today I sold another short contract. After a long time of hesitation, it finally fell. I have mastered the ways of the dog dealer. How come I suddenly found the feeling after flying around China and became a gambling god? The consecutive wins have stimulated my self-confidence and I want to recruit apprentices again.

In recent years, entertainment has anesthetized people's minds. Douyin self-media is nothing more than Da Lan, Can Ge, Dong Yuhui, and Zhang Xuefeng. My talent and skills alone can match those four people. Some people say that my teaching style can freely switch between the expertise of the four of them at any time.

I can't argue with Da Lan, and I'm not on the same level when it comes to scolding sea cucumbers. The poetic and picturesque classmate Dong is only qualified to sit in the audience and listen to my obscene poems. I'm not humorous when it comes to deceiving students about starting a business and career planning, but I'm definitely more sharp than the Xuefeng brothers, hitting people's hearts and grasping their souls.

In my opinion, $58,400 is not the bottom yet. There is still room below. Although it is very close to the 200-day line, I feel that the bubble has not been fully released. Once the trend is formed, it will not change easily. Retail investors are not scared enough. How can there be so many leeks who dare to catch the falling knife when the market falls? Everyone's pockets have not been cleaned yet. I think the sudden rise in sentiment and funds is not in place.

Recently, even Herbalife, a US-funded company, went bankrupt, and some people went to the Shanghai headquarters to defend their rights. I didn’t expect that the direct selling industry would also be shaken. The big leader of Melaleuca also defected and fled, and Tong Ren Tang also restarted its direct selling mall. A bunch of big companies couldn’t even beat Anhua Black Tea’s old-fashioned method of operating a large order in a different place.

The popularity of Guo Hongcai in the cryptocurrency circle is actually surpassed by the popularity of Guo Youcai's singing. A large number of bloggers have failed. Now many companies, regardless of size, are almost all makeshift teams that cannot withstand the wind and rain and are very fragile. There are many unemployed people around me. Even if they are in debt, I am unwilling to find a job. It's not that young people don't want to have children, but many of them don't even look for a partner.

Now I seem to have turned contracts into a hobby. I gamble for fun and I am quite satisfied with eating pork knuckle rice in Ant Warehouse every day. Anyway, no matter how much I earn, I can't travel abroad for the time being. I can only apply for a bunch of membership cards in the club all day. I don't know if I am very decadent?

I just watched the movie "Bad Boys" and was amused by the black humor. My writing is really not humorous, only sarcastic, so I can understand that some people don't like to read it, because I never want to cater to anyone. Only the weak need to lick the boots.

I am a person with laser eyes that can see the future. I can see the vigorous bull market in 2025 with my eyes closed. Ten years ago, when I preached Bitcoin to people, a lot of people said I was crazy. Ten years later, when I share mining accelerators with people, there will definitely be a group of people who don't believe it.

I am involved in the black technology of making money. When I compared the mining machine to a money printing machine, how many people believed it? Almost no one. Even though many people thought they had a high level of knowledge, they were still mortals with short-sightedness. So many people ask why they were unlucky and didn’t come into contact with Bitcoin ten years ago. In fact, it has nothing to do with luck. If you come into contact with it, you won’t believe it, and even if you believe it, you won’t take action. Because there are only 1% of people who can achieve unity of knowledge and action in the crowd, and I am destined to be that 1% who don’t fit in, because in essence we are in the body, mind and spirit circle, we are playing metaphysics, haha.

I never brag. If I did, I would say that it is easy to make money. I have never said such a thing. I only say that money is hard to make and shit is hard to eat. Wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit. In fact, my dream since childhood is to be a director. If I enter the entertainment industry, there will be no place for Wang Jing. I guess I have to make an R-rated film to be nominated for the AVN Oscar Hall of Fame. Unfortunately, many movies cannot be made in the mainland. I am not interested in the current short dramas. I still like those with connotation, such as "The Ten Tortures of the Qing Dynasty" and the Eight-Nation Alliance. In fact, I don't understand anything.

I don’t know if I have strayed from the topic today, the key is where are the topics? Now I have investigated several projects, including mining, custody, foreign exchange, private placement, and arbitrage. I will sort out my thoughts and take you with me. Even if my body lies in the deep mountains and old forests, I can still bring you the most cutting-edge first-hand information on cross-border projects. I won’t say more, the market analysis has become a piece of cake for me, and it is becoming less and less challenging. What I want is to help you turn over, create benchmarks and role models among fans, and let you leeks become my clones scattered in every city, showing my proud web3 soul. ... . . . .