With the end of the Dubai 2049token at the Hong Kong Web3 Carnival and the Bitcoin halving that just ended, the team leader sorted out the gameplay in the second half of the bull market:

1. Pledge: If you cannot bear the risk of 100% principal loss, you do not deserve the 3% pledge interest.

2. Mining: If you can’t afford a mining machine that costs tens of thousands of dollars, you don’t deserve to get a few cents of mining income every day.

3. Lu Mao: If you can’t survive the three-year epidemic and the two-year bear market, you don’t deserve to wait for the day when the project is airdropped.

4. Runes: If you can’t afford 1000u of gas fee, you don’t deserve to get a rune worth 100u.

5. Follow the orders: If you don’t have the courage to go bankrupt with the blogger, you are not worthy of following the blogger to trade cryptocurrencies.

6. Borrowing: If you are not prepared to pay several tens of percent in handling fees, don’t even think about borrowing money from the platform.

7. Brickmoving: If you can’t afford to be stuck on the chain for a few days and the gas fee skyrocketing, you don’t deserve the 0.0001% profit.

8. Contract: If you have never had the experience of having all your chips taken away by a nurse with a needle, don’t think about making easy money with contracts.

9. Local dog: If you don’t have the courage to face the possibility of losing nine out of ten times, you are not worthy of hitting the local dog that makes money once in a century.

10. AI Quantitative: There is no threshold, you can enter and exit at any time, you don’t need to pay back the original investment, you can make high-frequency arbitrage with the old hen in your own pocket. Being a broker to promote robot software is like Macau stacking money to make a steady profit.

After comparison, it seems that it is not easy to make money in so many tracks, and the advantages and disadvantages are clear at a glance. Most leeks are destined to lose money from the moment they decide which sector to play. There is no doubt that I, who consider myself a wise man, choose to focus on the last field and delve into AI artificial intelligence trading.

Last night, I couldn't sleep because I went all in again. I accidentally heard Singaporean Lao Gao talking about a book, which is translated as "Overcoming the Inner Demon". The author of this book is Napoleon Hill, the founder of success studies. This book has been banned for nearly a hundred years and is unknown to the world. I suddenly felt that this is a book that helps people to be enlightened. It is a peerless work of deep spiritual communication between Napoleon Hill and Gao Wei. It is said that anyone who has read this overseas "Nine Yin Manual" is either rich or noble. The leader recommends that everyone go and read it. If you don't understand it, I will share it with you in the form of a lecture in the future. Those who can read this book will have new answers to many unknowns in the world and the universe. The leader thinks it is like the Western version of "The Four Lessons of Life". After reading it, you will find it very easy to make money, just like Xu Zhu got 70 years of skills from Wuyazi.

Let me briefly reveal my feelings. It turns out that the real law on earth is not 20.80, but the law of 2 and 98. Only 2% of people in society are truly highly cognized and truly rich (including spiritually rich). The remaining 98% of people are controlled by some invisible force, have no thoughts of their own, and have been brainwashed since childhood to go to work, so they have no time to create wealth in their lives.

Fortunately, you woke up, and fortunately, you and I have the chance to enter the cryptocurrency circle. This book, "Overcoming the Inner Demon", actually reveals from the perspective of Tao why you are always cut, always stepping into pits, and always losing money as a leek. No matter how hard you struggle, the red and green K-line is as simple as Tai Chi, but you can never understand it and become a winner in your life. Whether you play finance or not, I suggest you read this book that 99.99% of Chinese people have no chance to read, and they don't even have the blessing of hearing the title of this book. It seems that you are really worth it to be a fan of the team. I care about your success more than your relatives, even if you and I have never met.

I suddenly had an idea. Should I arrange a lunch similar to Buffett's every month for Jiucai Tuanzi? Inherit his legacy and hold a web3 lunch auction for the group leader every month. The base price is 300 oil. Whoever bids the highest will spend one day with you every month to have lunch and teach you face to face the skills of blockchain transactions that I have learned over the past 10 years. If you are a female fan, you can get a 20% discount, haha.

The reason for playing AI quantitative is not to fall into the trap set by the dog dealers, and not to watch the market, so that the jumping market can not affect our emotions. We will not be greedy, angry, or stupid. Forget the coins you bought. As long as you treat it as a four-year bank deposit, you will almost certainly make money. This is the highest realm of speculating in the capital market. The top traders on Wall Street can't do anything to you.

98% of the unwise people in the universe are controlled by a kind of "negative energy" that controls your thoughts, behaviors, habits, and actions. Therefore, your poverty is because the eyes of another space are constantly controlling your feelings. The power they are best at using is called fear. Your subconscious mind is controlled by fear, which is similar to the dog dealer's routine.

Do you think it is a coincidence that Binance's algorithm recommended you to read my diary? No, no, your decision to click on this article today has been determined since the day of the Big Bang. Schools only teach knowledge, which is a different matter. I don't want to talk too deeply or too mysteriously, because many people have been educated since childhood so that you can't understand it, and even if you understand it, you won't believe it.

The most powerful prophet in ancient China should be Liu Bowen. Today's weather forecast is so weak. It rained heavily here last night, but the weather forecast predicted sunny weather. Why don't you go to the meteorological institute to complain? I record my trading experience, and it is understandable that it is wrong occasionally, but some trolls are talking nonsense in the background. Yes, I am the anti-guiding light. I told you, only by buying the opposite of the group leader can you get a villa by the sea, haha. The true transmission is a sentence, and the false transmission is a thousand books. If you go to worship Buddha, it will only work if you are sincere.

The market is not important. The essence, truth, and rules are important. You work all day long, so how can you have time to think about these things that seem to have nothing to do with your pocket? It is because your brain is lazy, your heart is proud, your actions are delayed, and you are afraid of failure that you study your fate today.

I am very lucky because I discovered the truth about fate. Although fate is predetermined, luck does not exist. The only thing we can control is our choice. I choose quantification, I am happy, and I win without doing anything. . . . . .