This market is quite tiring. Yes, the dog dealer is testing your patience. However, it is rising slowly today. It is really a dilemma whether to enter or not.

However, I went all-in again for spot trading. Even if I was tricked into buying by the main force, I accepted it. After all, I didn't want to miss out, so I embraced the risk again and was willing to accept the loss.

Therefore, it is difficult to operate manually, and only AI quantitative robots can be used to cut in. In fact, after I talked with the Dubai boss, the biggest consensus was that there was no need for analysis. This industry is the same routine as Macau and Las Vegas, all of which are killing the big and losing the small.

How can you win? Just look at one indicator, the long-short ratio. This is the inverse consistency principle I mentioned before. The essence of the contract is that you bet against the exchange. If you lose, the platform owner will make money. You think the exchange cares about your thousandth of a handling fee, but they don't care. Sun Ge and his men want your old hens. Just look at the fate of the cool mat and you will know.

I have configured some sols. Currently only have big cake and solona. etc is good, matic is low after all, and wld seems to have some people from the capital circle preaching.

Life and death are determined by fate, wealth and honor are determined by heaven. Wenzhou people say: Either be a boss or sleep on the floor. Fujian people say: Only hard work can win. I will continue to rush down the poker table to act out Gao Qiqiang's victory over Bai Jinhan. I don't believe it won't soar today and by the end of the year. If I can't reach 150,000 US dollars by the end of next year, I will go to the top of the Al Faith Tower in Dubai and live broadcast the free fall.

I didn't ask you to follow orders, I only recommend you to use AI quantitative software. I feel uncomfortable sleeping with money lying on my stomach. I don't know if money feels uncomfortable when I sleep lying on my stomach? I would rather lose money than miss out on opportunities. You can't afford it, so don't learn from me. Your safest way is to use AI algorithm to insure your position with artificial intelligence. Good advice may be unpleasant to the ears, but it is beneficial to practice, especially for large funds. Never go all in. It is already quite aggressive to play with 60% at most. Always leave room for yourself to turn around.

I have gone through bankruptcy twice in the past, and I was in so much pain that I wanted to die. Not everyone can survive the psychological torture that lasted for several years. Those who have been reborn and made a comeback after bankruptcy must be extremely strong. Ordinary people, I advise you not to take risks, just like Gao Qiqiang advised his brother not to touch the beautiful flowers, curiosity killed the cat. Don't think you have perseverance, there are some things that you must not touch, some risks that you can't take. For example, if you want to start a capital pool, if you want to make money by posting a local dog, don't do things that are against the will of heaven, God will punish those people sooner or later.

Yesterday I saw a friend splitting up again. I thought to myself that it is not popular in Malaysia anymore, so how can this outdated model still have a market? After careful consideration, each track has a specific group of people, and humans have fixed mindsets. For example, if you have tasted the sweetness of MBi in the past, then your next stop may still be splitting up AGK. For example, if you have made a comeback in Zero-Roll Fun Steps before, then your next project may fall into the pit of Zero-Roll in Mi Le Short Video. You have played mutual aid and crowdfunding before and tasted a little sweetness, and then you have been subconsciously looking for this kind of plate.

Those who play forex custody always like to continue to immerse themselves in the dream of long-term stable profit of 5% to 15% per month and are unwilling to wake up. Those who play deif pledge mining have been addicted to TP wallets and look forward to winning the lottery and stepping on the big gold. People always use past experience to choose and decide the future path. Even if they don’t know whether it is right or wrong. Such reincarnation constitutes the so-called uncontrollable fate. Some poor people have never turned the gears of fate in their lives. There are a lot of people who live like zombies, who have always been concerned with pulling the mill like a donkey, and don’t look up at the sky. Even if the times have changed, they are still living in the small circle drawn by their own thinking. If that small circle is drawn for you by power, it is destined. If that small circle is drawn by yourself, it is called a lifetime of sadness.

I have experienced what it feels like to be a quantitative broker and earn more than 100,000 yuan in cash flow per month. If no one does it, that is the opportunity for us leeks. There is no competition and it is not crowded at all. Why bother to follow the hot spots and do chain games, mining, coin-mining, private equity, NFT, and airdrops? Without a main business line, you will never understand sedimentation. The rotation of sectors is like trying to press a ball floating in the water, but you can't press any of them down.

Unless you have three years of quantitative skills like Tai Chi Master Zhang Sanfeng, you can shake the dog dealer to the ground with Ai strategy with a flick of your hand. The main force's internal organs were shattered by me. Your opponent is the exchange's Sky Eye big data, and Sun Yuchen uses robots to brush the K-line trading volume. You don't use Ai robots and still fantasize about winning over Sun Dasheng? That's a bit unrealistic. The calligraphy and painting collections he bought from auctions in his mansion in Singapore are all stained with the blood of countless leeks. This AI intelligent robot dog toy is Sun Ge's toy. I don't know how much blood he sucked from you, and you still say thank you.

Why didn't he do HT platform coin? The essence is that the chips are in the hands of the former boss Li Lin, not his own son. Except for Tron, which is his most successful work of cutting leeks. Alas, I am not like these people who are good at attacking the mind. They may smile on the surface, but they may hide a knife behind their smile. So no investors will use me, because I don't like to say things against my will, and always expose the shortcomings of those sickles, so I am not liked by the project parties.

I won't write anymore. I'm really not good at typing. Tonight at 8 o'clock, I will talk to you in room 619266552 about the market. The market has stabilized. What strategy should we use to fight against the dog dealers in the second half of the bull market? Is there a wealth code?

I will only speak for one hour in the evening. For those who are interested in AI software technology, please come to the online interactive meeting in the room in the evening. It will save you air tickets and hotels. It is better to listen to the brainwashing of the group leader than to jump into the pit and have your pockets emptied by those traders. . . . . .