Women are the root of trouble. These words became the last straw that broke the camel's back for Brother Can, and the image of the leader of the benchwork industry finally collapsed.

The market is like chicken ribs. I was so scared that I cleared my position again yesterday. I slapped myself in the face. It was a shameless operation. I cut myself. I was really cheap. I completely surrendered to AI artificial intelligence. Today, I launched a new hedging strategy, which has a stable monthly return of 20%. I pay tribute to Simons, the originator of quantitative trading.

This kind of sophisticated egoism by Baidu's Vice President of Public Relations, Qu Jing, directly triggered strong dissatisfaction among the working class. The leeks directly overturned the table, and the sea cucumber was not innocent. Last night, Sea Cucumber was still live streaming and was not banned. I can only say that the incorrect values ​​in the genes of these people in the e-commerce circle are the root cause of the fuse.

This farce of the sea cucumber brother is like "Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils". Flies don't bite seamless eggs. The emotional one was buried by the spit of the fisherwoman. This is not the time of retribution, but the time has not come. What a cause and effect. The crickets were killed and the sea cucumbers were destroyed. This is called the will of heaven.

Creating a self-media account or traffic agent operation is a false proposition in itself. What is there to learn? Just click the live broadcast button. For short videos, just be like Bao Erye and talk nonsense with a straight face. There is no need to teach him 80,000 IQ tax and be scolded by him for licking his boots. It can only be said that Zhou Yu fights Huang Gai, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to be beaten. It will take time to verify who will be harvested by the sickle in the end. So, when speaking in China, you must be careful not to speak without restraint and be too arrogant.

PEPE and ton are both very strong. I didn't expect meme coins to take the lead in this bull market. Have the web3 project run out of innovation? Blockchain is about to become a retail fool's playground like GameStop in the US stock market. We have to cater to the consensus of young idiots. We don't need technology, we just need popularity and topics. Is web3 also about to run out of steam? It's becoming more and more like the casino game in Sihanoukville, where you can just shoot and leave without fighting.

There are three major schools in the capital market. Value investors are represented by Buffett. His partner Munger has passed away, and Buffett's long-term strategy of investigating fundamentals has declined sharply.

Then there is Soros, who was feared for his sideways move in the Southeast Asian currency market. He is proficient in the foreign exchange market and is the representative of philosophical investment. This thing is a bit like metaphysics and is difficult to replicate.

The third one is a secret after all, and few people have heard of it. Simons, the founder of quantitative investment, his Medallion robot beat the two manual trading masters above with an annualized return of 50%. Even during the financial crisis, Mr. Simons sat firmly on the Huashan Sword Contest throne and was deified as the first person on Wall Street in the financial market AI intelligent quantitative.

The team leader can only take the lead as the leader of Huashan School of Quantitative Trading, and lead the world with trend strategies and hedging strategies, and challenge custody and copy trading, because I really can't stand those teachers in the market who are full of benevolence and righteousness and eat the losses of customers. In fact, they are essentially the same as scammers. I am not afraid of offending people when I say this. If someone takes you to a wild chicken exchange, you should suspect that he is coveting your old mother chicken and is in the same group with those third-rate contract exchanges, which is not much more advanced than the pig-killing plate.

Recently I saw a tragedy where a female student jumped into a river and was surrounded by a group of people but no one came to rescue her. I wonder if everyone in China is so numb and only cares about themselves, is there still hope for this nation? China does not need clowns like Hai Shen who are full of thick black culture. China needs more knowledge-paying teachers like Zhou Wenqiang and Wang Kun who are positive and truly engaged in education, including me.

So I suddenly had an idea. Facing the Chinese stock market, foreign exchange, futures, and cryptocurrency, I plan to use my tactics and experience in the form of fan travel seminars. The leader's pattern is unimaginable. Two days and one night of study tour, I will personally teach you the private board of directors course of the club, and give you a stock Ai follow-up software worth 4,800. I will sleep with you for one night and teach you all my life's trading experience. The luxurious club provides food and accommodation. You can play in Luoyang, the thousand-year-old imperial capital and the peony flower city. The leader will spend a night with you and teach you the money-making method of currency circle trading. The study tour fee is only 600 oil. It is held once a month, and the small blockchain circle will take you to eat, drink and have fun. Let's not play by the rules. What you buy is software + course + chat.

Let me make it clear first, I only sell my art but not my body. From now on, we will be master and apprentice. I will not accept female apprentices like Qu Jing, even if you are a rich woman, I am not interested. I will take you into the deep waters of web3 and get to the core of transaction arbitrage. I won’t say more. I am lying in the club just after taking a sauna. I am waiting for you to listen to my bragging. I only need 600 oil to link to me. If you are not serious, please do not disturb me. . . . . . .