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为什么你在币圈没有赚到钱?看看自己中了几条 1️⃣跌下来没有布局; 2️⃣即使布局了,但没有拿住,庄家一洗,就下车了; 3️⃣筹码太分散; 4️⃣频繁上车下车,不断的换仓,追涨杀跌,最终错过了牛市; 5️⃣牛市追涨,且大仓位满仓梭哈,一个大回调,就造成割肉离场; 6️⃣牛来了却不知道,不敢重仓,牛市走了不知道走,依然重仓或者不断加仓。 #非农就业数据即将公布 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #ASI代币合并计划 #meme板块关注热点
#非农就业数据即将公布 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #ASI代币合并计划 #meme板块关注热点
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I have been in the cryptocurrency circle for more than seven years, relying on these ten rules 1. After making a big profit, keep the position empty for at least one month, and turn from prosperity to decline 2. Keep the position empty for three consecutive days of losses, and change the direction in time 3. Hold the position for at least one month, and hold the position exclusively 4. Do not chase if it opens more than five points higher, and do not buy if it opens five points lower 5. Do not chase if there is a huge amount at a high position, and do not touch if there is a huge amount at a low position 6. Do not do weak points, and do not buy low points 7. Do not split the position for more than 3 times, and be exclusive 8. Do not touch if you do not understand, and do not touch new coins easily 9. Do not do left-side transactions, do not buy low, and have no bottom 10. Believe in yourself, and you will win in the end! #非农就业数据即将公布 #ASI代币合并计划 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF
I have been in the cryptocurrency circle for more than seven years, relying on these ten rules

1. After making a big profit, keep the position empty for at least one month, and turn from prosperity to decline

2. Keep the position empty for three consecutive days of losses, and change the direction in time

3. Hold the position for at least one month, and hold the position exclusively

4. Do not chase if it opens more than five points higher, and do not buy if it opens five points lower

5. Do not chase if there is a huge amount at a high position, and do not touch if there is a huge amount at a low position

6. Do not do weak points, and do not buy low points

7. Do not split the position for more than 3 times, and be exclusive

8. Do not touch if you do not understand, and do not touch new coins easily

9. Do not do left-side transactions, do not buy low, and have no bottom

10. Believe in yourself, and you will win in the end!

#非农就业数据即将公布 #ASI代币合并计划 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF
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BTC is coming, very big! ! In 20 years, Bitcoin went from 3800 to 65000, and then adjusted back to 28000, which is also near the golden section of 0.618 From 23 to 24, Bitcoin went from 15500 to 74000. Now it has started to adjust back on a weekly basis, and is expected to be around 38000, which is also the golden section of 0.618. Next, the second bull market will start quickly, and it will be around 98000 History will not repeat itself, but it will be surprisingly similar! ! As an investor, while pursuing high returns, be sure to carefully assess risks and invest rationally. Follow me on the homepage, and I will share the bull market layout strategy for free every day!
BTC is coming, very big! !
In 20 years, Bitcoin went from 3800 to 65000, and then adjusted back to 28000, which is also near the golden section of 0.618
From 23 to 24, Bitcoin went from 15500 to 74000. Now it has started to adjust back on a weekly basis, and is expected to be around 38000, which is also the golden section of 0.618. Next, the second bull market will start quickly, and it will be around 98000
History will not repeat itself, but it will be surprisingly similar! !

As an investor, while pursuing high returns, be sure to carefully assess risks and invest rationally. Follow me on the homepage, and I will share the bull market layout strategy for free every day!
给大家讲讲投资中的诀窍。⚠️⚠️今天七月第一天。最近十天左右一直在叫大家分批建仓。这也太舒服了吧。七月是丰收的季节。这第一天开头特别的好! 1️⃣在投资的旅程中,正如在生活的其他方面,既需要在牛市中展现出足够的胆识,也要在熊市中保持充足的耐心。成功并非一蹴而就,而是需要对市场的深刻理解和心态上的成熟。 2️⃣牛市是投资者展现魄力的时刻,需要敢于把握机遇,大胆投资,实现资产增值。然而,熊市则考验投资者的耐心,要求我们保持冷静,等待合适的时机,而不是盲目跟风或恐慌性抛售。 3️⃣真正的投资智慧往往超越了技术图表的范畴。它源自我们的生活经验,以及在市场波动中保持平和心态的能力。投资者应该学会在图表之外寻找智慧,通过不断学习和实践提升自己的投资能力。 4️⃣设定实际可行的目标是投资成功的关键。不要期望一夜暴富,而是从小目标开始,比如先赚取100万或500万。这与追求爱情的过程相似,需要一步步来,逐渐建立信任和了解,然后才能迈向更深层次的关系。 5️⃣在投资中,避免急功近利的心态至关重要。正如在人际关系中,直接提出过分的要求往往会破坏关系,投资也需要时间和耐心去培养。投资者应该学会在市场中稳健前行,逐步实现财务目标。 6️⃣无论是爱情还是投资,都需要具备正确的心态和策略。通过不断学习和实践,我们可以在生活的各个方面取得成功。让我们在投资的道路上保持耐心和智慧,逐步实现我们的梦想。#非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #ASI代币合并计划 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划






6️⃣无论是爱情还是投资,都需要具备正确的心态和策略。通过不断学习和实践,我们可以在生活的各个方面取得成功。让我们在投资的道路上保持耐心和智慧,逐步实现我们的梦想。#非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #ASI代币合并计划 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划
兄弟们,不要灰心! 这个圈子的趋势依然存在,我们一定要抓住!要学会布局。 在环境不佳时,我们更需要提升自己的认知水平,用智慧和勇气去发现隐藏的宝藏。 金融市场总是风起云涌、变幻莫测。当你觉得前途渺茫时,或许正是黎明前的黑暗。 当大多数人迷失方向、选择放弃时,正是你迎难而上、脱颖而出的最佳时机! 现在,我们需要的不是抱怨和放弃。宏观经济和美联储政策都是我们期待的火种,一旦点燃,将引发一场前所未有的加密货币风暴!#美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #以太坊ETF批准预期
兄弟们,不要灰心! 这个圈子的趋势依然存在,我们一定要抓住!要学会布局。


现在,我们需要的不是抱怨和放弃。宏观经济和美联储政策都是我们期待的火种,一旦点燃,将引发一场前所未有的加密货币风暴!#美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #以太坊ETF批准预期
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In the previous bull market, as long as you know how to buy and hold, it will be fine. However, in this round of bull market, funds switch faster, and you need to know how to sell altcoins to ensure that you can put your money in the bag. Selling makes money forever, don't pursue the pattern too much, so as not to spit back all the profits in the bear market. After this wave of reshuffle is completed, the rise of altcoins will appear again, but it will not be as comprehensive as in the past. Good targets may have dozens of times of room for growth, while bad targets are likely to not outperform the market. The importance of choosing a good target has increased. If you choose the wrong one, you must dare to change your position and not be dragged down by sunk costs. #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #MiCA #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF
In the previous bull market, as long as you know how to buy and hold, it will be fine. However, in this round of bull market, funds switch faster, and you need to know how to sell altcoins to ensure that you can put your money in the bag.
Selling makes money forever, don't pursue the pattern too much, so as not to spit back all the profits in the bear market.

After this wave of reshuffle is completed, the rise of altcoins will appear again, but it will not be as comprehensive as in the past. Good targets may have dozens of times of room for growth, while bad targets are likely to not outperform the market. The importance of choosing a good target has increased. If you choose the wrong one, you must dare to change your position and not be dragged down by sunk costs. #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #MiCA #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF
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$NTRN empty him. 0.5 floor. I will see the result tomorrow morning. If you make money, please like and comment for me.
$NTRN empty him. 0.5 floor. I will see the result tomorrow morning. If you make money, please like and comment for me.
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Are you looking forward to the upcoming July? The cryptocurrency field will usher in two important events: 1️⃣The launch of ETH ETF: The launch of Ethereum exchange-traded funds (ETFs) provides investors with an opportunity to seize market pullbacks and deploy leading projects in the Ethereum ecosystem. Investors can use this opportunity to optimize their portfolios and achieve a transition from losses to profits. 2️⃣Trump may attend the BTC 2024 conference: Former President Trump may attend the Bitcoin conference in Nashville on July 25, which will become the most watched Bitcoin-related event this year. After the market adjustment in June, the market development in July is full of expectations. Investors should seize the current pullback opportunity and make strategic layouts. #Meme板块普涨 #美国PCE数据将公布 #美联储何时降息? #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #以太坊ETF批准预期 $SOL
Are you looking forward to the upcoming July? The cryptocurrency field will usher in two important events:

1️⃣The launch of ETH ETF: The launch of Ethereum exchange-traded funds (ETFs) provides investors with an opportunity to seize market pullbacks and deploy leading projects in the Ethereum ecosystem. Investors can use this opportunity to optimize their portfolios and achieve a transition from losses to profits.
2️⃣Trump may attend the BTC 2024 conference: Former President Trump may attend the Bitcoin conference in Nashville on July 25, which will become the most watched Bitcoin-related event this year. After the market adjustment in June, the market development in July is full of expectations. Investors should seize the current pullback opportunity and make strategic layouts.
#Meme板块普涨 #美国PCE数据将公布 #美联储何时降息? #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #以太坊ETF批准预期 $SOL
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A high-level decline in volume usually means that the market may be at risk of being tempted to buy more. Do you understand the high-level decline in volume? Imagine that in a large shopping mall, a large crowd of people suddenly gathered when a stall was about to close. This situation was not accompanied by any special promotions, such as big discounts or buy-one-get-one-free promotions. As a passing customer, seeing such a scene, you may join the crowd out of curiosity to see what products attracted so many people. But when you squeeze in, you find that there are actually no particularly attractive products on the stall. The crowd is just to create the illusion of hot sales. They may be hired to create an atmosphere. Once enough customers are attracted, these "supports" will quickly disperse, leaving those customers who do not know the truth confused. Similarly, in the cryptocurrency market, if the price of the currency is already high, but the trading volume has decreased, and suddenly a large amount of funds intervene, you need to be vigilant at this time. High levels mean higher investment costs, and the sudden intervention of large amounts of funds may indicate that the market makers are manipulating the market. The dealer invests a lot of money to push up the price of the currency, the purpose may be to attract retail investors to follow suit and let them take over at a high price, while the dealer withdraws after the retail investors buy, leaving the retail investors facing the potential risk of loss. Therefore, when the market rises at a high level with shrinking volume, we should be cautious and avoid blindly following the trend. Instead, we should deeply analyze the market dynamics and fundamental information and make rational investment decisions.#bnb$BTC #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #币安合约锦标赛 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #Meme板块普涨 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH
A high-level decline in volume usually means that the market may be at risk of being tempted to buy more. Do you understand the high-level decline in volume? Imagine that in a large shopping mall, a large crowd of people suddenly gathered when a stall was about to close. This situation was not accompanied by any special promotions, such as big discounts or buy-one-get-one-free promotions. As a passing customer, seeing such a scene, you may join the crowd out of curiosity to see what products attracted so many people. But when you squeeze in, you find that there are actually no particularly attractive products on the stall. The crowd is just to create the illusion of hot sales. They may be hired to create an atmosphere. Once enough customers are attracted, these "supports" will quickly disperse, leaving those customers who do not know the truth confused. Similarly, in the cryptocurrency market, if the price of the currency is already high, but the trading volume has decreased, and suddenly a large amount of funds intervene, you need to be vigilant at this time. High levels mean higher investment costs, and the sudden intervention of large amounts of funds may indicate that the market makers are manipulating the market. The dealer invests a lot of money to push up the price of the currency, the purpose may be to attract retail investors to follow suit and let them take over at a high price, while the dealer withdraws after the retail investors buy, leaving the retail investors facing the potential risk of loss.

Therefore, when the market rises at a high level with shrinking volume, we should be cautious and avoid blindly following the trend. Instead, we should deeply analyze the market dynamics and fundamental information and make rational investment decisions.#bnb$BTC #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #币安合约锦标赛 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #Meme板块普涨 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH
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If you get rich in this bull market, you must remember these 10 things 1. Buy a 280-square-meter flat in the city center immediately. 2. Print a resignation letter on A4 paper and throw it directly in the face of the ruthless boss 3. Buy a Porsche Panamera immediately and drive it back home during the Spring Festival to be a well-known person 4. Keep it secret and don't tell anyone, including your family. 5. Pay off all debts first. 6. Save it and put it aside for a year. 7. Don't cooperate with friends or relatives and continue to pretend to be a loser. 8. Don't let your children know that you have a change in wealth to prevent them from being eroded by money. 9. Maintain the status quo and treat wealth as an unexpected gain. 10. Big data will not push randomly. Friends who have seen this. It means that you will really get rich in this bull market. #Meme板块普涨 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美国PCE数据将公布 #美联储何时降息?
If you get rich in this bull market, you must remember these 10 things

1. Buy a 280-square-meter flat in the city center immediately.

2. Print a resignation letter on A4 paper and throw it directly in the face of the ruthless boss

3. Buy a Porsche Panamera immediately and drive it back home during the Spring Festival to be a well-known person

4. Keep it secret and don't tell anyone, including your family.

5. Pay off all debts first.

6. Save it and put it aside for a year.

7. Don't cooperate with friends or relatives and continue to pretend to be a loser.

8. Don't let your children know that you have a change in wealth to prevent them from being eroded by money.

9. Maintain the status quo and treat wealth as an unexpected gain.

10. Big data will not push randomly. Friends who have seen this. It means that you will really get rich in this bull market. #Meme板块普涨 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美国PCE数据将公布 #美联储何时降息?
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Hello everyone, Bitcoin fell 8.1% yesterday, falling to $58,528 at 4 a.m., the largest intraday drop since April 13. But strangely, many altcoins did not break new lows, and some altcoins rose instead of falling. It seems that altcoins also have a bottom line. Yesterday, there was news that Mentougou paid more than $400 per BTC, which may be fake news and needs further observation. There should be detailed information by July 10. BTC may fall below $60,000 again. However, altcoins may see a turnaround for two reasons. (1) BTC is not at a high level, so there is room for altcoins to play. BTC has always been at $70,000 before, and big investors are worried that BTC’s correction will cut altcoins in half. So they dare not buy. Now that BTC has fallen to $60,000, altcoins have room to rise. (2) BTC is under selling pressure, and everyone knows that Mentougou is going to crash the market. Then some funds in the market will flow from BTC to ETH and other altcoins. So from now to early July, don’t short your position. Hold 30% of your position, and then gradually increase your position in ETH and altcoins to 50%-60%. Don’t go all in at once, buy a little bit every day. If the Mentougou news causes BTC to fall to $55,000, it will be a good opportunity to buy at the bottom. Because the biggest negative factor in the cryptocurrency market in the past 10 years has been lifted, the cryptocurrency market may usher in a new wave of bull market after Mentougou. It is still the judgment I said before: From a macro-cyclical perspective, we are currently on the eve of the Fed's interest rate cut cycle. The day after tomorrow is beautiful, but tomorrow is cruel, and many people will fall tomorrow. This includes abnormal economic data, the Mentougou incident, war conflicts, etc. #美国PCE数据将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #MegadropLista #美联储何时降息? #MicroStrategy增持BTC $BTC
Hello everyone, Bitcoin fell 8.1% yesterday,
falling to $58,528 at 4 a.m.,
the largest intraday drop since April 13.

But strangely, many altcoins did not break new lows, and some altcoins rose instead of falling.
It seems that altcoins also have a bottom line.

Yesterday, there was news that Mentougou paid more than $400 per BTC,
which may be fake news and needs further observation.
There should be detailed information by July 10.

BTC may fall below $60,000 again. However, altcoins may see a turnaround for two reasons. (1) BTC is not at a high level, so there is room for altcoins to play. BTC has always been at $70,000 before, and big investors are worried that BTC’s correction will cut altcoins in half. So they dare not buy. Now that BTC has fallen to $60,000, altcoins have room to rise. (2) BTC is under selling pressure, and everyone knows that Mentougou is going to crash the market. Then some funds in the market will flow from BTC to ETH and other altcoins. So from now to early July, don’t short your position. Hold 30% of your position, and then gradually increase your position in ETH and altcoins to 50%-60%. Don’t go all in at once, buy a little bit every day. If the Mentougou news causes BTC to fall to $55,000, it will be a good opportunity to buy at the bottom. Because the biggest negative factor in the cryptocurrency market in the past 10 years has been lifted, the cryptocurrency market may usher in a new wave of bull market after Mentougou. It is still the judgment I said before:
From a macro-cyclical perspective, we are currently on the eve of the Fed's interest rate cut cycle.
The day after tomorrow is beautiful, but tomorrow is cruel, and many people will fall tomorrow.
This includes abnormal economic data, the Mentougou incident, war conflicts, etc.
#美国PCE数据将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #MegadropLista #美联储何时降息? #MicroStrategy增持BTC $BTC
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It is almost impossible for a novice who enters the cryptocurrency circle with a capital of 5,000 or 10,000 yuan to get rich in a bull market. Many people are not familiar with recharge transactions, and they don’t know how to play airdrops or buy local dogs. How can they win? Even if they are lucky and choose a coin that can increase by 100 times, people who have never seen big money can’t hold it. A person’s circle determines his pattern. What people outside the circle see is the phenomenon, and what people inside the circle see is the internal logic. If you make a good layout in advance and take a step to ambush the coin that can make you rich early, you will gain a precious time advantage and earn the wealth of life. The opportunity is short, so you must seize it! Success does not depend on luck, choice is greater than hard work, and the circle determines your destiny. In the cryptocurrency circle, in addition to having a keen eye for judging the situation, you must also keep up with a good team and a good leader. Those who follow me are all willing to learn and hold on. #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美国PCE数据将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #CryptoTradingGuide
It is almost impossible for a novice who enters the cryptocurrency circle with a capital of 5,000 or 10,000 yuan to get rich in a bull market.

Many people are not familiar with recharge transactions, and they don’t know how to play airdrops or buy local dogs. How can they win?

Even if they are lucky and choose a coin that can increase by 100 times, people who have never seen big money can’t hold it.

A person’s circle determines his pattern. What people outside the circle see is the phenomenon, and what people inside the circle see is the internal logic. If you make a good layout in advance and take a step to ambush the coin that can make you rich early, you will gain a precious time advantage and earn the wealth of life.

The opportunity is short, so you must seize it! Success does not depend on luck, choice is greater than hard work, and the circle determines your destiny. In the cryptocurrency circle, in addition to having a keen eye for judging the situation, you must also keep up with a good team and a good leader. Those who follow me are all willing to learn and hold on. #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美国PCE数据将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #CryptoTradingGuide
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Five trading tips for novices: ⚠️ Brush the new ones and learn to forward and collect them. 1. Market maturity warning: The cryptocurrency market has transformed from the wild early days to an arena between capital giants. Today, it is becoming increasingly difficult to get rich overnight through cryptocurrency. Even when the bull market comes, only a few currencies can make waves. 2. The tragedy of contract trading: Full warehouse and high leverage operations are tempting on the surface, but there are huge risks behind them. The core of trading lies in reasonable position management and flexible operation, rather than blindly betting everything. High returns are accompanied by high risks, so don't be greedy. 3. Market sentiment trap: When a currency is wildly sought after, it often means that its peak is near. If you are already holding at a high position, it is time to consider profit taking; if you have not entered yet, act cautiously and don't be the last one to take over. 4. Battle of mentality: Wealth will not favor impatient people, and staying calm can make wise decisions. Don't get carried away when you make a profit, and don't fall into self-blame when you lose money. Remember, "profit and loss come from the same source", summarize experience in time, and avoid emotions affecting transactions. 5. The cruel truth of contract gambling: Most contract transactions will end up with zero, which is a cruel reality and is almost 100% accurate. People's desires are endless, but few people can really control their gambling nature. Even if the first 100 transactions are calm, as long as there is one loss of control, all the profits and principal may be wiped out. #btc  #meme#Secondary#Ethereum#CoinCircleTrend #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #MicroStrategy增持BTC
Five trading tips for novices: ⚠️ Brush the new ones and learn to forward and collect them. 1. Market maturity warning: The cryptocurrency market has transformed from the wild early days to an arena between capital giants. Today, it is becoming increasingly difficult to get rich overnight through cryptocurrency. Even when the bull market comes, only a few currencies can make waves. 2. The tragedy of contract trading: Full warehouse and high leverage operations are tempting on the surface, but there are huge risks behind them. The core of trading lies in reasonable position management and flexible operation, rather than blindly betting everything. High returns are accompanied by high risks, so don't be greedy. 3. Market sentiment trap: When a currency is wildly sought after, it often means that its peak is near. If you are already holding at a high position, it is time to consider profit taking; if you have not entered yet, act cautiously and don't be the last one to take over. 4. Battle of mentality: Wealth will not favor impatient people, and staying calm can make wise decisions. Don't get carried away when you make a profit, and don't fall into self-blame when you lose money. Remember, "profit and loss come from the same source", summarize experience in time, and avoid emotions affecting transactions.

5. The cruel truth of contract gambling: Most contract transactions will end up with zero, which is a cruel reality and is almost 100% accurate. People's desires are endless, but few people can really control their gambling nature. Even if the first 100 transactions are calm, as long as there is one loss of control, all the profits and principal may be wiped out.
#btc  #meme#Secondary#Ethereum#CoinCircleTrend #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #MicroStrategy增持BTC
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#PEOPLE can be opened in batches. Brothers
#PEOPLE can be opened in batches. Brothers
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The strategy of making money in the bull market of the cryptocurrency circle can be summarized as follows. Let's learn together. Keep up with the pace. See the fifth point. Everyone must keep up with the community. , Don't operate blindly by yourself, it is easy to be fooled by others. We are reliable. We have been in this circle for five or six years and have a reputation. It is more important than your money, you know. . At present, the QQ community is progressing step by step. Next, I will establish a T G community! Interested friends, please support us in this circle. Our goal is to make money, so everyone must keep up with the pace. Those who don't know how to buy B and choose B can dm me. 1️⃣ Keep up with the trend: observe the price and market value changes of digital currencies, and choose potential currencies for investment. 2️⃣ Diversify investment: Don't concentrate all your money on one currency, diversify investment to multiple currencies to reduce risks. 3️⃣ Choose high-quality projects: study emerging digital currency projects and lay out potential projects in advance. 4️⃣Set stop-profit and stop-loss: sell profitable investments in time, stop loss investments in time, and avoid excessive losses. 5️⃣Join the community: Participate in the digital currency community to get more information and investment opportunities. "Come to my leverage community, this year's goal is to help 100 people turn over" 6️⃣Keep it simple: Avoid complex investment strategies, simple and clear principles are more suitable for novices. 7️⃣Operate in batches: It is recommended to buy or sell in batches to reduce the risk of one-time operations. 8️⃣Optimize information sources: Choose reliable sources of information to avoid being misled by false information. 9️⃣Follow the leading coins: The leading coins usually have a large increase in the bull market, so you can pay attention to them and hold them appropriately. ⚠️Remember that investment is risky, so you must be cautious and don't blindly follow the trend. You should invest in talents that are valuable to you. #BTC #Dogecoin#ETH trend analysis#Bitcoin#ETH trend analysis #meme板块下跌 #AirdropGuide #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #ZKsync空投争议
The strategy of making money in the bull market of the cryptocurrency circle can be summarized as follows. Let's learn together. Keep up with the pace. See the fifth point. Everyone must keep up with the community. ,
Don't operate blindly by yourself, it is easy to be fooled by others. We are reliable. We have been in this circle for five or six years and have a reputation. It is more important than your money, you know. . At present, the QQ community is progressing step by step. Next, I will establish a T G community! Interested friends, please support us in this circle. Our goal is to make money, so everyone must keep up with the pace. Those who don't know how to buy B and choose B can dm me.

1️⃣ Keep up with the trend: observe the price and market value changes of digital currencies, and choose potential currencies for investment.
2️⃣ Diversify investment: Don't concentrate all your money on one currency, diversify investment to multiple currencies to reduce risks.
3️⃣ Choose high-quality projects: study emerging digital currency projects and lay out potential projects in advance.
4️⃣Set stop-profit and stop-loss: sell profitable investments in time, stop loss investments in time, and avoid excessive losses.
5️⃣Join the community: Participate in the digital currency community to get more information and investment opportunities. "Come to my leverage community, this year's goal is to help 100 people turn over"
6️⃣Keep it simple: Avoid complex investment strategies, simple and clear principles are more suitable for novices.
7️⃣Operate in batches: It is recommended to buy or sell in batches to reduce the risk of one-time operations.
8️⃣Optimize information sources: Choose reliable sources of information to avoid being misled by false information.
9️⃣Follow the leading coins: The leading coins usually have a large increase in the bull market, so you can pay attention to them and hold them appropriately.

⚠️Remember that investment is risky, so you must be cautious and don't blindly follow the trend. You should invest in talents that are valuable to you. #BTC #Dogecoin#ETH trend analysis#Bitcoin#ETH trend analysis #meme板块下跌 #AirdropGuide #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #ZKsync空投争议
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This year's market is full of challenges, and the short-term market is difficult to predict, but the foundation of the overall bull market still exists. The rise of altcoins usually depends on the strength of Bitcoin, and Bitcoin's market position and influence cannot be ignored. In such an uncertain market, investors need to stick to their beliefs and correct investment logic. These are all crucial. In market fluctuations, it is very important to stay calm and make rational judgments. If all coins return to zero, it is indeed a difficult situation, but it is also a huge test of investors' mentality and resilience. Courage and faith are our driving force to keep moving forward in the market trough.#bnb#BTC #山寨币行情 #币安合约锦标赛 #AirdropGuide #欧洲杯开赛 #币安用户数突破2亿
This year's market is full of challenges, and the short-term market is difficult to predict, but the foundation of the overall bull market still exists. The rise of altcoins usually depends on the strength of Bitcoin, and Bitcoin's market position and influence cannot be ignored.

In such an uncertain market, investors need to stick to their beliefs and correct investment logic. These are all crucial. In market fluctuations, it is very important to stay calm and make rational judgments.

If all coins return to zero, it is indeed a difficult situation, but it is also a huge test of investors' mentality and resilience. Courage and faith are our driving force to keep moving forward in the market trough.#bnb#BTC #山寨币行情 #币安合约锦标赛 #AirdropGuide #欧洲杯开赛 #币安用户数突破2亿
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The market has been weak for many consecutive days recently, which has dealt a severe blow to the overall market. The trading volume is also decreasing. Many people are holding coins and waiting for opportunities. Don't be full! Be sure to allocate positions well. It is really painful to see the assets in your wallet shrinking day by day. Especially those investors who bought at high prices may now regret it. Once the market falls continuously, everyone is prone to panic, just like fleeing immediately when seeing a flame. Everyone is in a hurry to sell coins for fear of greater losses. In this way, more people are selling, and the market is more likely to continue to fall, forming a vicious circle. Not only that, the decline in the cryptocurrency market will also affect those industries that rely on cryptocurrencies for their livelihoods, such as miners and exchanges, and their income will also decline as a result. This may put the entire industry in trouble. In the long run, if the cryptocurrency market continues to be sluggish, everyone may lose confidence in it and think that this thing is unreliable. In this way, the long-term development of the market will be greatly affected. Who dares to invest easily? In addition, the decline in the cryptocurrency market may attract the attention of the government. The government may think that this market is too unstable and needs to be strengthened. This will bring more regulatory pressure to cryptocurrency projects that are already facing many challenges. The current market is in urgent need of a wave of increases to boost morale. Stay on the sidelines for the time being, wait for the market to regain vitality, and then consider the next move. #bnb  #BTC #shanzhaicoinmarket#memesector decline#goodnews#coincircle plummet#memesector decline#coincircle trend #币安合约锦标赛 #AirdropGuide #欧洲杯开赛 #美国5月CPI超预期回落
The market has been weak for many consecutive days recently, which has dealt a severe blow to the overall market. The trading volume is also decreasing. Many people are holding coins and waiting for opportunities. Don't be full! Be sure to allocate positions well.

It is really painful to see the assets in your wallet shrinking day by day. Especially those investors who bought at high prices may now regret it.

Once the market falls continuously, everyone is prone to panic, just like fleeing immediately when seeing a flame. Everyone is in a hurry to sell coins for fear of greater losses. In this way, more people are selling, and the market is more likely to continue to fall, forming a vicious circle.

Not only that, the decline in the cryptocurrency market will also affect those industries that rely on cryptocurrencies for their livelihoods, such as miners and exchanges, and their income will also decline as a result. This may put the entire industry in trouble.

In the long run, if the cryptocurrency market continues to be sluggish, everyone may lose confidence in it and think that this thing is unreliable. In this way, the long-term development of the market will be greatly affected. Who dares to invest easily?

In addition, the decline in the cryptocurrency market may attract the attention of the government. The government may think that this market is too unstable and needs to be strengthened. This will bring more regulatory pressure to cryptocurrency projects that are already facing many challenges.

The current market is in urgent need of a wave of increases to boost morale. Stay on the sidelines for the time being, wait for the market to regain vitality, and then consider the next move. #bnb  #BTC #shanzhaicoinmarket#memesector decline#goodnews#coincircle plummet#memesector decline#coincircle trend #币安合约锦标赛 #AirdropGuide #欧洲杯开赛 #美国5月CPI超预期回落
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Good night, brothers. Let's talk about why this year's bull market is like this before going to bed. I saw a lot of pushes and many KOLs today saying that it is getting harder and harder to make money now. Do you know what's going on? At present, I think that the capital flow is too scattered now, and there are not many new leeks coming in. In addition, the global economy is very difficult now, and it may face a financial crisis in the next few years. So what do you think the next trend will be? But for this, I still think it is a big trend, so everyone must not give up, and always work hard to learn and improve their cognitive ability. Read the following. You can learn. In the past bull market, the project party needed to increase the market value from 100 million US dollars to 10 billion US dollars by constantly pulling the market, and then gradually ship the goods. This process is not only difficult, but also easy to lead to a break in the capital chain, and it also requires a lot of promotion to attract investors. In the current bull market, the project party only needs to raise funds and go online on a first-tier exchange with tens of millions to hundreds of millions of users, and can directly price the market value of 100 million US dollars to 10 billion US dollars, without pulling the market, and can easily ship the goods. #BTC #Shangzhaicoinmarket#Ethereum#Coin circle trend#Coincircle#Bullmarket #比特币行情 #币安合约锦标赛 #ZKsync空投争议 #美国5月CPI超预期回落
Good night, brothers. Let's talk about why this year's bull market is like this before going to bed.
I saw a lot of pushes and many KOLs today saying that it is getting harder and harder to make money now. Do you know what's going on? At present, I think that the capital flow is too scattered now, and there are not many new leeks coming in. In addition, the global economy is very difficult now, and it may face a financial crisis in the next few years. So what do you think the next trend will be? But for this, I still think it is a big trend, so everyone must not give up, and always work hard to learn and improve their cognitive ability. Read the following. You can learn.

In the past bull market, the project party needed to increase the market value from 100 million US dollars to 10 billion US dollars by constantly pulling the market, and then gradually ship the goods. This process is not only difficult, but also easy to lead to a break in the capital chain, and it also requires a lot of promotion to attract investors.
In the current bull market, the project party only needs to raise funds and go online on a first-tier exchange with tens of millions to hundreds of millions of users, and can directly price the market value of 100 million US dollars to 10 billion US dollars, without pulling the market, and can easily ship the goods.
#BTC #Shangzhaicoinmarket#Ethereum#Coin circle trend#Coincircle#Bullmarket #比特币行情 #币安合约锦标赛 #ZKsync空投争议 #美国5月CPI超预期回落
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The fact that former Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ) and Binance hold a large number of BNB tokens has a number of implications for the market. First, this situation may boost market confidence. CZ and Binance's large holdings are seen as a sign of their confidence in the long-term success of the project, thereby boosting investor confidence. Second, this concentrated holding also reduces the amount of liquidity on the market. In the short term, this may push up prices, but it may also limit liquidity. In addition, since a large number of tokens are concentrated in the hands of a few people, there is a certain degree of market manipulation risk, which may affect price stability. Market expectations and investor sentiment will also be affected. If the market expects CZ and Binance to sell some of their tokens at some point, it may cause price pressure. If investors react negatively to this concentrated holding, it may also have a negative impact on BNB prices. From a project development perspective, if these tokens are used to promote the development of the Binance and BNB ecosystem, such as investing in new projects or technology development, this may have a positive impact on the long-term value of BNB. However, it is important to note that regulators may intervene in investigations to ensure market fairness and prevent manipulation, increasing regulatory risks. #BTC  #上寨币行情 #CoinCircle#BullMarket#CoinCircleTrend#Ethereum #上寨币行情 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #ZKsync空投争议 #币安用户数突破2亿
The fact that former Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ) and Binance hold a large number of BNB tokens has a number of implications for the market.

First, this situation may boost market confidence. CZ and Binance's large holdings are seen as a sign of their confidence in the long-term success of the project, thereby boosting investor confidence.

Second, this concentrated holding also reduces the amount of liquidity on the market. In the short term, this may push up prices, but it may also limit liquidity. In addition, since a large number of tokens are concentrated in the hands of a few people, there is a certain degree of market manipulation risk, which may affect price stability.

Market expectations and investor sentiment will also be affected. If the market expects CZ and Binance to sell some of their tokens at some point, it may cause price pressure. If investors react negatively to this concentrated holding, it may also have a negative impact on BNB prices.

From a project development perspective, if these tokens are used to promote the development of the Binance and BNB ecosystem, such as investing in new projects or technology development, this may have a positive impact on the long-term value of BNB. However, it is important to note that regulators may intervene in investigations to ensure market fairness and prevent manipulation, increasing regulatory risks.
#BTC  #上寨币行情 #CoinCircle#BullMarket#CoinCircleTrend#Ethereum #上寨币行情 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #ZKsync空投争议 #币安用户数突破2亿
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