Let me tell you some tips on investing. ⚠️⚠️Today is the first day of July. I have been asking you to build positions in batches for the past ten days or so. This is so comfortable. July is a season of harvest. This first day starts off particularly well!

1️⃣In the investment journey, just like in other aspects of life, you need to show enough courage in the bull market and maintain sufficient patience in the bear market. Success is not achieved overnight, but requires a deep understanding of the market and a mature mentality.

2️⃣The bull market is a time for investors to show their courage. They need to dare to seize opportunities, invest boldly, and realize asset appreciation. However, the bear market tests investors' patience and requires us to remain calm and wait for the right time, rather than blindly following the trend or panic selling.

3️⃣True investment wisdom often goes beyond the scope of technical charts. It comes from our life experience and the ability to maintain a calm mind in market fluctuations. Investors should learn to find wisdom beyond the charts and improve their investment capabilities through continuous learning and practice.

4️⃣Setting realistic and feasible goals is the key to investment success. Don't expect to get rich overnight, but start with small goals, such as earning 1 million or 5 million first. This is similar to the process of pursuing love, which requires step-by-step, gradually building trust and understanding, and then moving towards a deeper relationship.

5️⃣ In investment, it is crucial to avoid a mentality of quick success and instant benefits. Just as in interpersonal relationships, making excessive demands directly often destroys relationships, investment also requires time and patience to cultivate. Investors should learn to move forward steadily in the market and gradually achieve financial goals.

6️⃣ Whether it is love or investment, you need to have the right mentality and strategy. Through continuous learning and practice, we can succeed in all aspects of life. Let us be patient and wise on the road of investment and gradually realize our dreams. #非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #ASI代币合并计划 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划