Why didn't you make money in the cryptocurrency circle? See how many of these you have encountered

1️⃣ No layout when the market fell;

2️⃣ Even if you have a layout, you don't hold it, and you get off the bus as soon as the dealer washes it;

3️⃣ The chips are too scattered;

4️⃣ Frequently get on and off the bus, constantly changing positions, chasing ups and downs, and finally missed the bull market;

5️⃣ Chasing up in the bull market, and holding a large position with a full position, a big correction will cause you to cut your losses and leave the market;

6️⃣ I don't know when the bull market is coming, I dare not hold a heavy position, and I don't know when the bull market is gone, I still hold a heavy position or continue to increase my position.

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