Friends can test the safe shorting method on the right side, the winning rate is close to 90%! !

Step 1: First, BTC rises to a high point! !

Step 2: Patiently wait for the altcoin you want to short to rise to a high point (very important, it is best not to short if there is no high point, which means that there are too few retail investors and the market is highly controlled!!!

Step 3: BTC began to fall. At this time, you can build a cottage of the cottage. If the BTC stops and rebounds, you can choose the fourth step: BTC continues to fall to determine that it is in a downward trend. If you are a few times, you can master the skills. In the long run, 80%of the cottage is declining. Do n’t be greedy. Do n’t have a lot of positions. Remember to stop profit! Calm and rational, deal with market changes with stable strategies!