Let's talk about the airdrop first.

Blast airdrop 16x tutorial, Shisan has made it all. I have been wandering outside these days and have no time. I only took the time to do it yesterday and tonight.

If you need a tutorial, follow Shisan and chat with Shisan privately.

The process is not complicated. Friends who have participated in this airdrop project in Shisan Circle before must actively participate.

Many people do not pay attention to airdrops. They always think that the thing is too complicated and they don't want to use their brains to think and operate.

Some people think it is not safe to take things, after all, some need to pledge real money.

In fact, the airdrop projects selected by Shisan Circle are almost all large projects with low risks and huge credit endorsements. The founders and investors of these projects are all celebrities in the circle, and these projects themselves are very high-quality and come from famous families. Everyone must actively participate in the airdrops of these projects.

As retail investors, especially those with relatively small capital, you must not be afraid of hard work to do more free airdrops.

Especially those projects that do not require staking funds, you only need to sign in and do tasks to get free stuff.

Although the possibility of these projects breaking out is relatively small, as long as they succeed, you will instantly gain a large fortune.

Of course, investors with strong funds will get more benefits from airdrops. Justin Sun is a mid-level expert, and he almost ate up more than half of the airdrop income because his funds were too large. It was a complete dimensionality reduction attack, but we can also drink some soup with him.

The key is that these are almost free, and generally only require a little handling fee.

For example, the wallet coin BWB that was just launched yesterday, Shisanquan focused on this project at the beginning. After deducting the cost of daily sawp transactions, hundreds of U were easily obtained.

The chips of Shisan’s airdrops for this project will be held until the bull market, and they will fight for their dreams. What if there is a tenfold increase?