Today, the market took a sharp turn for the worse. The mainstream coins were basically unaffected, and the drop of a few points was harmless.

The altcoins were the ones that bore the wrath.

The most direct reason for this wave of pullbacks was the negative impact of non-agricultural data, plus some negative news on the market.

The interesting thing is that these news always appear at the same time as the big negative impact, which is extremely weird.

This is why Thirteen has always asked everyone not to be a short-term investor as much as possible. It is most important to use time to accumulate wealth.

The market finally fell smoothly, and those friends who joined Thirteen Circle later can start the bottom-fishing mode.

During this period, the friends who have just joined Thirteen Circle have been asking Thirteen the same question, what should I buy now?

My advice is to invest slowly or wait, wait for the market to pull back. Now, the pullback is here, and I hope you can seize the opportunity.

As the market pulls back, the longer it lasts, the bear market leeks who have been lurking around you for a long time will come out to wreak havoc again. Everyone must be on guard and treat their words as farts and delete them directly.

It is a bull market now, no doubt.

It is normal for the market to pull back. Previously, some leeks were panicked because they spread the virus everywhere.

I hope you don’t fall into the same pit twice.

Although Biden came out and stood on the opposite side of us again, he had his own difficulties, because once the SAB121 bill was abolished, it meant that the SEC would completely lose its power.

Faced with such a useful and obedient tool as the SEC, Biden was reluctant to throw it away.

You see, this world is amazing. People don’t live for faith and morality. The only thing they pursue when they live is: interests.