With the continuous acquisition of meme coins recently, many celebrities have started to issue meme coin projects.

They used to be NFTs, and after leaving a mess in the last bull market, they are now directly issuing meme coins.

This way of making money is faster and more violent.

V God can't stand it anymore. These celebrities are actually the cancer of the currency circle, and they come to the currency circle to suck blood.

Moreover, because these meme coins are all issued on the Ethereum chain, for a public chain that has just passed the ETF, it is like having a rat shit on its hands.

It's really disgusting.

These projects have no substantial content, and they have no contribution to the currency circle. The only value of their existence is hype.

In the end, the innocent leeks are still hurt. Although these leeks do not deserve sympathy, they may make trouble and defend their rights. Although it is useless, it has tarnished our circle to a certain extent and made this circle look smoky.