Recently, many friends are eager to make money. Seeing so many people issuing meme coins and making money, they also want to issue one.

Some people really put it into practice. After obtaining funds, they immediately emptied the liquidity pool, donated money and left.

As a result, he was arrested and sentenced to 4 years and 6 months.

This is really illegal, we can't do it.

The law is the bottom line that none of us can touch.

Today's market has a big correction, you can slowly get on the bus, don't worry about it continuing to fall tomorrow, if it continues to fall, just continue to take it.

At this time, you must enter the market boldly.

As long as the market does not fall below 68,000, the market is stable, don't worry,

Of course, it is unlikely that the market will rise rapidly in a short period of time. This position is expected to be tossed for a while, and at some point in the future, the market will soar again.

I hope you don't slap your thighs at that time.