At present, let's analyze the relationship between this experience and the currency circle.

From the perspective of the economic cycle, it is very similar to the 1970s in the United States, which is specifically manifested as stagflation. Wages have not risen, but money is becoming less and less valuable. Bitcoin was born in the big money release in 2008, and it will never be issued again and will not be robbed. Inflation has given Bitcoin the soil to grow. From the perspective of the small cycle, Bitcoin is in the period of the end of the bear market and the beginning of the bull market, and the prelude to the bull market is slowly being opened.

From the perspective of the industry, compared with the real estate market and the Internet industry, the currency circle is still like the sun at 8 o'clock. The clues can be seen from the policies issued by our country. The market was supposed to flourish, but a club hit it back to the embryonic state.

From a personal point of view, the currency circle has high risks and many opportunities to get rich. The currency circle can be said to be the only choice for the losers to counterattack, with a huge profit and loss ratio. In this environment, what wealth upgrade do you expect?

New friends and friends who have not made progress in the currency circle after several years. You can discuss with me to learn and improve together and improve your cognitive ability. So how do brothers play in this circle? Let's get together.

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