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#热门话题 The cryptocurrency world has been changing recently, so newbies should be careful! Hello everyone, here is the freshest and most popular interpretation of the cryptocurrency world! Recently, our cryptocurrency world has been surging, let's take a look at the wonderful moments! First of all, two Bitcoin bosses who had been "sleeping" for 10 years and 8 months suddenly woke up and executed a Bitcoin transaction with a total value of up to 61.1 million US dollars! This is just like the plot in a science fiction movie, which is amazing. It seems that the charm of Bitcoin is really unstoppable. Even after a long period of dormancy, it can be revitalized at a critical moment. However, there are not so good things in the cryptocurrency world. It is reported that a victim unfortunately lost $134,257 worth of wstETH because of the Permit phishing signature. This reminds us again that in the digital world, security is always the first priority. Everyone must protect their accounts and passwords to avoid becoming the next victim. At the same time, 11,218 ETH was transferred from a mysterious wallet to Coinbase, and this transaction has undoubtedly attracted widespread attention. I don't know what stories and strategies are hidden behind this. In the field of ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds), David Bailey said that ETFs have, to some extent, acknowledged that Bitcoin will continue to exist. This undoubtedly adds a touch of color to the future development of Bitcoin. However, some people hold different views. Peter Schiff believes that the outflow of funds from Bitcoin spot ETFs will bring huge downward pressure on Bitcoin. It seems that the trend of Bitcoin is still full of uncertainty. In addition to Bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies are also unwilling to be lonely. Recently, 30,230,000 XRPs were transferred from an unknown wallet to Bitstamp. At the same time, a victim also lost more than $134,000 of wstETH due to the Permit phishing signature. It seems that the world of cryptocurrency is full of challenges and risks. However, there is also good news. Meme coin TRUMP has continued to rise recently and has broken through $7.6. This is undoubtedly good news for those investors who like to pursue excitement. Finally, it’s worth mentioning that Bitcoin’s average daily transaction fees have quadrupled since October 2023.This means that Bitcoin trading activities are becoming more frequent and the market is becoming more active. However, this also reminds us to be more cautious in the transaction process to avoid heavy losses due to high transaction fees. In general, the world of cryptocurrency is still full of infinite possibilities and unknown challenges. As novices, we must remain vigilant and rational, and not blindly follow the trend or impulsive transactions. At the same time, we must continue to learn new knowledge and improve our investment skills and risk awareness. Only in this way can we gain a foothold and succeed in this field full of opportunities and risks! If you are not sure about the current market, you can follow me, click on my avatar, look at my information, find me, and my many years of experience in currency trading may be helpful to you


The cryptocurrency world has been changing recently, so newbies should be careful!

Hello everyone, here is the freshest and most popular interpretation of the cryptocurrency world! Recently, our cryptocurrency world has been surging, let's take a look at the wonderful moments!

First of all, two Bitcoin bosses who had been "sleeping" for 10 years and 8 months suddenly woke up and executed a Bitcoin transaction with a total value of up to 61.1 million US dollars! This is just like the plot in a science fiction movie, which is amazing. It seems that the charm of Bitcoin is really unstoppable. Even after a long period of dormancy, it can be revitalized at a critical moment.

However, there are not so good things in the cryptocurrency world. It is reported that a victim unfortunately lost $134,257 worth of wstETH because of the Permit phishing signature. This reminds us again that in the digital world, security is always the first priority. Everyone must protect their accounts and passwords to avoid becoming the next victim.

At the same time, 11,218 ETH was transferred from a mysterious wallet to Coinbase, and this transaction has undoubtedly attracted widespread attention. I don't know what stories and strategies are hidden behind this.

In the field of ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds), David Bailey said that ETFs have, to some extent, acknowledged that Bitcoin will continue to exist. This undoubtedly adds a touch of color to the future development of Bitcoin. However, some people hold different views. Peter Schiff believes that the outflow of funds from Bitcoin spot ETFs will bring huge downward pressure on Bitcoin.

It seems that the trend of Bitcoin is still full of uncertainty.

In addition to Bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies are also unwilling to be lonely. Recently, 30,230,000 XRPs were transferred from an unknown wallet to Bitstamp. At the same time, a victim also lost more than $134,000 of wstETH due to the Permit phishing signature. It seems that the world of cryptocurrency is full of challenges and risks.

However, there is also good news. Meme coin TRUMP has continued to rise recently and has broken through $7.6. This is undoubtedly good news for those investors who like to pursue excitement.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning that Bitcoin’s average daily transaction fees have quadrupled since October 2023.This means that Bitcoin trading activities are becoming more frequent and the market is becoming more active. However, this also reminds us to be more cautious in the transaction process to avoid heavy losses due to high transaction fees.

In general, the world of cryptocurrency is still full of infinite possibilities and unknown challenges. As novices, we must remain vigilant and rational, and not blindly follow the trend or impulsive transactions. At the same time, we must continue to learn new knowledge and improve our investment skills and risk awareness. Only in this way can we gain a foothold and succeed in this field full of opportunities and risks!

If you are not sure about the current market, you can follow me, click on my avatar, look at my information, find me, and my many years of experience in currency trading may be helpful to you

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#SHIBA✅🚀 SHIB团队紧急呼吁!新手指南,避免踩雷!🚨💣 SHIB军团,小心为上! 在币圈,Shiba Inu(简称SHIB)是个响当当的名字。但你知道吗?最近,SHIB团队的“网红”专家露西(Lucie)发话了,给广大SHIB粉丝和开发者们敲响了警钟! 露西大神的“避雷针” 露西可是个有智慧的人,她居然搬出了科学界的“超级大脑”阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦来给大家支招!她提醒大家:“要远离那些总是消极的人哦,因为他们看到啥都会挑毛病,就像手里总拿着放大镜找瑕疵一样。” 新手们,这里水深! 最近,SHIB团队频繁地给大家“上课”,主要就是提醒大家注意防范那些针对新手和缺乏经验的投资者的加密货币诈骗。在币圈,骗子们可是无所不用其极,新手们一定要小心! SHIB“燃烧”降温了? 你知道“燃烧”SHIB是什么意思吗?其实就是把SHIB转移到无法消费的钱包里,就像是把钱藏进了一个永远打不开的箱子里。但最近,SHIB的“燃烧”速度突然慢了下来,24小时内下降了18.78%!不过还好,还是有8,748,598个SHIB被成功“燃烧”,算是给市场降降温了。 SHIB也跌了? 就在6月8日,SHIB的价格也像过山车一样,一下子跌了接近8.4%!而且还不是小跌,是连续三波大跌! 这可不是孤军奋战,连全球最火的加密货币——比特币(BTC)也跟着跌了3.7%!从71,650美元的高位掉到了69,030美元。这背后有啥原因呢?据说和GameStop的业绩不佳、股价暴跌有关,还有美国政府的就业报告也不给力,让市场信心受挫。 新手们,你们看懂了吗? 在这个有利时机,不妨考虑布局。观察wif、pepe、bome、floki、ena等动向,更多机会尚待发掘。若你主动交流,我将助你一臂之力,让你安心前行。战神的粉丝们,这轮牛市,我必不让你们踏空!
#非农就业人数高于预期 加密货币“洗盘”风暴过后,市场反弹在即? 在加密货币领域,近期市场的短暂回调被众多交易者视为一次“洗礼”,他们坚信,这只是黎明前的黑暗,一个“牛市”的反弹即将来临。 当美国就业数据在6月7日意外超出预期时,比特币、以太坊以及整个替代币市场都经历了一次不小的波动。然而,众多交易者并未因此感到恐慌,反而认为这是市场调整、蓄势待发的信号。 “这是一场深度的洗盘,替代币市场受到的冲击尤为明显。” 一位不愿透露姓名的资深加密货币交易者在其社交平台上对84.8万粉丝如此说道。他进一步分析道:“这看起来更像是一次市场的自我净化,洗去浮躁,留下真正有价值的项目。” 美国就业数据的发布与市场预期产生了微妙的偏差。原本,许多分析师预测,如果就业报告表现疲软,可能会给降低通胀的决策带来压力,进而推动比特币等加密货币的价格上涨。实际数据却显示出了相反的趋势。 “虽然数据有些出人意料,但我并不认为这就是导致加密货币市场下跌的直接原因。” 10x Research的研究主管Markus Thielen在6月5日的分析报告中指出。他进一步解释道:“周五的加密货币下跌并没有明确的催化剂,而美国就业数据也是喜忧参半,失业率上升的同时,新增就业人数也有所增加。” 在这样的市场环境下,交易者们正密切关注着各大项目的支撑位。他们深知,只有经历过市场的洗礼和考验,真正有价值的项目才能脱颖而出。而对于投资者来说,这样的市场环境也为他们提供了一个筛选和布局的良机。他们期待着加密货币市场在不久的将来迎来一轮全新的“牛市”反弹。 抓住机会,最后一次上车的机会,接下来这几个币上车精准点位分享,我给你的点位进,不翻倍你砍我。抄底抄底是技术。
#FET! #AGIXUSDT #OCEAN #热门文章 揭秘币圈新星联盟:FET、AGIX和OCEAN合体,你的加密货币投资将有何变化? 币圈的新朋友们!今天我们要聊聊一个超级激动人心的消息——、Ocean Protocol(OCEAN)SingularityNET(AGIX)这三位币圈大佬即将联手,组成一个全新的“人工智能超级智能联盟”(ASI)!想象一下,这就像是币圈里的超级英雄团队,准备一起改变世界! 那么这个联盟对你们的小小加密货币投资意味着什么?我们一起来看看!“稳中求胜”的超级英雄 FET最近两个月里,价格一直在稳稳地上涨,但每次想要冲破新高都失败了。它就像是一位经验丰富的战士,虽然步伐稳健,但还没能完全展现出它的全部实力。现在FET的价格是2.0235美元,就像是在一个1.95美元到2.0235美元的大舞台上表演。 SingularityNET(AGIX):“勇攀高峰”的先锋 AGIX可是个不甘平凡的币种,它一直在努力向上爬升。过去两个月里,它的价格一路飙升,现在已经达到了0.86美元!它现在正站在一个重要的关卡前,那就是1美元的大关。如果AGIX能成功突破这个关卡,那它的价格可能会像火箭一样直冲云霄,超过1.07美元! Ocean Protocol(OCEAN):“蓄势待发”的潜力股 OCEAN最近的表现虽然不算太抢眼,但它一直在默默地积累力量。它已经在一个0.84美元到1.02美元的小舞台上稳定了八周。虽然它曾经接近过舞台的边界,但最终还是没能完全冲出去。不过,别小看它!OCEAN很有可能随时爆发,再次挑战那个看似遥不可及的舞台边界。、Ocean Protocol和SingularityNET的联手无疑是一个令人兴奋的消息。让我们一起期待这个联盟能为我们带来更多的惊喜! 战神最近也在埋伏一个即将爆发的币种,短线30%,长线5-8倍左右,留言999!!! 战神不会让我的粉丝在这轮牛市踏空! 这是实话 
#IOTX能不能财富自由 IOTX:老牌币种,能否再创历史新高? 在币圈这个快速变化的世界里,有一个老牌币种IOTX近期表现抢眼,让人不禁对其未来充满期待。尽管市场上新币层出不穷,但IOTX却凭借其稳健的表现和强大的潜力,从底部悄然上涨了7倍!今天,我们就来聊聊这个老牌项目,看看它在本轮牛市中是否会有新的发展,能否突破历史新高。 想象一下,在2023年第四季度,当其他币种纷纷调整时,IOTX却逆势而上,网络交易费大增,季度增长率超过3000%!这是一个多么惊人的数字啊!就像一只潜伏的巨兽,IOTX正在积蓄力量,准备迎接更大的挑战。 更神奇的是,IOTX还开发了一个叫W3bstream的中间件。这个中间件就像一个神奇的“万能接口”,无论你的项目是基于什么链,都能轻松接入,让各种应用都能享受IOTX带来的便利。这种技术的出现,无疑为IOTX的未来发展增添了无限可能。 而最近,IOTX更是宣布与sol进行深度融合。这意味着sol上的所有depin项目都将能够使用IOTX的技术。想象一下,就像打开了一个全新的世界,sol上的各种创新项目都能与IOTX携手共进,共同创造美好的未来。 除了技术的领先,IOTX还得到了众多机构的青睐。这些机构可不是随便就能看上一个项目的,它们对IOTX的认可足以证明其巨大的潜力和价值。虽然具体的融资金额我不能透露太多,但你可以想象,这么多机构都看好它,肯定是有原因的。 那么,这个IOTX币种值得投资吗?从估值角度来看,它现在的市值还不算高,但考虑到它的潜力和叙事能力,未来上涨的空间还是很大的。当然啦,投资总是有风险的,但如果你对depin赛道感兴趣,那么IOTX或许是一个不错的选择。
#热门文章 #BTC☀️ #ETH大涨 新手炒币指南:5000元如何稳步迈向10万? 想象一下,你手里有5000块钱,想在币圈里闯荡一番,目标是快速翻倍,到达10万的高度。这可不是什么遥不可及的梦想,但需要你有策略、有耐心,还有一点点运气。 第一步:别贪心,慢慢来 首先,别想着一步登天。5000到10万,听起来像是翻了20倍,但实际上这需要时间和策略。每个月,币圈都会有波动,这就是你的交易机会。别追求过高的杠杆,超过5倍的风险就太大了,可能会让你血本无归。 第二步:学习为主,实践为辅 刚入币圈,最重要的是学习。学习如何看盘、如何分析市场、如何选择合适的交易时机。没有人一开始就能稳稳翻20倍,即便是小资金。 第三步:关注btc和eth btc和eth是币圈的两大巨头。最近,贝莱德的比特币ETF超越了GBTC,成为全球最大的ETF。而贝莱德还在申请以太坊ETF,这意味着以太坊的市场地位也在不断提升。 市场新闻,别错过 在币圈里,新闻就是金钱。比如,全球btc ETF的持仓量创了新高,价值超过680亿美元。还有ether.fi要推出新活动,Uniswap的交易费用也在飙升。这些都可能是你交易的好机会。 期权市场,了解一下 期权市场是高手的战场,但你也可以了解一下。以太坊的隐含波动率持续下降,但市场对以太坊ETF的资金流入还是持看涨态度。比特币的期望则不如以太坊,所以在选择交易品种时,要仔细考虑。 全球宏观形势,也得看 虽然币圈是个独立的市场,但全球宏观形势还是会影响它的走势。比如,美国三大股指上周虽然下跌了,但月线还是收涨的。这可能会影响投资者的情绪,从而影响币圈的走势。 炒币不是件容易的事,但只要你有耐心、有策略、有运气,就有可能从5000元一步步走向10万。

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