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#非农就业人数高于预期 After the cryptocurrency "washout" storm, is the market rebounding imminent? In the cryptocurrency field, the recent short-term market pullback is regarded as a "baptism" by many traders. They firmly believe that this is just the darkness before dawn, and a "bull market" rebound is coming. When the US employment data unexpectedly exceeded expectations on June 7, Bitcoin, Ethereum and the entire alternative currency market experienced a significant fluctuation. However, many traders did not panic because of this, but instead believed that this was a signal that the market was adjusting and ready to go. "This is a deep washout, and the impact on the alternative currency market is particularly obvious." An unnamed senior cryptocurrency trader said to his 848,000 followers on his social platform. He further analyzed: "This looks more like a self-purification of the market, washing away the impetuousness and leaving behind truly valuable projects." The release of US employment data has produced a subtle deviation from market expectations. Originally, many analysts predicted that if the employment report performed weakly, it might put pressure on the decision to reduce inflation, which would in turn drive up the price of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. The actual data showed the opposite trend. "Although the data is somewhat unexpected, I don't think this is the direct cause of the decline in the cryptocurrency market." Markus Thielen, head of research at 10x Research, pointed out in an analysis report on June 5. He further explained: "There is no clear catalyst for the decline in cryptocurrencies on Friday, and the US employment data is also mixed. While the unemployment rate has risen, the number of new jobs has also increased." In such a market environment, traders are paying close attention to the support levels of major projects. They know that only after experiencing the baptism and test of the market can truly valuable projects stand out. For investors, such a market environment also provides them with a good opportunity for screening and layout. They look forward to a new round of "bull market" rebound in the cryptocurrency market in the near future. Seize the opportunity, the last chance to get on the train, and share the precise points of these coins on the train. I will give you the point to enter, and you will cut me if you don't double it.Bottom fishing is a technique.


After the cryptocurrency "washout" storm, is the market rebounding imminent?

In the cryptocurrency field, the recent short-term market pullback is regarded as a "baptism" by many traders. They firmly believe that this is just the darkness before dawn, and a "bull market" rebound is coming.

When the US employment data unexpectedly exceeded expectations on June 7, Bitcoin, Ethereum and the entire alternative currency market experienced a significant fluctuation. However, many traders did not panic because of this, but instead believed that this was a signal that the market was adjusting and ready to go.

"This is a deep washout, and the impact on the alternative currency market is particularly obvious." An unnamed senior cryptocurrency trader said to his 848,000 followers on his social platform. He further analyzed: "This looks more like a self-purification of the market, washing away the impetuousness and leaving behind truly valuable projects."

The release of US employment data has produced a subtle deviation from market expectations. Originally, many analysts predicted that if the employment report performed weakly, it might put pressure on the decision to reduce inflation, which would in turn drive up the price of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. The actual data showed the opposite trend.

"Although the data is somewhat unexpected, I don't think this is the direct cause of the decline in the cryptocurrency market." Markus Thielen, head of research at 10x Research, pointed out in an analysis report on June 5. He further explained: "There is no clear catalyst for the decline in cryptocurrencies on Friday, and the US employment data is also mixed. While the unemployment rate has risen, the number of new jobs has also increased."

In such a market environment, traders are paying close attention to the support levels of major projects. They know that only after experiencing the baptism and test of the market can truly valuable projects stand out. For investors, such a market environment also provides them with a good opportunity for screening and layout. They look forward to a new round of "bull market" rebound in the cryptocurrency market in the near future.

Seize the opportunity, the last chance to get on the train, and share the precise points of these coins on the train. I will give you the point to enter, and you will cut me if you don't double it.Bottom fishing is a technique.

Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party opinions. No financial advice. May include sponsored content. See T&Cs.
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#pepe神币 🐸🚀PEPE风潮正盛,市场巅峰是否即将来临? 随着时代的浪潮汹涌澎湃,我们见证了一个激动人心的时刻——PEPE代币的持有者数量达到了前所未有的高峰,高达218,000人,这一数字足以引起市场的广泛关注和热烈讨论。 PEPE的价格走势,正如那波涛汹涌的大海,它正稳稳地站在50日和200日简单移动平均线之上,虽然与前者仅一步之遥,但每一步都充满了挑战与机遇。此前,它成功地冲破了上升的屏障,创造了历史性的新高——$0.00001725,这一刻,无疑是无数投资者的梦想与期望得以实现的瞬间。 然而,市场总是充满了变数和不确定性。在短暂的狂欢之后,空头势力逐渐崭露头角,他们试图将PEPE的价格拉回到0.5斐波那契回撤水平。但PEPE并未轻易屈服,它迅速反弹,展现出了强大的韧性和生命力。这一反弹,不仅仅是价格的回升,更是市场信心的恢复和投资者热情的再次点燃。 展望未来,PEPE的前景充满了无限可能。随着以太坊生态系统的不断发展和壮大,以及投资者对数字货币市场的深入了解和认可,PEPE有望迎来更加广阔的发展空间。同时,我们也需要清醒地认识到市场的风险和挑战,保持谨慎和理性的态度,共同推动数字货币市场的健康稳定发展。 在这个充满激情和梦想的时代里,让我们携手共进,共同迎接PEPE代币更加辉煌的未来! 这行情,只能认真看项目,挖掘好项目,大饼还在69000横盘,山寨已经处于熊市低点,这不,战神挖掘到了一个ok的神奇项目,10亿美金以下+币安ok上线,顶级机构投资,80%以上代币解锁,属于重点赛道ai  gamefi  ,眼下就有一个,评论区888,战神带你一起开搞!
#SHIBA✅🚀 每周百元投资,#柴犬币(Shiba Inu)如何累积至6.4178亿美元! 在数字货币的浩瀚宇宙中,柴犬币(Shiba Inu)这颗璀璨的明星自2020年8月诞生以来,便以其独特的魅力吸引了无数投资者的目光。无论是初入币圈的新手,还是经验丰富的老手,都被其巨大的增长潜力所吸引。短短一年多的时间里,柴犬币的飞速崛起,无疑为加密货币市场增添了浓墨重彩的一笔。 想象一下,如果从2020年8月开始,你每周都坚持投资100美元在柴犬币上,那么到现在,你的投资总额将会变成惊人的6.4178亿美元!这不仅仅是一个数字,更是你持续投资、耐心持有的最佳证明。 如果时光能够倒流,你能够提前洞察到柴犬币的潜力,并在其历史最高点——2021年10月时坚持投资,那么你的收益将会更加可观。那时,你的投资总额将会高达12.39亿美元,增长率更是高达惊人的19,064,676%! 柴犬币正迎来新一轮的复苏。在过去24小时内,其价格强势上涨了8.43%,重新站稳了0.00025美元的关键价位。目前,柴犬币以0.00002577美元的价格在市场中交易,不仅成功突破了50日指数移动平均线,更展现出了其强大的市场活力。尽管过去一周出现了7.36%的小幅回调,但月增长率依然高达3.85%,这无疑为投资者们带来了极大的信心。 柴犬币的24小时交易量也呈现出爆发式增长,激增了38.05%,达到了惊人的8.91844698亿美元。这一数据不仅反映了市场对柴犬币的强烈关注,更预示着其未来无限的发展潜力。 面对市场的波动和不确定性,分析师们依然对柴犬币的未来充满信心。著名比特币专家William更是大胆预测,柴犬币(SHIB)的价值将飙升至0.05美元,这意味着投资者们有望享受到高达193,774%的惊人增长! 选币是我们的强项,赚钱只是顺带,密码会在我好朋友圈子里公布。点我头像,看我资料。一起交流。
#pepe⚡ 鲸鱼连续四度出手,PEPE市场波澜再起! 就在不久前,一位市场内的鲸鱼级投资者再次引起了市场的广泛关注。这位名为0xf22的投资者,从Binance交易所撤出了高达2133.7亿个PEPE代币,价值近269万美元,其交易单价定格在0.0000126美元。 此次操作,是这位鲸鱼投资者在PEPE市场上的第四次重大交易。自今年5月27日以来,他的交易策略便引起了市场的广泛关注。他先是以平均0.0000139美元的价格从Binance提取了4809.3亿个PEPE,预计耗资高达669万美元。然而,就在同一天,他又以0.0000169美元的平均价格将其中181.1亿个PEPE代币重新存入Binance,回笼资金约306万美元。 尽管市场波动不定,但这位投资者始终坚定持有剩余的4385.7亿个PEPE代币,目前市值高达562万美元。然而,与之前的三次成功交易相比,他在这第四次交易中遭遇了挑战,目前估计已产生约445万美元的亏损,跌幅达到6.66%。 这位投资者在PEPE市场的表现,无疑引起了市场的广泛关注。他的交易策略、市场洞察力以及对风险的承受能力,都成为了市场热议的焦点。而他在前三次交易中取得的骄人战绩,更是让人们对他充满了期待。 我们仍然对这位投资者充满了敬意。他的每一次出手,都展现出了对市场的深刻理解和敏锐洞察力。他的每一次决策,都体现出了对风险的谨慎态度和坚定信念。他用自己的行动,诠释了什么是真正的投资智慧和市场领袖。 我们期待这位鲸鱼投资者在未来的交易中能够再次展现其过人的实力,为市场带来更多的惊喜和启示我们也希望更多的投资者能够从他的交易经历中汲取经验,不断提升自己的投资能力和市场洞察力。 最近我们布局的币都赚了50%以上。 选币是我们的强项,赚钱只是顺带,密码会在我好朋友圈子里公布。点我头像,看我资料。一起交流。
#美联储利率决策即将公布 #币安用户数突破2亿 大饼为何下跌?接下来该怎么布局 ! 暴跌风暴来袭 周五深夜,一场突如其来的暴跌风暴席卷了整个加密货币市场。大饼,作为市场的领头羊,首当其冲,价格暴跌2.05%,引发了一场市场震荡。以太坊、Solana等热门山寨币也未能幸免,纷纷跟随大饼的脚步,呈现出明显的下跌趋势。那些风头正劲的meme币,如PEPE、Floki和WIF,更是跌幅超过10%,让投资者们痛心疾首。 市场损失惨重 此次市场大跌,投资者们总共亏损了高达3.6亿美元。尽管市场哀鸿遍野,美国的比特币ETF却逆势而上,继续吸引着新的资金流入。这一现象让人不禁思考,为何在市场整体下跌的情况下,比特币ETF却能逆流而上? 背后的推手 大饼此次暴跌的背后,与美国就业报告有着千丝万缕的联系。美国上月新增就业岗位数量超出预期,失业率虽然上升,但美联储可能会因此继续保持现有的货币政策,不轻易降息。 未来走势如何 那么,大饼是否还有机会重回巅峰?目前市场走势并不明朗,但仍有部分投资者持乐观态度。他们认为,大饼在跌破70,000美元大关后,可能会迎来一波反弹行情,重回71,000美元的高位。由于最近的经济数据让美联储降息的可能性大大降低,下周的FOMC会议将成为市场走势的关键节点。 布局之道 对于投资者来说,面对市场的暴跌和不确定性,如何合理布局成为了摆在面前的难题。首先,保持冷静和理性至关重要。不要被市场的短期波动所左右,要相信自己的判断和投资策略。 作为一个在币圈摸爬滚打多年的投资者,我愿意与你分享我的经验和见解。如果你对币圈感兴趣,但不知道该如何下手,不妨关注我的主页,与我一同探讨币圈的奥秘和未来的可能性,点点头像介绍找到我。
#NOT🔥🔥🔥 揭秘Notcoin:创新、价值与未来的完美结合 ! 在展望未来的金融市场,($NOT)凭借其独特的创新理念和不断壮大的市场影响力,它已成功吸引了众多投资者的目光。对于2024年和2025年的价格走势,我们进行了深入且富有洞见的预测,希望能够为您揭示其背后蕴含的无限潜力。 首先,让我们聚焦在2024年的Notcoin。我们预测,其最低价格将达到0.0375,平均价格稳定在0.0380,而最高价格更是有望触及$0.0388。这一涨幅不仅意味着从当前价格出发的显著增长,更象征着市场对Notcoin价值的深度认可。这一切的背后,是“点击挖矿”等创新玩法的广泛流行,以及Notcoin与Telegram等平台的深度整合,它们共同推动了用户基数的不断扩大和投资者信心的日益增强。 再让我们展望2025年的Notcoin。我们预期其最低价格将不低于0.0274,平均价格稳定在0.0283,而最高价格更是有望挑战$0.0325的新高。尽管相较于2024年的预测有所回调,但这依然代表着不俗的增长势头。技术的不断进步、战略合作的不断深化以及市场接受度的持续提升,都将是推动Notcoin在未来几年内持续发展的重要力量。 Notcoin所展现出的不仅仅是数字货币的冰冷数字,更是一种对于创新、对于未来、对于价值的深度追求。它以其独特的魅力,吸引着越来越多的投资者和用户的目光,共同书写着数字货币市场的新篇章。#美联储利率决策即将公布 #币安用户数突破2亿 #TRUBO #people🔥🔥 在币圈同样也是如此,如果你很迷茫,不知道怎么做,你可以点关注,点我头像找到我,所有策略粉丝都有。只为涨粉!

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