
The cryptocurrency market has been trading sideways for so long, and it finally chose a direction today.

However, this direction is different from what we imagined. We originally thought that with the support of ETF, the bottom of 60,000 would be difficult to break. However, today's panic decline directly caused the market to plummet.

The main reason for this wave of decline was the shutdown of ETFs. It was originally thought that the launch of ETFs in Hong Kong would boost the market, but in the end, it did not cause any ripples.

Fortunately, the negative news of CZ has now been digested.

The current market trend is very dangerous.

Because it has fallen below the strong support of 59,000, there is almost no obstacle between it and 52,000.

The only thing we can expect at the moment is that this break is a false break, which will be used to absorb funds and then rise later.

However, given the current situation, this possibility is unlikely to occur.

Through Fibonacci, we can see that 0.618 and the position of 60000 have been broken. The next position is 0.5, which is 56000.

However, the possibility of breaking this position is very high. The only strong support is 0.382 below, which is the strong support of 52,000.

If an extreme situation occurs and this position is broken, it will be very scary, meaning that all the gains of Bitcoin in this round will be reduced to zero, and it will take at least 1 to 2 months for the market to find its fulcrum again.

However, the possibility of this happening is very low.

We should not worry too much.


In the current extreme market conditions, how should we deal with risks?

First, stay away from contracts and embrace spot.

Contract positions are extremely risky, so you should close them if you can. If the loss is too great, you can only add margin to cushion the loss.

You can rest assured to hold the spot market. All your current losses are just paper losses. If you believe that Bitcoin will reach 100,000, you will never lose money as long as you can hold on to it.

Many retail investors are now complaining, thinking that they should have sold above 60,000 and then bought at a lower level? If they could predict the future and the market would fall below the big bottom of 59,000, it would certainly be better to do so.

But what if the market chooses to break upward? After all, from all aspects, the probability of upward is greater than downward.

Therefore, I have told everyone many times that we must not gamble on the market, but be prepared for both situations. No matter whether the market falls or rises, we must respond reasonably through position control.

Second, stop bottom fishing and wait and see.

Except for long-term investors, there is no need to buy the dip at this position now, because if it falls below 59,000, the only resistance level below is 52,000. At this position, we will take action.

In fact, you can also start operations at the 55000 position.

When buying at the bottom, focus on Bitcoin and Ethereum. Except for a few leading coins, don’t touch other altcoins for the time being.

Of course, if you have personalized needs, you can chat with Thirteen privately. Now is indeed a good time to invest in some high-risk and high-return coins.

Of course, this is only applicable to friends who have joined the Thirteen Circles.


The market plummeted and many friends were upset. Shisan could understand that very well.

But don't cut your losses and leave the market at will.

The small bull market may be over, but the big bull market has just begun. If you think you are a leek, then when the leeks cut their losses and leave the market, you will not be far from the real bottom.

Have you noticed a strange phenomenon? Bitcoin has fallen by nearly 7 points, while altcoins have not fallen much. On the contrary, Op is still rising against the trend.

Generally speaking, whenever Bitcoin plummets, altcoins will definitely plummet exponentially, and altcoins obviously seem to be unable to fall any further.

Retail investors are now also lying low, so it doesn’t matter unless institutions maliciously dump the market.

At the same time, there is another indicator that everyone should pay special attention to, and that is the amount of funds.

There is a very critical indicator to determine whether it is a bull market or a bear market: the amount of funds.

If a large amount of funds flow out of the cryptocurrency circle, then the cryptocurrency circle will be very dangerous, but this is not the case now, and funds are still flowing in.

However, the market is falling, which leads to a divergence.

Generally speaking, this position is a good entry opportunity in the big cycle.

Many people are worried that a bear market will begin, but considering the amount of funds, this is almost impossible.

Maybe the golden pit we have been longing for has appeared.


When others panic, we should stay calm.

If you are already deeply trapped, then delete the app and enjoy life.

No matter how much you lose now, it will be returned to you multiple times, provided that you can hold on to the coins.

Never short at this position.

The joint meeting at 2 a.m. will be a very critical factor.

If it is bad news, then the bad news has been digested by the market. If it is good news, then the market is likely to usher in a rebound.

Be careful of being killed by both long and short positions.

You and I are both in great pain right now, so it’s best for everyone to fold up their wings and protect themselves well.

Don't release all kinds of negative fear emotions everywhere every day and affect others.

You and I are all leeks, born from the same root, so why are we so eager to hurt each other?

What we need most now is to stick together. If you can't control your emotions and mentality, at least don't affect others.

Nowadays, the mentality of many young people is like a candle in the wind, which will be extinguished if blown.

Come on, people in the cryptocurrency world,

Welcome to: Minus Thirteen Degrees

Let’s go through the bull and bear markets together and see through the world of cryptocurrency. ​