Binance Square
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I have compiled my years of experience in the cryptocurrency world into a literary masterpiece, so that after reading it, you can avoid some detours and embark on the right path to financial freedom as soon as possible.
I have compiled my years of experience in the cryptocurrency world into a literary masterpiece, so that after reading it, you can avoid some detours and embark on the right path to financial freedom as soon as possible.
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Under the bright light of the cryptocurrency world, people often only envy those shining and glorious moments. However, few people know that behind this are many silent nights of licking wounds alone. After ten years of baptism in the cryptocurrency world, I have developed a tenacious heart and know that the way of investment cannot be covered by simple spot. When the bull market came and the contract market was surging, I also had a glimmer of luck and tried to get a share of the wave of contracts. However, in the end, I was like a lonely boat drifting, covered with wounds. In this contract market, there is an awe-inspiring word-explosion, which is not only the cruel reality of capital returning to zero, but also a kind of awe and respect for market rules. $BTC $ETH #MiCA #币安合约锦标赛 #非农就业数据即将公布
Under the bright light of the cryptocurrency world, people often only envy those shining and glorious moments. However, few people know that behind this are many silent nights of licking wounds alone. After ten years of baptism in the cryptocurrency world, I have developed a tenacious heart and know that the way of investment cannot be covered by simple spot. When the bull market came and the contract market was surging, I also had a glimmer of luck and tried to get a share of the wave of contracts. However, in the end, I was like a lonely boat drifting, covered with wounds. In this contract market, there is an awe-inspiring word-explosion, which is not only the cruel reality of capital returning to zero, but also a kind of awe and respect for market rules. $BTC $ETH #MiCA #币安合约锦标赛 #非农就业数据即将公布
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Today's summary of midnight analysis! Looking back at today's market trend, it has been in a large box-shaped upward trend, giving nearly 2,000 points of operating space from the lowest point to the highest point of the day. The short position we gave for today's strategy was not eliminated until the evening, and the basic income was enough for daily expenses, less than 1,000 oil, and it is not easy to show you pictures here. The biggest market trend during the day was also the ups and downs of nearly 2,600 points in the hour when the data came out. The lower lows are getting higher and higher, proving that the market is welcoming the arrival of the bull market. Midnight operation ideas Bitcoin long orders near 56,800, the target is around 58,000. $BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年
Today's summary of midnight analysis!

Looking back at today's market trend, it has been in a large box-shaped upward trend, giving nearly 2,000 points of operating space from the lowest point to the highest point of the day.

The short position we gave for today's strategy was not eliminated until the evening, and the basic income was enough for daily expenses, less than 1,000 oil, and it is not easy to show you pictures here.

The biggest market trend during the day was also the ups and downs of nearly 2,600 points in the hour when the data came out. The lower lows are getting higher and higher, proving that the market is welcoming the arrival of the bull market.

Midnight operation ideas Bitcoin long orders near 56,800, the target is around 58,000. $BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年
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In the next week, Bitcoin 50,000 will become history, and the bull market is coming and will detonate the future market! ! ! At present, the focus of the Federal Reserve has quietly shifted to the possible interest rate cut strategy in September. 2024 is already halfway through, and the field of digital currency has gradually emerged since November last year, and it has reached its peak in April this year. Many funds have not yet entered the market, and they are waiting and waiting for the best time. In this situation, the market has not yet reached a climax of full boiling, and the market is naturally not over. Usually, the rapid rise of the market may only take one month, while the callback and adjustment may last for three months. Therefore, I think there is no need to panic too much at this moment, let alone be confused by short-term fluctuations. When the market is at such a low point, we should think calmly, because what situation can be more difficult than this? $BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年
In the next week, Bitcoin 50,000 will become history, and the bull market is coming and will detonate the future market! ! !

At present, the focus of the Federal Reserve has quietly shifted to the possible interest rate cut strategy in September. 2024 is already halfway through, and the field of digital currency has gradually emerged since November last year, and it has reached its peak in April this year.

Many funds have not yet entered the market, and they are waiting and waiting for the best time. In this situation, the market has not yet reached a climax of full boiling, and the market is naturally not over.

Usually, the rapid rise of the market may only take one month, while the callback and adjustment may last for three months.

Therefore, I think there is no need to panic too much at this moment, let alone be confused by short-term fluctuations.

When the market is at such a low point, we should think calmly, because what situation can be more difficult than this? $BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年
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When asked why I still mainly hold short contracts while buying spot in batches, I want to say that this does not mean that I am not optimistic about the market trend. In fact, each of us investors is just a member of the market wave and cannot control the ups and downs of the market. The cycle of spot investment is long, and it often needs to be viewed from a weekly level or above. If you want to accurately capture the lowest point of the market, or expect to rise immediately after buying, or wait for a lower support level, all of these require us to think carefully and ask ourselves whether we can really do it. Therefore, when the market callback reaches a certain stage, we should combine technical support, such as Wyckoff theory, to guide the batch purchase of spot. As for contract trading, as long as the trend does not change fundamentally, our trading direction will not be easily adjusted. There is no conflict between my buying spot and holding short orders, but a decision I made based on a comprehensive consideration and judgment of market trends. $BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年
When asked why I still mainly hold short contracts while buying spot in batches, I want to say that this does not mean that I am not optimistic about the market trend. In fact, each of us investors is just a member of the market wave and cannot control the ups and downs of the market.

The cycle of spot investment is long, and it often needs to be viewed from a weekly level or above. If you want to accurately capture the lowest point of the market, or expect to rise immediately after buying, or wait for a lower support level, all of these require us to think carefully and ask ourselves whether we can really do it.

Therefore, when the market callback reaches a certain stage, we should combine technical support, such as Wyckoff theory, to guide the batch purchase of spot. As for contract trading, as long as the trend does not change fundamentally, our trading direction will not be easily adjusted. There is no conflict between my buying spot and holding short orders, but a decision I made based on a comprehensive consideration and judgment of market trends. $BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年
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In the turbulence of digital currencies, the continuous decline for nearly four months reminds people of the scene in 21 years. In the periodic small correction after halving, we may be able to see the dawn of a new rise between August and September, heralding the rise of a new round of bull market. However, the market has not yet broken through the high of 73,000, and has begun to fall since the end of May to the beginning of June, with a correction of up to 25%. In the ever-changing market, we must be aware that even mainstream coins may encounter major adjustments, and it is not impossible for the so-called altcoins to return to zero value. Therefore, in the face of market uncertainty, we need to make the worst plan in order to wait steadily for the market to turn around. In my opinion, the real climax of the bull market has not yet arrived, and the current time is the critical moment for the market to pull back and wash the market. Missing this opportunity may really miss a good opportunity. At this time, we should remain calm and reasonably allocate positions. Even if we face the risk of zero value, we must remain firm in our beliefs. Now is a good time to plan strategies, adjust our mentality, and reserve strength to meet the next wave of market frenzy. The market is like the tide, and only by seizing every opportunity can we win the future. $BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年
In the turbulence of digital currencies, the continuous decline for nearly four months reminds people of the scene in 21 years. In the periodic small correction after halving, we may be able to see the dawn of a new rise between August and September, heralding the rise of a new round of bull market. However, the market has not yet broken through the high of 73,000, and has begun to fall since the end of May to the beginning of June, with a correction of up to 25%.

In the ever-changing market, we must be aware that even mainstream coins may encounter major adjustments, and it is not impossible for the so-called altcoins to return to zero value. Therefore, in the face of market uncertainty, we need to make the worst plan in order to wait steadily for the market to turn around.

In my opinion, the real climax of the bull market has not yet arrived, and the current time is the critical moment for the market to pull back and wash the market. Missing this opportunity may really miss a good opportunity. At this time, we should remain calm and reasonably allocate positions. Even if we face the risk of zero value, we must remain firm in our beliefs. Now is a good time to plan strategies, adjust our mentality, and reserve strength to meet the next wave of market frenzy.

The market is like the tide, and only by seizing every opportunity can we win the future. $BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年
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The real market bottom is often hidden in the dust of panic withdrawal. Although the market sentiment has gradually turned from the carnival of bottom-fishing to vague anxiety, many investors still hold the mentality of bottom-fishing, build positions in batches, and even go all out. The pullback at this time is just a precursor to a major market adjustment, but for most people, the deep meaning behind it is still difficult to see through. In the feast of the bull market, before every amazing surge, the main force must deliberately suppress the market price to induce those followers to panic and exit. When the market finally ushered in the thrilling surge, the followers woke up from their dreams and realized that this was the careful layout of the main force. When the market enters the last carnival, most people are often driven by greed and try to seize the last opportunity, but often fall into the dilemma of the top of the mountain. Today, the main force is trying to create an illusion that market participants are about to collapse and a huge drop is imminent. If they do not sell in time, their accounts will suffer serious losses. But all this is appearance! The real strategy of the main force is to make you sell in fear, so that you lose chips in the process of selling high and buying low. When the chips of the followers are reduced, the main force can more easily grasp the rhythm of the market and attract more followers to fall into this carefully designed game. This is a psychological game between the main force and the followers, full of unknowns and variables. $BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年
The real market bottom is often hidden in the dust of panic withdrawal.

Although the market sentiment has gradually turned from the carnival of bottom-fishing to vague anxiety, many investors still hold the mentality of bottom-fishing, build positions in batches, and even go all out. The pullback at this time is just a precursor to a major market adjustment, but for most people, the deep meaning behind it is still difficult to see through.

In the feast of the bull market, before every amazing surge, the main force must deliberately suppress the market price to induce those followers to panic and exit.

When the market finally ushered in the thrilling surge, the followers woke up from their dreams and realized that this was the careful layout of the main force. When the market enters the last carnival, most people are often driven by greed and try to seize the last opportunity, but often fall into the dilemma of the top of the mountain.

Today, the main force is trying to create an illusion that market participants are about to collapse and a huge drop is imminent. If they do not sell in time, their accounts will suffer serious losses.

But all this is appearance! The real strategy of the main force is to make you sell in fear, so that you lose chips in the process of selling high and buying low.

When the chips of the followers are reduced, the main force can more easily grasp the rhythm of the market and attract more followers to fall into this carefully designed game.

This is a psychological game between the main force and the followers, full of unknowns and variables. $BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年
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Evening market analysis! Observing the daily K-line chart, the 15-minute line formed an obvious dead cross signal near 57,000 points, while the bullish momentum on the 1-hour K-line chart has significantly subsided, indicating that another round of dead cross formation is about to enter. This further validated the accuracy of our long-held short strategy, and all short positions were profitable. Judging from market information, the German government continues to transfer large amounts of BTC, which suggests that the overall market may continue its downward trend this week. However, we also need to be alert to possible short-term rebounds and be prepared to operate flexibly at critical moments to seize rebound opportunities. It is recommended that Bitcoin continue to be bearish near the 57500 point and continue to pay close attention to market dynamics. $BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年
Evening market analysis!

Observing the daily K-line chart, the 15-minute line formed an obvious dead cross signal near 57,000 points, while the bullish momentum on the 1-hour K-line chart has significantly subsided, indicating that another round of dead cross formation is about to enter. This further validated the accuracy of our long-held short strategy, and all short positions were profitable.

Judging from market information, the German government continues to transfer large amounts of BTC, which suggests that the overall market may continue its downward trend this week. However, we also need to be alert to possible short-term rebounds and be prepared to operate flexibly at critical moments to seize rebound opportunities.

It is recommended that Bitcoin continue to be bearish near the 57500 point and continue to pay close attention to market dynamics. $BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年
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Binance's seventh anniversary may bring some bullish news to the crypto market. According to 0x News, Binance has launched a global event called "Be Binance" to celebrate its seventh anniversary and has more than 200 million users. The event aims to recognize and reward loyal customers, and Binance Chief Marketing Officer Rachel Conlan said that although the number of users has reached 200 million, the market still has huge growth potential, and education will be the key to attracting the next wave of mainstream users. In addition, Binance also plans to launch various giveaways through its social media and community platforms, such as Binance Square, where participants have the opportunity to win a share of the $7,000 BNB token prize pool and other goods. Binance Academy will also invite users to participate in the product guide learning week, where participants have the opportunity to receive BNB rewards. However, market sentiment is also affected by a variety of other factors, including regulatory policies, macroeconomic conditions, etc. For example, Insights reported a sharp drop in the cryptocurrency market, mentioning multiple negative news, such as the Democratic Party's possible replacement of presidential candidates who do not support cryptocurrencies and the German government's continued selling of BTC. In general, Binance’s anniversary event may bring some positive signals to the market, especially in terms of user rewards and education promotion, but the overall trend of the market will still be affected by a variety of complex factors.
Binance's seventh anniversary may bring some bullish news to the crypto market.

According to 0x News, Binance has launched a global event called "Be Binance" to celebrate its seventh anniversary and has more than 200 million users. The event aims to recognize and reward loyal customers, and Binance Chief Marketing Officer Rachel Conlan said that although the number of users has reached 200 million, the market still has huge growth potential, and education will be the key to attracting the next wave of mainstream users.
In addition, Binance also plans to launch various giveaways through its social media and community platforms, such as Binance Square, where participants have the opportunity to win a share of the $7,000 BNB token prize pool and other goods. Binance Academy will also invite users to participate in the product guide learning week, where participants have the opportunity to receive BNB rewards.
However, market sentiment is also affected by a variety of other factors, including regulatory policies, macroeconomic conditions, etc. For example, Insights reported a sharp drop in the cryptocurrency market, mentioning multiple negative news, such as the Democratic Party's possible replacement of presidential candidates who do not support cryptocurrencies and the German government's continued selling of BTC.
In general, Binance’s anniversary event may bring some positive signals to the market, especially in terms of user rewards and education promotion, but the overall trend of the market will still be affected by a variety of complex factors.
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The market is sometimes like the sea, sometimes calm, sometimes turbulent. We can't control the fluctuations of the market, just as we can't predict the changes in the weather. But remember that even in the darkest moments, the dawn will always come. The uneasiness and anxiety you feel now are common experiences of many people when the market fluctuates. But please believe that these emotions are temporary and they will not define your future. At this time, the most important thing is to stay calm and rational, and don't let emotions control your decision-making. Looking back, we can see that no matter how turbulent the market has experienced, there are always moments of recovery and growth. History tells us that patience and persistence are the keys to getting through the difficulties. Now, what you need is a little time, a little patience, and confidence in yourself and the market. Remember that you are not alone. There are friends and investment friends around you who are willing to provide support and help. Don't be afraid to ask for help, and don't be shy to share your feelings. Sometimes, a listening ear is the best comfort. In addition, use this period to learn and grow. Market downturns provide opportunities to reflect and re-evaluate investment strategies. Maybe this is a good time to re-examine your financial plan, or learn new investment tools and methods. Finally, please remember that there is more to life than just markets and investments. Your interests, hobbies, family, and friendships are all valuable parts of your life. There are many things outside of the markets that are worthy of your time and energy. May you find strength and hope during this period, and believe that both the markets and your mood will improve in the near future. $BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年
The market is sometimes like the sea, sometimes calm, sometimes turbulent. We can't control the fluctuations of the market, just as we can't predict the changes in the weather. But remember that even in the darkest moments, the dawn will always come.
The uneasiness and anxiety you feel now are common experiences of many people when the market fluctuates. But please believe that these emotions are temporary and they will not define your future. At this time, the most important thing is to stay calm and rational, and don't let emotions control your decision-making.
Looking back, we can see that no matter how turbulent the market has experienced, there are always moments of recovery and growth. History tells us that patience and persistence are the keys to getting through the difficulties. Now, what you need is a little time, a little patience, and confidence in yourself and the market.
Remember that you are not alone. There are friends and investment friends around you who are willing to provide support and help. Don't be afraid to ask for help, and don't be shy to share your feelings. Sometimes, a listening ear is the best comfort.
In addition, use this period to learn and grow. Market downturns provide opportunities to reflect and re-evaluate investment strategies. Maybe this is a good time to re-examine your financial plan, or learn new investment tools and methods.
Finally, please remember that there is more to life than just markets and investments. Your interests, hobbies, family, and friendships are all valuable parts of your life. There are many things outside of the markets that are worthy of your time and energy.
May you find strength and hope during this period, and believe that both the markets and your mood will improve in the near future. $BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年
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It is the market that fluctuates, not the emotions. Being trapped is only temporary! 1. Understand market dynamics In the Bitcoin market, it is crucial to understand the latest market dynamics and trends. Investors should pay close attention to global economic conditions, policy changes, and technological developments, all of which may have an impact on Bitcoin prices. 2. Set a stop loss point Before investing in Bitcoin, setting a reasonable stop loss point can help investors control risks. Once the price falls below the stop loss point, selling in time can avoid greater losses. 3. Diversify your investments Don't put all your funds into Bitcoin as an asset. By diversifying your investments into other cryptocurrencies or traditional assets, you can reduce the risk of fluctuations in a single asset. 4. Long-term holding Although Bitcoin prices fluctuate, their value has an upward trend in the long run. For long-term investors, short-term price fluctuations should not affect their investment decisions. 5. Use technical analysis Technical analysis can help investors identify market trends and potential buying and selling points. By learning and applying technical analysis tools, investors can better understand market dynamics and make smarter decisions. 6. Avoid emotional trading Market fluctuations are often accompanied by ups and downs in investor emotions. Avoid making trading decisions driven by emotions. Staying calm and rational is the key to unwinding. 7. Learning and Adaptation The cryptocurrency market is constantly changing, and investors need to constantly learn new knowledge and skills to adapt to market changes. Through continuous learning and practice, investors can improve their trading capabilities. Bitcoin investment is full of risks, but through reasonable strategies and a calm mindset, investors can effectively manage these risks and achieve unwinding. Remember, investing is not just about making money, but also about learning and growing. Please note that investing in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies involves high risks, and investors should make decisions carefully based on their risk tolerance and investment goals. $BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年
It is the market that fluctuates, not the emotions. Being trapped is only temporary!

1. Understand market dynamics In the Bitcoin market, it is crucial to understand the latest market dynamics and trends. Investors should pay close attention to global economic conditions, policy changes, and technological developments, all of which may have an impact on Bitcoin prices.
2. Set a stop loss point Before investing in Bitcoin, setting a reasonable stop loss point can help investors control risks. Once the price falls below the stop loss point, selling in time can avoid greater losses.
3. Diversify your investments Don't put all your funds into Bitcoin as an asset. By diversifying your investments into other cryptocurrencies or traditional assets, you can reduce the risk of fluctuations in a single asset.
4. Long-term holding Although Bitcoin prices fluctuate, their value has an upward trend in the long run. For long-term investors, short-term price fluctuations should not affect their investment decisions. 5. Use technical analysis Technical analysis can help investors identify market trends and potential buying and selling points. By learning and applying technical analysis tools, investors can better understand market dynamics and make smarter decisions.
6. Avoid emotional trading Market fluctuations are often accompanied by ups and downs in investor emotions. Avoid making trading decisions driven by emotions. Staying calm and rational is the key to unwinding.
7. Learning and Adaptation The cryptocurrency market is constantly changing, and investors need to constantly learn new knowledge and skills to adapt to market changes. Through continuous learning and practice, investors can improve their trading capabilities.
Bitcoin investment is full of risks, but through reasonable strategies and a calm mindset, investors can effectively manage these risks and achieve unwinding. Remember, investing is not just about making money, but also about learning and growing. Please note that investing in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies involves high risks, and investors should make decisions carefully based on their risk tolerance and investment goals. $BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年
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The market is ruthless, but there is no need to blame others. Profit is certainly what we pursue and the original intention of investment. I understand your expectations. However, there are often multiple reasons behind losses: perhaps lack of stop-loss awareness, perhaps a blow-up caused by holding orders, or too strong subjective consciousness, insufficient execution, and inner anxiety and doubts. These are just some of them. If you also encounter these troubles or have other questions, feel free to communicate with me. I am willing to do my best to provide you with some advice and help, and use what I have learned to add a sense of security and confidence to your investment journey. $BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年
The market is ruthless, but there is no need to blame others. Profit is certainly what we pursue and the original intention of investment. I understand your expectations.
However, there are often multiple reasons behind losses: perhaps lack of stop-loss awareness, perhaps a blow-up caused by holding orders, or too strong subjective consciousness, insufficient execution, and inner anxiety and doubts.
These are just some of them. If you also encounter these troubles or have other questions, feel free to communicate with me. I am willing to do my best to provide you with some advice and help, and use what I have learned to add a sense of security and confidence to your investment journey. $BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年
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Market analysis at noon! In the morning, we gave the bearish strategy. At present, the market has reached the target position for building a position. Friends who have followed the trend can add one lot near 57,500 and continue to hold. The bearish strategy remains unchanged for the midday operation. $BTC $ETH #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年 #币安合约锦标赛
Market analysis at noon!

In the morning, we gave the bearish strategy. At present, the market has reached the target position for building a position. Friends who have followed the trend can add one lot near 57,500 and continue to hold. The bearish strategy remains unchanged for the midday operation. $BTC $ETH #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年 #币安合约锦标赛
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Materials from fans, the blood and tears of those on the road of cryptocurrency speculation!!! $BTC $ETH #币安7周年 #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? 1. This is a phase. Difficult times are just a phase. They don't last forever, sometimes they are green, sometimes they are red. Life is a cycle of highs and lows. Remember, this too will pass. You are in the storm now, but there are clear skies ahead. Hang on, wait a while. 2. You are stronger than you think. Never underestimate your resilience. - You have been through 100% of the bad days. - In your heart, there is an inner strength. - Your potential is greater than any problem. Remember that you are stronger and more capable than you think. 3. Small steps are important. Progress is not always a leap. Sometimes it is a small and imperceptible step. Every step, no matter how small, will bring you closer to your goal. Celebrate every improvement. Slow and steady still wins the race. Keep going. 4. Remember your “why.” Recall why you started. Revisit your motivations and goals. 5. Failures are stepping stones. It’s okay to fall, but it’s important to get back up. With every setback comes an opportunity to learn. Remember that every great success story involves overcoming obstacles. Keep going. Your story is being written. 6. Practice self-care. Self-care is so important, especially during hard times. - Eat nutritious foods - Exercise regularly - Get enough sleep - Connect with loved ones - Participate in activities that bring joy. It’s not selfish, it’s survival. Your well-being matters. 7. It’s OK to ask for help. Remember that you are not alone on this journey. - Reach out to friends, family, or professionals - Open up about your struggles - Seek support when necessary Strength is more than just suffering in silence. It’s also knowing when to ask for help. No matter how hard it is, don’t let yourself give in. After a while, your spark will finally come back. You’ll be happier, healthier, and wiser. We did this together.
Materials from fans, the blood and tears of those on the road of cryptocurrency speculation!!! $BTC $ETH #币安7周年
#币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息?

1. This is a phase. Difficult times are just a phase. They don't last forever, sometimes they are green, sometimes they are red. Life is a cycle of highs and lows. Remember, this too will pass. You are in the storm now, but there are clear skies ahead. Hang on, wait a while.

2. You are stronger than you think. Never underestimate your resilience. - You have been through 100% of the bad days. - In your heart, there is an inner strength. - Your potential is greater than any problem. Remember that you are stronger and more capable than you think.

3. Small steps are important. Progress is not always a leap. Sometimes it is a small and imperceptible step. Every step, no matter how small, will bring you closer to your goal. Celebrate every improvement. Slow and steady still wins the race. Keep going.

4. Remember your “why.” Recall why you started. Revisit your motivations and goals.

5. Failures are stepping stones. It’s okay to fall, but it’s important to get back up. With every setback comes an opportunity to learn. Remember that every great success story involves overcoming obstacles. Keep going. Your story is being written.

6. Practice self-care. Self-care is so important, especially during hard times. - Eat nutritious foods - Exercise regularly - Get enough sleep - Connect with loved ones - Participate in activities that bring joy. It’s not selfish, it’s survival. Your well-being matters.

7. It’s OK to ask for help. Remember that you are not alone on this journey. - Reach out to friends, family, or professionals - Open up about your struggles - Seek support when necessary Strength is more than just suffering in silence. It’s also knowing when to ask for help.

No matter how hard it is, don’t let yourself give in. After a while, your spark will finally come back. You’ll be happier, healthier, and wiser. We did this together.
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Amid the deep adjustments and washouts in the current bull market cycle, Bitcoin is hovering near the $46,000 area. I think this is an expected phenomenon. In the rhythm of the bull market, such callbacks are common. They are like a deep breath in the pulse of the market. Although the magnitude of the 30-40% callback is significant, it is often not enough to shake its continued upward trend. As for Bitcoin’s “normal” corrections, historically it has experienced several major pullbacks at every stage of growth. Although these adjustments may bring significant price declines, they are part of the natural adjustment mechanism of the market and are generally regarded as a sign of healthy market development. $BTC $ETH #币安7周年 #德国政府转移比特币 #ASI代币合并计划
Amid the deep adjustments and washouts in the current bull market cycle, Bitcoin is hovering near the $46,000 area. I think this is an expected phenomenon. In the rhythm of the bull market, such callbacks are common. They are like a deep breath in the pulse of the market. Although the magnitude of the 30-40% callback is significant, it is often not enough to shake its continued upward trend.

As for Bitcoin’s “normal” corrections, historically it has experienced several major pullbacks at every stage of growth. Although these adjustments may bring significant price declines, they are part of the natural adjustment mechanism of the market and are generally regarded as a sign of healthy market development. $BTC $ETH #币安7周年 #德国政府转移比特币 #ASI代币合并计划
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Morning market analysis! The midnight market started a small upward trend with a small fluctuation. It quickly rose in the morning and touched 57260 and then fell back quickly, indicating that there was a lot of pressure from above. From the recent trend, each high point is lower than the previous one, and the low point is lower than the previous low point. The trend space is narrowed to the 57300-54800 area, forming a small box. Personal suggestion: short Bitcoin near 57300, and the target is 55000, which is the same as the midnight idea. $BTC $ETH #BTC下跌分析 #币安7周年 #德国政府转移比特币
Morning market analysis!

The midnight market started a small upward trend with a small fluctuation. It quickly rose in the morning and touched 57260 and then fell back quickly, indicating that there was a lot of pressure from above. From the recent trend, each high point is lower than the previous one, and the low point is lower than the previous low point. The trend space is narrowed to the 57300-54800 area, forming a small box.

Personal suggestion: short Bitcoin near 57300, and the target is 55000, which is the same as the midnight idea. $BTC $ETH #BTC下跌分析 #币安7周年 #德国政府转移比特币
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Midnight market analysis! Looking back at today's market trend, after a wave of declines near 54243 in the morning, 3000 points of short-selling space was given. After a callback to 58213, nearly 4000 points of long-selling space were given. In the evening, the market continued to drop to 54890 and rebounded quickly, which also gave 3400 points of short-selling space. At present, the Bitcoin market has come to 56000 and fluctuated. The overall trend of the day drew an "N" shape. Two short orders and one long order were given during the day, both of which were successful and profitable, and nearly 3500 yuan of profit was taken. Looking at the midnight market trend, from the 1-hour chart, the K column runs on the lower track of the Bollinger band, and the opening has not obviously narrowed. The white line of MACD below crosses the yellow line, and the dead cross is obvious. DKJ has not yet formed a turn, and there is still a downward trend. Operational suggestions: Bitcoin is shorted near 56000-56380, and the target is 55000-54080. $BTC $ETH #BTC下跌分析 #德国政府转移比特币 #币安合约锦标赛
Midnight market analysis!

Looking back at today's market trend, after a wave of declines near 54243 in the morning, 3000 points of short-selling space was given. After a callback to 58213, nearly 4000 points of long-selling space were given. In the evening, the market continued to drop to 54890 and rebounded quickly, which also gave 3400 points of short-selling space. At present, the Bitcoin market has come to 56000 and fluctuated. The overall trend of the day drew an "N" shape.

Two short orders and one long order were given during the day, both of which were successful and profitable, and nearly 3500 yuan of profit was taken.

Looking at the midnight market trend, from the 1-hour chart, the K column runs on the lower track of the Bollinger band, and the opening has not obviously narrowed. The white line of MACD below crosses the yellow line, and the dead cross is obvious. DKJ has not yet formed a turn, and there is still a downward trend.

Operational suggestions: Bitcoin is shorted near 56000-56380, and the target is 55000-54080. $BTC $ETH #BTC下跌分析 #德国政府转移比特币 #币安合约锦标赛
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Why is contract trading more attractive than spot trading? 1. Of course, spot trading is stable and reliable, but for small investors, its profit space is limited. Contract trading, with the magic of leverage, can leverage huge profits with smaller funds, making the profit space wider. 2. In the world of contracts, market ups and downs are no longer a constraint. As long as your judgment is accurate, whether it is rising or falling, there is a chance to make a profit. This possibility of two-way profit is exciting. 3. Whenever a contract transaction is carried out, the profit and loss are immediately apparent. This instant feedback makes people's blood boil, as if they are in a tense and exciting game, which makes people unable to stop and eager to pay attention to market dynamics at all times. Contract trading has attracted many investors because of its potential huge value-added, exciting game experience and unique two-way profit opportunities. But please remember that high returns are often accompanied by high risks, and reasonable position management is crucial. $BTC $ETH #币安7周年 #德国政府转移比特币 #币安合约锦标赛
Why is contract trading more attractive than spot trading?

1. Of course, spot trading is stable and reliable, but for small investors, its profit space is limited. Contract trading, with the magic of leverage, can leverage huge profits with smaller funds, making the profit space wider.

2. In the world of contracts, market ups and downs are no longer a constraint. As long as your judgment is accurate, whether it is rising or falling, there is a chance to make a profit. This possibility of two-way profit is exciting.

3. Whenever a contract transaction is carried out, the profit and loss are immediately apparent. This instant feedback makes people's blood boil, as if they are in a tense and exciting game, which makes people unable to stop and eager to pay attention to market dynamics at all times.

Contract trading has attracted many investors because of its potential huge value-added, exciting game experience and unique two-way profit opportunities. But please remember that high returns are often accompanied by high risks, and reasonable position management is crucial. $BTC $ETH #币安7周年 #德国政府转移比特币 #币安合约锦标赛
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