When asked why I still mainly hold short contracts while buying spot in batches, I want to say that this does not mean that I am not optimistic about the market trend. In fact, each of us investors is just a member of the market wave and cannot control the ups and downs of the market.

The cycle of spot investment is long, and it often needs to be viewed from a weekly level or above. If you want to accurately capture the lowest point of the market, or expect to rise immediately after buying, or wait for a lower support level, all of these require us to think carefully and ask ourselves whether we can really do it.

Therefore, when the market callback reaches a certain stage, we should combine technical support, such as Wyckoff theory, to guide the batch purchase of spot. As for contract trading, as long as the trend does not change fundamentally, our trading direction will not be easily adjusted. There is no conflict between my buying spot and holding short orders, but a decision I made based on a comprehensive consideration and judgment of market trends. $BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年