Today's summary of midnight analysis!

Looking back at today's market trend, it has been in a large box-shaped upward trend, giving nearly 2,000 points of operating space from the lowest point to the highest point of the day.

The short position we gave for today's strategy was not eliminated until the evening, and the basic income was enough for daily expenses, less than 1,000 oil, and it is not easy to show you pictures here.

The biggest market trend during the day was also the ups and downs of nearly 2,600 points in the hour when the data came out. The lower lows are getting higher and higher, proving that the market is welcoming the arrival of the bull market.

Midnight operation ideas Bitcoin long orders near 56,800, the target is around 58,000. $BTC $ETH #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年