Under the bright light of the cryptocurrency world, people often only envy those shining and glorious moments. However, few people know that behind this are many silent nights of licking wounds alone. After ten years of baptism in the cryptocurrency world, I have developed a tenacious heart and know that the way of investment cannot be covered by simple spot. When the bull market came and the contract market was surging, I also had a glimmer of luck and tried to get a share of the wave of contracts. However, in the end, I was like a lonely boat drifting, covered with wounds. In this contract market, there is an awe-inspiring word-explosion, which is not only the cruel reality of capital returning to zero, but also a kind of awe and respect for market rules. $BTC $ETH #MiCA #币安合约锦标赛 #非农就业数据即将公布