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专注于币圈项目和GameFi简说,偶尔Mark一下当下,想在币圈做一条游刃有余的鱼|油管:Dsion区块链 |推特:@Dsion520 币安广场创作者:Dsion区块链
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Brief Reading Thirty-Six: The Next High-Power#GalaNode Project Dynamic Music Chart Game "Sonorus"【Sonorus】 Type: Dynamic music ranking game Blockchain: BSC Platform: App Store/Google Play download background: It has received investment from well-known institutions such as Haskey, Mask, and Nct. Currently, there are more than 200,000 registered users on the entire platform. How to play: Vote on popular music in Sonorus to earn points from the BNB price difference, nominate potential hit songs to earn a fixed value (5%) for song vote sales, and the points will be converted into tokens $SNS proportionally when listed on Binance; Players can also purchase DJ nodes in Sonorus to obtain daily token income. Details: There is no threshold, just download Sonorus to register an account, link/create a wallet, and deposit BNB to become a Sonorus member.

Brief Reading Thirty-Six: The Next High-Power#GalaNode Project Dynamic Music Chart Game "Sonorus"

Type: Dynamic music ranking game
Blockchain: BSC
Platform: App Store/Google Play download
It has received investment from well-known institutions such as Haskey, Mask, and Nct. Currently, there are more than 200,000 registered users on the entire platform.

How to play:
Vote on popular music in Sonorus to earn points from the BNB price difference, nominate potential hit songs to earn a fixed value (5%) for song vote sales, and the points will be converted into tokens $SNS proportionally when listed on Binance; Players can also purchase DJ nodes in Sonorus to obtain daily token income.
There is no threshold, just download Sonorus to register an account, link/create a wallet, and deposit BNB to become a Sonorus member.
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Reading 35: A dark 3D ARPG loot game, free to play and earn money "SERAPH: In the Darkness"【SERAPH: In the Darkness】 Genre: Diablo-style 3D ARPG loot game Blockchain: ETH/Arbitrum Platform: PC download Language: Support English and Traditional Chinese Status: Test 1 and Test 2 have completed the file deletion test, and the third round of non-deletion test will start on November 22. Official website: background: The project development team has participated in the production of well-known games such as "Legend of Blood", "Legend of Blood", and "Dragon Nest". The programming department is led by CTO Victor Kwon, who has more than 20 years of game development experience; Alan Chu is responsible for the blockchain module; and Mr. Ken Choung, a well-known token economics expert, leads the game economic design.

Reading 35: A dark 3D ARPG loot game, free to play and earn money "SERAPH: In the Darkness"

【SERAPH: In the Darkness】
Genre: Diablo-style 3D ARPG loot game
Blockchain: ETH/Arbitrum
Platform: PC download
Language: Support English and Traditional Chinese
Status: Test 1 and Test 2 have completed the file deletion test, and the third round of non-deletion test will start on November 22.
Official website:
The project development team has participated in the production of well-known games such as "Legend of Blood", "Legend of Blood", and "Dragon Nest".
The programming department is led by CTO Victor Kwon, who has more than 20 years of game development experience; Alan Chu is responsible for the blockchain module; and Mr. Ken Choung, a well-known token economics expert, leads the game economic design.
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Brief reading thirty-four: A pirate-themed turn-based role-playing game, "Pirate Nation" is free to play【Pirate Nation】 Genre: Turn-based role-playing game Blockchain: Arbitrum Nova Platform: web page Official website: Status: Beta V1 in progress… Threshold: At least one pirate is required (A free-to-play mode will be launched soon, but free player transactions require a trade license, which can be purchased directly or obtained by reaching command level 10) How to play: Players play the role of a pirate lord in exploring, performing tasks, collecting and crafting items in the pirate kingdom, gaining pirate XP, earning gold coins and other items, and ultimately building a personal pirate kingdom.

Brief reading thirty-four: A pirate-themed turn-based role-playing game, "Pirate Nation" is free to play

【Pirate Nation】
Genre: Turn-based role-playing game
Blockchain: Arbitrum Nova
Platform: web page
Official website:
Status: Beta V1 in progress…
Threshold: At least one pirate is required
(A free-to-play mode will be launched soon, but free player transactions require a trade license, which can be purchased directly or obtained by reaching command level 10)

How to play:
Players play the role of a pirate lord in exploring, performing tasks, collecting and crafting items in the pirate kingdom, gaining pirate XP, earning gold coins and other items, and ultimately building a personal pirate kingdom.
简读三十三:一款附带“超级加倍奖励系统”、且可免费玩赚的FPS《FF4》【Flight Force 4—FF4】 类型:第一人称多人射击 平台:HyperPlay 现状:可免费体验单人演示版,多人游戏还在构建(玩赚版) 官网 简介: 一款以太空为主题,类似于COD/Halo/Fortnite的第一人称射击游戏 玩法: 玩家在免费模式中相互竞争积累XP和Xanite。再使用XP换取其它游戏内资产,提升游戏体验。持有FF4资产或代币的玩家,还可以解锁新地图,进入高风险模式获取更多奖励。 细则: FF4拥有数千种游戏内资产,包括角色、武器、车辆、皮肤、福利、升级、无人机,宇宙飞船等。每一件物品都是可拥有的NFT,可在市场上交易和出租。 为确保游戏的新鲜度,FF4每周都会推出多个新物品。 不同的星球面对不同的难度和奖励,难度越大,奖励越丰厚。 Xanite是一种岩石矿藏,是游戏内不可或缺的能源。玩家依靠它来恢复生命值、武器、车辆以及激活无人机和游戏内福利等物品。 免费玩家需持有角色NFT才能把XP直接兑换为$T3P。 其它赚取途径: 鼓励玩家直播,拥有观众将成为赚取更多物品和代币的另一种独特的方式。 租赁系统基于智能合约。NFT持有者将能够自定义出租条款,包括每小时的租赁成本和租赁期间赚取的代币百分比。 质押$T3P获得更多代币奖励,还可以减少链上交易税、提升等级、在统治和锦标赛模式中开放更高级别以获得更高收入,还能随机获得游戏内物品的空投。 特色: “超级加倍”奖励系统 玩家可以通过购买某些商品、提高杀戮和死亡比例、升级访问某些地图或持有某些NFT角色等来获得奖励超级加倍权益。 其中购买物品和地图通行证是提升等级达到奖励超级加倍最直接有效的方式之一: 等级提升是基于玩家个人资料的实时提升,且对应奖励倍数会根据所在地图而发生实时改变。例如,玩家提升等级后奖励翻倍,但仍旧停留在旧地图上游戏,那么他的奖励提升会下降到1.5倍。但是如果玩家来到新地图,那么他的奖励可能会从2倍提升到2.5倍。 注意:访问其它星球,需要宇宙飞船。 游戏中某些物品带有提升奖励倍数的作用,赚取并持有足够的物品将有可能获得高达5倍的奖励提升。再结合某些地图提供提升倍数,直线提高奖励获得的倍数。 模式: 1、免费玩 玩家相互竞争以获$XP来购买游戏内物品、地图通行证和升级,以及可用于增强所有资产的Xanite。 完成每日和每周人物来赚钱额外的经验值以及击杀助攻、赢得比赛和连续击杀的奖励。 注意:记得保持尽可能高的击杀与死亡比率。 2、高风险模式 门款:持有角色NFT 分两个子模式:EOD模式和统治模式。 1)EOD模式——大地图 包含2V2(每张地图4名玩家)、3V3(每张地图9名玩家)、4V4(每张地图16名玩家) 完成特定任务或杀死其它团队赢得XP、Xanite和$T3P。 2)统治模式——小地图 进行最多包含10V10的团队死亡竞赛,击杀可获得XP,死亡则失去XP。玩家还可以从受害者的尸体中取回Xanite。 配备每周和每月“锦标赛”系统。 经济: 双代币经济 $T3P是T3PLAY的链上跨游戏代币。 XP是所有免费游戏的游戏奖励。 两者之间的兑换比率恒定为100XP=1美元的$T3P 并且兑换前提是需要玩家持有FF4角色 XP可用于升级校色皮肤、武器、附件和其他游戏内物品 $T3P可兑换成其他加密货币,可以锁定赚取特殊的游戏内资产,在高风险模式下锁定将解锁更高级别,购买所有游戏资产,并可用于T3PLAY平台上的所有游戏。 持有好处: OG/Helios Defender NFT持有者可获得独家首次访问多远宇宙、优先测试和玩FF4游戏、加入DC获得未来NFT空投、巨额代币空投等 注意:Dsion所简读的每一个项目都只是个人行为和理解,不做任何投资建议,只是MARK并记录一下自己的体验。


【Flight Force 4—FF4】





OG/Helios Defender NFT持有者可获得独家首次访问多远宇宙、优先测试和玩FF4游戏、加入DC获得未来NFT空投、巨额代币空投等

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Brief reading 32: "Rave", a racing chain game that can automatically earn money by playing【Rave】 Type: NFT racing chain game Blockchain: Venom Official website: How to play: Players use system vehicles to play PVE story mode for free and experience the amazing speed and passion of Rave. Or rent/purchase NFT racing cars to participate in PVE, PVP and tournaments to earn tokens, NFT and other rewards. Note: Free players cannot earn money by playing in the game. Details: The quality of the NFT racing car depends on the rarity and equipment of the NFT racing car. There are five levels of rarity: D, C, B, A, and S. Its advantages and disadvantages are directly reflected in the characteristics and attributes of the NFT car. It follows that the higher the rarity, the better the racing characteristics, the higher the attribute value, and the higher the income.

Brief reading 32: "Rave", a racing chain game that can automatically earn money by playing

Type: NFT racing chain game
Blockchain: Venom
Official website:
How to play:
Players use system vehicles to play PVE story mode for free and experience the amazing speed and passion of Rave. Or rent/purchase NFT racing cars to participate in PVE, PVP and tournaments to earn tokens, NFT and other rewards.
Note: Free players cannot earn money by playing in the game.

The quality of the NFT racing car depends on the rarity and equipment of the NFT racing car.
There are five levels of rarity: D, C, B, A, and S. Its advantages and disadvantages are directly reflected in the characteristics and attributes of the NFT car. It follows that the higher the rarity, the better the racing characteristics, the higher the attribute value, and the higher the income.
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Brief Reading 31: Immersive RPG + Tower Defense Adventure Chain Game "Elder's Grace"【Elder's Grace】 Type: Role-playing + tower defense adventure game Blockchain: ETH Platform: Epic Games Store Official website: background: "Elder's Grace, Rise of the Mobley" is created by Meta Monkey, a member of the Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA), and will be launched in early 2024. How to play: Players form a Mobley team and create a treasure stronghold full of traps and defenses in the dungeon, waiting for challenges from other players, or they can act as looters to raid other players' treasure strongholds, successfully protect or discover treasures and leave them behind. Details:

Brief Reading 31: Immersive RPG + Tower Defense Adventure Chain Game "Elder's Grace"

【Elder's Grace】

Type: Role-playing + tower defense adventure game

Blockchain: ETH

Platform: Epic Games Store

Official website:


"Elder's Grace, Rise of the Mobley" is created by Meta Monkey, a member of the Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA), and will be launched in early 2024.

How to play:

Players form a Mobley team and create a treasure stronghold full of traps and defenses in the dungeon, waiting for challenges from other players, or they can act as looters to raid other players' treasure strongholds, successfully protect or discover treasures and leave them behind.

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Brief Reading 30: Top Blockchain Game - 3V3 Street Basketball Blockchain Game "SimDunk Official"#GameFi#NFT #Blockchain【SimDunk Official】 Type: Street basketball chain game with 3V3 real-time competition as the core Blockchain: ETH Platform: Apple APP Store, Google Play download Official website: How to play: Players holding center/power forward/small forward/shooting guard/point guard player NFT cards can participate in 3V3 regular season or ranking matches and win games to earn token rewards. The rules of the game follow those of classic street basketball. The game follows that the higher the rarity and level of the NFT, the more generous the rewards from the competition will be. Details: Player NFT cards are divided into 5 rarity levels. N-level is the most common and cannot be traded (not NFT). All players’ junior player cards are N-level player cards. R-level cards are tradable as regular NFTs. Two R-level cards with the same star rating can be merged into an R-level card with a higher star rating, which can be upgraded to a maximum of 6 stars. SR cards are rare and can be traded but cannot be merged. SSR and UR cards are both relatively rare cards, and are each divided into three levels, and cannot be combined.

Brief Reading 30: Top Blockchain Game - 3V3 Street Basketball Blockchain Game "SimDunk Official"#GameFi#NFT #Blockchain

【SimDunk Official】

Type: Street basketball chain game with 3V3 real-time competition as the core

Blockchain: ETH

Platform: Apple APP Store, Google Play download

Official website:

How to play:

Players holding center/power forward/small forward/shooting guard/point guard player NFT cards can participate in 3V3 regular season or ranking matches and win games to earn token rewards. The rules of the game follow those of classic street basketball. The game follows that the higher the rarity and level of the NFT, the more generous the rewards from the competition will be.


Player NFT cards are divided into 5 rarity levels. N-level is the most common and cannot be traded (not NFT). All players’ junior player cards are N-level player cards. R-level cards are tradable as regular NFTs. Two R-level cards with the same star rating can be merged into an R-level card with a higher star rating, which can be upgraded to a maximum of 6 stars. SR cards are rare and can be traded but cannot be merged. SSR and UR cards are both relatively rare cards, and are each divided into three levels, and cannot be combined.
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The production, operation and combat chain game "Tribal Island" jointly produced by the guild SGA GameFi【Tribal Island】 Type: A Web3 chain game about production, social interaction and combat Threshold: a character NFT (hero) Blockchain: BSC Platform: web page Official website: background: The game publisher of Tribal Island is BTI Blockchain Tribal Island GmbH, a European blockchain technology company headquartered in Sindelfingen, Germany. The core members are from the University of Stuttgart in Germany and the Swiss Crypto Valley geeks. They have expertise in cryptoeconomics, smart contracts, and Web3 architecture. , consensus algorithms and other fields. Jointly launched the exclusive "DoubleGenesis" plan with the gaming guild Super Game Alliance (SGA), providing a one-stop solution for TI game NFT sales, creation player recruitment, and incentive token configuration.

The production, operation and combat chain game "Tribal Island" jointly produced by the guild SGA GameFi

【Tribal Island】

Type: A Web3 chain game about production, social interaction and combat

Threshold: a character NFT (hero)

Blockchain: BSC

Platform: web page

Official website:


The game publisher of Tribal Island is BTI Blockchain Tribal Island GmbH, a European blockchain technology company headquartered in Sindelfingen, Germany. The core members are from the University of Stuttgart in Germany and the Swiss Crypto Valley geeks. They have expertise in cryptoeconomics, smart contracts, and Web3 architecture. , consensus algorithms and other fields.

Jointly launched the exclusive "DoubleGenesis" plan with the gaming guild Super Game Alliance (SGA), providing a one-stop solution for TI game NFT sales, creation player recruitment, and incentive token configuration.
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The monthly net income can reach 90% of the mining machine and strategy battle chain game "Chain Of Legends" for free to play and earn, GameFi【Chain Of Legends】 Type: Optional single land mining machine investment or mining machine-based strategic battle chain game Blockchain: BSC Platform: web page Official website: How to play: Purchase periodic land NFT, and you will get tokens produced by the token mining machine, which can be traded directly on the market, or continue to create stone mines, iron mines, and military camps on the land NFT to expand the empire, and send troops to explore dungeons and treasure islands to obtain More tokens, iron ore and other rewards. 0游: Chain Of Legends provides free mining islands. Each island can collect 25 tokens. Stone ore and iron ore cannot be collected, and the establishment of military camps is not supported. After island mining is completed, you can continue to claim new free islands, and only one can be claimed at a time. It is recommended to experience it before investing, but it is not recommended to play without it.

The monthly net income can reach 90% of the mining machine and strategy battle chain game "Chain Of Legends" for free to play and earn, GameFi

【Chain Of Legends】

Type: Optional single land mining machine investment or mining machine-based strategic battle chain game

Blockchain: BSC

Platform: web page

Official website:

How to play:

Purchase periodic land NFT, and you will get tokens produced by the token mining machine, which can be traded directly on the market, or continue to create stone mines, iron mines, and military camps on the land NFT to expand the empire, and send troops to explore dungeons and treasure islands to obtain More tokens, iron ore and other rewards.


Chain Of Legends provides free mining islands. Each island can collect 25 tokens. Stone ore and iron ore cannot be collected, and the establishment of military camps is not supported. After island mining is completed, you can continue to claim new free islands, and only one can be claimed at a time. It is recommended to experience it before investing, but it is not recommended to play without it.
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Get Alpha Key for free, play the massive multiplayer shooting blockchain game "Citizen Conflict", GameFi【Citizen Conflict】 Type: AAA MMO shooting game Blockchain: BSC Platform: PC download Official website: background: Built by Unreal Engine 5 and developed by QORPO Game Studio with team members from companies including Riot Games, Electronic Arts, HP, Riot Games, Bohemia Interactive, Kojima and Blizzard, with titles including Overwatch, NBA, DayZ, Arma 3, Gears, Warfare 4 and Experience with games such as Diablo 2. Set in the dystopian world of the Aether Archipelago, each game is a fight for survival and valuable loot, with both world-wide and battle royale-style gameplay.

Get Alpha Key for free, play the massive multiplayer shooting blockchain game "Citizen Conflict", GameFi

【Citizen Conflict】

Type: AAA MMO shooting game

Blockchain: BSC

Platform: PC download

Official website:


Built by Unreal Engine 5 and developed by QORPO Game Studio with team members from companies including Riot Games, Electronic Arts, HP, Riot Games, Bohemia Interactive, Kojima and Blizzard, with titles including Overwatch, NBA, DayZ, Arma 3, Gears, Warfare 4 and Experience with games such as Diablo 2.

Set in the dystopian world of the Aether Archipelago, each game is a fight for survival and valuable loot, with both world-wide and battle royale-style gameplay.
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Brief Reading 29: GameFi, free to play and earn, NFT as the core reward "Wild Forest"Chain game name: Wild Forest (in closed testing...) Type: Single-screen PVP real-time strategy game Blockchain: Ronin Network Platforms: PC, mobile and consoles Official website: How to play: Two players each carry 7 combat cards. While building buildings and troops on the same land, the first player to occupy the land and destroy the enemy base (base) wins the game and gets rewards; After 5 minutes of fighting, if there is still no winner, both bases will begin to lose health points until one of them is destroyed;

Brief Reading 29: GameFi, free to play and earn, NFT as the core reward "Wild Forest"

Chain game name: Wild Forest (in closed testing...)

Type: Single-screen PVP real-time strategy game

Blockchain: Ronin Network

Platforms: PC, mobile and consoles

Official website:

How to play:

Two players each carry 7 combat cards. While building buildings and troops on the same land, the first player to occupy the land and destroy the enemy base (base) wins the game and gets rewards;

After 5 minutes of fighting, if there is still no winner, both bases will begin to lose health points until one of them is destroyed;
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Brief Reading 28: GameFi, Play for Free and Earn Money, "Werewolf" P2E Chain Game Remake "Castle Of Blackwater"【Castle Of Blackwater】 Genre: Social deduction game Blockchain: ETH Platform: web page, planned to be ported to IOS, Android (APP) background: Inspired by Among Us, Salem, Mafia/Werewolf, Deception Official website: How to play: 10 players who play the role of the Protector, Satan and the Forgotten hide their identities in the black castle. In the continuous day and night cycle, they complete their respective faction tasks and ensure their own safety. The first party to complete the faction tasks wins the game and receives rewards;

Brief Reading 28: GameFi, Play for Free and Earn Money, "Werewolf" P2E Chain Game Remake "Castle Of Blackwater"

【Castle Of Blackwater】

Genre: Social deduction game

Blockchain: ETH

Platform: web page, planned to be ported to IOS, Android (APP)


Inspired by Among Us, Salem, Mafia/Werewolf, Deception

Official website:

How to play:

10 players who play the role of the Protector, Satan and the Forgotten hide their identities in the black castle. In the continuous day and night cycle, they complete their respective faction tasks and ensure their own safety. The first party to complete the faction tasks wins the game and receives rewards;
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Brief reading twenty-seven: GameFi, mobile instant earning, P2E chain game "PiratePets"【PiratePets】 Type: A maritime adventure chain game that combines M2E (Mobile to Earn), P2E and AR Blockchain: Binance Platform: App/Play Store download threshold: 1 pirate NFT + 1 ship How to play: Players build a fleet and start a treasure hunt based on the GPS positioning map synchronized with the real world. They will receive token rewards when the treasure chest is opened. During the journey, they can obtain a mysterious box (containing tokens, in-game items, ships/parts) by fighting the Raid BOSS. , skins, etc.), of course you can also participate in PVP, tournaments, marathons and other activities to get more rewards;

Brief reading twenty-seven: GameFi, mobile instant earning, P2E chain game "PiratePets"


Type: A maritime adventure chain game that combines M2E (Mobile to Earn), P2E and AR

Blockchain: Binance

Platform: App/Play Store download


1 pirate NFT + 1 ship

How to play:

Players build a fleet and start a treasure hunt based on the GPS positioning map synchronized with the real world. They will receive token rewards when the treasure chest is opened. During the journey, they can obtain a mysterious box (containing tokens, in-game items, ships/parts) by fighting the Raid BOSS. , skins, etc.), of course you can also participate in PVP, tournaments, marathons and other activities to get more rewards;
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Brief reading twenty-six: GameFi, free play and earn money, P2E chain game "Cross The Ages""Cross The Ages" Type: Trading card strategy game (territorial conquest) Blockchain: Polygon Platform: Mobile phone (App Store, Google Play), computer (Mac Intel, Mac M) download and install background: Game giants Animoca Brands, Ubisoft, Polygon, The Sandbox co-founder and COO Sebastian Borget and others participated in the investment; Completed US$12 million in seed round financing; How to play: Players build a 30-card deck with a maximum total power of 15,000 points to fight against their opponents. Win the game and receive rewards such as tokens and treasure chests (including digital cards); by casting, merging, renting, and trading NFTs, NFC entities can be printed. Cashing out of cards;

Brief reading twenty-six: GameFi, free play and earn money, P2E chain game "Cross The Ages"

"Cross The Ages"

Type: Trading card strategy game (territorial conquest)

Blockchain: Polygon

Platform: Mobile phone (App Store, Google Play), computer (Mac Intel, Mac M) download and install


Game giants Animoca Brands, Ubisoft, Polygon, The Sandbox co-founder and COO Sebastian Borget and others participated in the investment;

Completed US$12 million in seed round financing;

How to play:

Players build a 30-card deck with a maximum total power of 15,000 points to fight against their opponents. Win the game and receive rewards such as tokens and treasure chests (including digital cards); by casting, merging, renting, and trading NFTs, NFC entities can be printed. Cashing out of cards;
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Brief Reading 24: GameFi, Free to Play and Earn, P2E Blockchain Game "Aurory"【Aurory】 Type: Japanese tactical turn-based role-playing game Blockchain: solana, Arbitrum Platform: web page background: Investors include Solana, Serum, Alameda Research (the world's largest cryptocurrency market maker), and Animoca Brands. How to play: "Aurory Tactics" - 3V3 competition based on timeline (free to play and earn money) A turn-based combat system is adopted. In each round, Neftie on the field will perform a move and a skill in sequence according to their position on the time track. Players can freely choose the order of moves and skill actions until the first one kills all the opponents. Neftie, where the battle ends and the winner wins tokens and other rewards;

Brief Reading 24: GameFi, Free to Play and Earn, P2E Blockchain Game "Aurory"


Type: Japanese tactical turn-based role-playing game

Blockchain: solana, Arbitrum

Platform: web page


Investors include Solana, Serum, Alameda Research (the world's largest cryptocurrency market maker), and Animoca Brands.

How to play:

"Aurory Tactics" - 3V3 competition based on timeline (free to play and earn money)

A turn-based combat system is adopted. In each round, Neftie on the field will perform a move and a skill in sequence according to their position on the time track. Players can freely choose the order of moves and skill actions until the first one kills all the opponents. Neftie, where the battle ends and the winner wins tokens and other rewards;
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Brief Reading 24: GameFi, P2E blockchain game "Legendary: Heroes Unchained"Genre: Hero RPG Blockchain: Private ETH Virtual Machine Platform: Web, planned IOS/Android/Mac/PC client background: Developed by game company N3TWORK Studios and raised $4600W Basic gameplay - 5V5 turn-based PVE Players use the collected heroes to explore dungeons, gain XP, points, energy, HP and other in-game items by completing tasks/looting treasure chests/breaking through encounters/participating in battles, and win leaderboard rewards; The battle is conducted in a turn-based manner. The dice are rolled at the beginning of each round to determine the order of actions of each hero. As long as the hero does not die, one action will be taken. The attack mode of the hero is determined by the category. The goal is to obtain as much as possible before being eliminated. Score points to reach the top of the leaderboard and receive large rewards;

Brief Reading 24: GameFi, P2E blockchain game "Legendary: Heroes Unchained"

Genre: Hero RPG

Blockchain: Private ETH Virtual Machine

Platform: Web, planned IOS/Android/Mac/PC client


Developed by game company N3TWORK Studios and raised $4600W

Basic gameplay - 5V5 turn-based PVE

Players use the collected heroes to explore dungeons, gain XP, points, energy, HP and other in-game items by completing tasks/looting treasure chests/breaking through encounters/participating in battles, and win leaderboard rewards;

The battle is conducted in a turn-based manner. The dice are rolled at the beginning of each round to determine the order of actions of each hero. As long as the hero does not die, one action will be taken. The attack mode of the hero is determined by the category. The goal is to obtain as much as possible before being eliminated. Score points to reach the top of the leaderboard and receive large rewards;
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Brief Reading 23: GameFi, P2E blockchain game "Desertopia2: Cyrptopia"Basic gameplay: Same as "Clash of Clans: Royal Clash" ​ ​​Send 3 cards randomly from the team, use energy points to purchase cards and go into battle. The player who first destroys the opponent's main tower wins. The battle is divided into two rounds: The first round: 3 minutes long, the energy is distributed normally in the first two minutes, and the output is doubled in the next minute. The winner of this round wins the game, and a tie advances to the next round; Second round: 2 minutes long, doubled energy output. The player who is the first to destroy the opponent's main tower or fortress + the main tower with the highest HP wins.

Brief Reading 23: GameFi, P2E blockchain game "Desertopia2: Cyrptopia"

Basic gameplay: Same as "Clash of Clans: Royal Clash"

​ ​​Send 3 cards randomly from the team, use energy points to purchase cards and go into battle. The player who first destroys the opponent's main tower wins.

The battle is divided into two rounds:

The first round: 3 minutes long, the energy is distributed normally in the first two minutes, and the output is doubled in the next minute. The winner of this round wins the game, and a tie advances to the next round;

Second round: 2 minutes long, doubled energy output. The player who is the first to destroy the opponent's main tower or fortress + the main tower with the highest HP wins.
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#0撸打金 #链游 #GameFi 【Desertopia2: Cyrptopia】 Type: Developmental casual game Background: Taiwan’s healing mobile game “Desert Country” Web3.0 blockchain version How to play: Players plant plants and raise pets on the land. Plants are used to produce food. Pets can produce amber after eating food (which can be directly exchanged for tokens DTT). Details: There are 5 opportunities to play mini-games to get seeds for free every day. Garbage will appear randomly on the land, and you will be rewarded after cleaning it up Animals and land can only be upgraded with amber. The higher the level, the greater the production capacity. Animals have a lifespan ​​​​​Purchase animal NFT to get more resources Amber can be used to purchase land, seeds, food, pet eggs and other in-game needs Sign in, complete daily tasks, unlock animal illustrations to get amber/seed/food The resources produced need to be collected manually. Robots can be made to collect them automatically. Plan: Technology tree (unlock technology points to improve resource collection efficiency, etc.), friend system Platform: IOS, Android download, web version Token: Single token DTT (about 0.005U/unit) Exchange limit: 400DTT/day, 2000DTT/week, 5000DTT/month (minimum withdrawal is 400DTT) Withdrawal: Withdrawal is performed every Friday (UTC+8) 12:00~1300 Trading platform: Uniswap ETH contract address: 0x592EEc79662C9237814a1Ca010A358f1Adad1Ff6 Official website:
#0撸打金 #链游 #GameFi

【Desertopia2: Cyrptopia】

Type: Developmental casual game

Background: Taiwan’s healing mobile game “Desert Country” Web3.0 blockchain version

How to play: Players plant plants and raise pets on the land. Plants are used to produce food. Pets can produce amber after eating food (which can be directly exchanged for tokens DTT).

Details: There are 5 opportunities to play mini-games to get seeds for free every day.

Garbage will appear randomly on the land, and you will be rewarded after cleaning it up

Animals and land can only be upgraded with amber. The higher the level, the greater the production capacity.

Animals have a lifespan

​​​​​Purchase animal NFT to get more resources

Amber can be used to purchase land, seeds, food, pet eggs and other in-game needs

Sign in, complete daily tasks, unlock animal illustrations to get amber/seed/food

The resources produced need to be collected manually. Robots can be made to collect them automatically.

Plan: Technology tree (unlock technology points to improve resource collection efficiency, etc.), friend system

Platform: IOS, Android download, web version

Token: Single token DTT (about 0.005U/unit)

Exchange limit: 400DTT/day, 2000DTT/week, 5000DTT/month (minimum withdrawal is 400DTT)

Withdrawal: Withdrawal is performed every Friday (UTC+8) 12:00~1300

Trading platform: Uniswap

ETH contract address: 0x592EEc79662C9237814a1Ca010A358f1Adad1Ff6

Official website:
See original
【Norma in Metaland】 🚩A multi-platform time management cooking game that can be played and earned for free 🚩Core: Make the required food for customers within the specified time 🚩How to earn money by playing: ​ ​ 1) Complete 400 levels in 8 themes, and pass each level with full stars for the first time (the number of rewards is different for different chef/master levels) ​ 2) Complete the setting task 3) Get lucky ball tickets and guess the numbers ​ 4) Chef/Master upgrade 5) Obtain the World Chef Championship ranking ​ 6) Pledge (governance token) ​ 7) Hold NFT. Governance tokens are airdropped regularly every month (36 months in total) according to the NFT level, and there are also benefits such as additional rewards for customs clearance. 🚩How to play: Normal & Main Mode, World Chef Championship 🚩Register ISKRA wallet when registering the game 🚩Dual tokens can be exchanged with each other (daily limit 200~300 candies) 🚩Webpage, Android download 🚩Official website:
【Norma in Metaland】

🚩A multi-platform time management cooking game that can be played and earned for free

🚩Core: Make the required food for customers within the specified time

🚩How to earn money by playing:

​ ​ 1) Complete 400 levels in 8 themes, and pass each level with full stars for the first time (the number of rewards is different for different chef/master levels)

​ 2) Complete the setting task

3) Get lucky ball tickets and guess the numbers

​ 4) Chef/Master upgrade

5) Obtain the World Chef Championship ranking

​ 6) Pledge (governance token)

​ 7) Hold NFT. Governance tokens are airdropped regularly every month (36 months in total) according to the NFT level, and there are also benefits such as additional rewards for customs clearance.

🚩How to play: Normal & Main Mode, World Chef Championship

🚩Register ISKRA wallet when registering the game

🚩Dual tokens can be exchanged with each other (daily limit 200~300 candies)

🚩Webpage, Android download

🚩Official website:
【Meta Toy DragonZ SAGA] 🚩一款由Sandbox Network创作的收藏型RPG 🚩由Nexon和Neptune等游戏巨头领投,D轮融资超$7000W 🚩建造城镇、配置龙队伍、进行PVP和PVE赚取代币和物品等奖励 🚩独特的龙NFT和代币质押挖矿等玩法 🚩现参与预注册有机会免费MINT Wonder Pass卡 🚩官网

【Meta Toy DragonZ SAGA] 🚩一款由Sandbox Network创作的收藏型RPG 🚩由Nexon和Neptune等游戏巨头领投,D轮融资超$7000W 🚩建造城镇、配置龙队伍、进行PVP和PVE赚取代币和物品等奖励 🚩独特的龙NFT和代币质押挖矿等玩法 🚩现参与预注册有机会免费MINT Wonder Pass卡 🚩官网

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