《Cross The Ages》

Type: Trading card strategy game (territorial conquest)

Blockchain: Polygon

Platform: Mobile phone (App Store, Google Play), computer (Mac Intel, Mac M) download and install


Game giants Animoca Brands, Ubisoft, Polygon, The Sandbox co-founder and COO Sebastian Borget and others participated in the investment;

Completed US$12 million in seed round financing;

How to play:

Players build a 30-card deck with a maximum total power of 15,000 points to fight against their opponents. Win the game and receive rewards such as tokens and treasure chests (including digital cards); by casting, merging, renting, and trading NFTs, NFC entities can be printed. Cashing out of cards;


A game lasts up to 10 minutes, and each player has 5 minutes of game time;

Each person can play up to 8 rounds, and each round will always have 5 cards in the player's hand;

The battle is based on the "Blitz" format. Cards are taken in turns on a 4×4 battle board. While defending your own position, you compete for control of the game board by seizing the opponent's cards;

It requires playing fast and smart to win;

Key Points: Seven Stars Chart

Cards are divided into three categories and seven elements. There are increasing, decreasing and restraining relationships between the elements:

1) Increase or decrease benefits

If the card element has an advantage over the opponent's element, the card's power value will increase by 150 when attacking; otherwise, the card's attack power will decrease by 150;

2) Affinity

Two adjacent element cards, attack power +100

3) Trinity

Three adjacent element cards, attack power +100


Cross The Ages cards are derived from seven free-to-read fantasy and science fiction novels, each corresponding to a series of digital cards. Each series contains 365 collectible cards with varying degrees of scarcity each year (created by 75 digital artists around the world) ). 7 novels will be published within 7 years, the first two have already been published;

Like "Pokemon Cards", "Magic: The Gathering", and sports collection cards, Cross The Ages physical trading cards - NFC cards have real collection value and are printed based on card NFT on the blockchain;

Players use in-game cards - digital cards to fight, collect, trade, and merge to create rarer and more valuable cards;

The value digital card is then cast into an on-chain asset NFT card for trading and leasing to earn income; (NFT can be combined to create higher value and rarer NFT)

Rare and more valuable NFTs can also be printed into physical trading cards in the real world - NFC cards for collection and trading; (the printed NFTs will be frozen into digital cards)


Ranked matches, normal matches, friendly matches, tournaments (coming soon)


Three Token Economy:

$Trisel: Conversion between in-game assets, such as making digital card upgrades;

$Prana: used to purchase off-chain assets, such as treasure chests, paid NFT, etc.;

$CTA: used for on-chain activities, such as NFT casting, trading, etc.;

Official website:


Note: Every project briefly read by Dsion is just personal behavior and understanding. It does not make any investment suggestions. It just MARKs and records its own experience.