【Pirate Nation】

Genre: Turn-based role-playing game

Blockchain: Arbitrum Nova

Platform: web page

Official website: pirateation.game

Status: Beta V1 in progress…

Threshold: At least one pirate is required

(A free-to-play mode will be launched soon, but free player transactions require a trade license, which can be purchased directly or obtained by reaching command level 10)

How to play:

Players play the role of a pirate lord in exploring, performing tasks, collecting and crafting items in the pirate kingdom, gaining pirate XP, earning gold coins and other items, and ultimately building a personal pirate kingdom.

During the exploration process, the battle is conducted through turn-based battles. In each round, players select appropriate cards to attack, defend and other operations under the limited action point restrictions. After the round, wait for the opponent to take action and be the first to reduce the enemy's health to 0. side wins



Each pirate has an XP progress bar. When the XP reaches 100%, you can spend some gold coins to upgrade the pirate level.

The higher the pirate level, the greater the professional advantages of performance, including damage (extra damage caused by attacks), evasion (making the ship harder to hit), speed (giving the ship a higher chance of attacking first), accuracy (increased hit rate of ship attacks), health (increases the maximum health of ships selected for combat)

When the pirate command level reaches level 10, the account will unlock the trading ability to sell items, resources and ships. Players who hold Founders Pirates NFT automatically unlock the ability to trade.

Players can choose any pirate as the captain, and the captain will gain XP 10% faster than other pirates. And the captain will also have a rum attribute value that can be used to restore energy (only valid for the captain), so that the captain can continue to perform tasks. The upper limit of rum attribute value is 25 points, and 1 point is restored every hour.

There are restrictions on captain switching: the captain can be changed after every 8 hours of cooling time.

Pirates have an elemental affinity, and there is a restraint relationship between different elemental affinities. This advantage and disadvantage will be revealed in battle.

Perform tasks:

Starting a sea adventure will consume energy. Different tasks require different energy points, and some require special items and experienced pirates to complete. Complete different tasks to get different loot.

All pirates in the player account share 150 energy points, and the energy is replenished by 1 point every 10 minutes.

Bounty tasks:

Pirates can participate in bounty missions without spending energy. However, pirates participating in the bounty cannot perform any other tasks during a certain period of time, nor can they be traded and sold.

Once the bounty starts, it will last for 11 hours.

Pirates who perform bounty missions will receive a base reward and 3 "level rewards".

Basic rewards are the basic resources and potential bonuses selected by the player (rewards obtained when certain conditions are met);

"Level rewards" are obtained under the conditions of level 5 pirates, level 10 pirates and level 20 pirates.

Pirate Ship:

Pirate ships add an extra gameplay element to Pirate Kingdom. Players need to craft a complete pirate ship to explore the high seas map.

There are 5 types of pirate ships:

1) Pirate Skiff (not tradeable)

Start the boat mission by collecting wood to make wood pulp. After completing the two boat missions, you can spend 100 tokens to make a pirate boat and unlock navigation and combat capabilities.

Skiffs are only suitable for the task in the hands of the right pirate and are the least sturdy of ships.

2) Pirate single sailboat

An agile ship that sacrifices offense.

3) Pirate Sailboat

strong and sturdy.

4) Pirate Frigate

The real strong man on the high seas

5) Thieves' sailboat

Limited to 90 pieces, an enhanced version of the sailboat that can only be airdropped in OG.

Different pirate ships have different numbers of equippable slots, and the items equipped affect the cards available in battle. Note that equipment items, once used, are permanently attached to the pirate ship and they can be overwritten, but cannot be deleted or returned to the inventory.

trade license

Free players need to hold a trade license to trade in-game income (purchase or account login level reaches 10), while Founder Pirate holders have no trading restrictions, and the project will also give holders of more than 1 Founder Pirate Players airdrop trade licenses, which can be used for trading. The more founder pirates you hold, the more airdrops you will receive.


Each player has a private oasis (beginner island)

The loot and artifacts obtained during the adventure can be displayed on this island as much as you like.

Combat details:

In combat mode, player action cards come from three aspects:

1) Pirates.

The pirate selected by the player will provide basic set cards and specialty set cards for the battle.

The base set cards are the core starter cards for all pirates to start with;

The specialty set cards are unique to pirates and will be unlocked every time a pirate levels up;

2) Pirate Ship

Different types of pirate ships will bring a different set of action cards to the battle depending on their level, with higher levels bringing more action cards.

3) Pirate ship equipment

Each time a player equips the pirate ship with an item, an action card is added to the deck.

There are 5 types of action cards: damage cards, defense cards, control cards, manipulation cards and treatment cards. Different types of cards have different functions.


​ ​ 1) PVE (player versus environment)

2) PVP (player versus player)

3) World BOSS (multiplayer cooperation)

Players can fight a world boss every X hours, and the leaderboard will track the total damage each player has caused to all world bosses. If the BOSS is defeated before the end of the event, rewards will be given to the players who contributed to its defeat. Leaderboard winners will also receive leaderboard rewards.

In addition, players who deliver the final blow to the world BOSS will receive rare NFT as a special reward.


Dual-token economy, only one token can be used in different transaction lock states.


Usage: Can be used by pirates to upgrade/make items

Restricted Rights (Players with Trade Unlocked):

1) Obtain $PGLD from tasks

2) $PGLD can be sent from the wallet

3) $PGLD cannot be converted to $MARK

4) When unlocking the transaction, all $MARK is automatically converted to $PGLD


Restricted Rights (Trade Locked Players):

1) Obtain $MARK from the task

2) $MARK is locked in the wallet

3) $PGLD can be freely converted into $MARK

4) $MARK cannot be converted to $PGLD


Activity one:

MIINT Pirates can now experience Pirate Kingdom for free, no gas required.

You can go to the official website to get the test code to participate in the beta.

Activity 2:

Before October 30th, collect fragments of gods through bounties, tasks, and other methods to create complete statues of gods. Among the three idol factions, the faction with the most completed idols wins.

If the idol of the winning faction produced by the player exceeds the idols of other factions, he can become a winning member and win rewards;

The top three members of each idol faction will also receive special rewards such as gold coins;

The more god fragments players collect and idols they craft, the more tokens and prizes they get, the better.