
Genre: Japanese tactical turn-based role-playing game

Blockchain: Solana, Arbitrum

Platform: Web


Investors include Solana, Serum, Alameda Research (the world’s largest cryptocurrency market maker), and Animoca Brands.

How to play:

Aurory Tactics - 3v3 timeline-based competition (free to play and earn money)

The game uses a turn-based combat system. In each round, the Nefties on the field will perform a move and a skill in turn according to their positions on the time track. Players can freely choose the order of moves and skill actions until the first one kills all the opponent's Nefties. The battle ends and the winner wins rewards such as tokens.

Aurory Adventures – Strategy RPG

Collect, train, and trade Neftie, eggs, in-game items, tokens, and more through exploration and combat;

Aurorians on Expeditions - Remastered

Send Aurorians on virtual missions and collect useful items;


《Aurory Tactics》中:

1) Each team is led by a tactician who determines the team's starting position and some passive abilities that may change the overall strategy;

2) The Neftie's active attribute determines the order in which they act during the round. If Nefties with the same active attribute are on the same team, the player chooses which one acts first. If they are on opposing teams, the Neftie with the higher HP value acts first.

3) Some Nefties have the ability to trigger a "reaction" to certain opponent actions. For example, if Team A throws a bomb, Team B may react by "intercepting the bomb";

4) Certain actions during combat will also readjust the time at which the action occurs on the timeline.

5) The battlefield will shrink the safe area over time, forcing the Neftie to gather and form a "killing zone".

In Aurory Adventures:

1) At least one tradable Neftie NFT is required;

2) Includes upgrades, hatching, destruction, trading, collection, and combat (blitz/arena/1v1, specific events) and other gameplay;

3) Nefties' equipment enhancement items may change the outcome of the game;

4) Energy stones can unlock new tactical abilities and can be purchased or dropped;

Benefits of holding Aurorians:

1) Early Access

2) Increased rewards

3) NFT airdrops (including collectibles and in-game functional items)

4) Priority purchase of land NFT

5) Community governance (decentralization)

6) Obtain in-game items through specific tasks

Ways to earn:

Earn tokens in Aurory Tactics;

Earn tokens, in-game items, eggs, Neftie in Aurory Adventures;

"Aurorians on Expeditions" collects items and more;


Unique single token + dual coin (non-tradable) model;

Unique Land Dungeon System:

1) The higher the land rarity, the higher the probability of dungeon generation;

2) Different levels of dungeons have different entrance fees and different rewards;

3) Each dungeon's location and difficulty will be reset based on the respawn rate (about a cycle of 8 days;)

4) Hero Dungeon: This is a high-return, high-risk mode. The rewards will be more generous if you succeed, but if you fail, you need to choose to leave Nefty as a penalty (destruction)


In addition to PVE and PVP, there are also tournaments, NPC arenas, etc.;


In-game assets include tokens, Aurorians (tacticians), eggs & Neftie, in-game items, and land NFTs;

Main currency $AURY, total amount: 100,000,000;

Sub-coins ($OKA, $TOKE) are unlimited and cannot be traded;

$OKA is a calculation currency for investment players, taking into account factors such as the number of Nefties held by players;

$TOKE is a kind of accounting currency for free players to keep accounts, and they are rewarded based on ranking, reputation, etc.

Every weekend, sub-coins are exchanged for main coins;


The Arbitrum network was just launched in July;

Official website:


Note: Every project that Dsion briefly reads is just personal behavior and understanding. It does not make any investment advice, but just MARK and record your own experience.