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😱 Top 10 DEX theo khối lượng giao dịch: 1. #Uniswap 2. #Curve 3. #PancakeSwap 4. #Dodo 5. Cân bằng 6. Sushi 7. Thương nhân Joe 8. Hoán đổi nhanh 9. Sao Mộc 10. Chuỗi THOR #trading

😱 Top 10 DEX theo khối lượng giao dịch:

1. #Uniswap

2. #Curve

3. #PancakeSwap

4. #Dodo

5. Cân bằng

6. Sushi

7. Thương nhân Joe

8. Hoán đổi nhanh

9. Sao Mộc

10. Chuỗi THOR


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Cryptocurrency Regulation: Debunking the Transparency Myth KYT Over KYC: Addressing "Dirty Crypto" I've only ever heard of "dirty crypto" and never encountered it myself! If your wallet receives funds that once passed through entities like North Korea's Lazarus group, tools like Chainalysis or Crystal might mark your wallet negatively. The shift here is from KYC (know your customer) to KYT (know your transaction), focusing not on the individual user but on the transaction itself. These technologies are likely to integrate directly into platforms like wallets and DEXs, flagging suspicious assets before they can cause issues. Combatting Sybil Attacks with DID Projects are implementing decentralized identities (DIDs) such as Gitcoin Passport and Anima to mitigate Sybil attacks, where users create numerous wallets to exploit services for better airdrops or financial gains. Importantly, these systems verify that there's a human behind each wallet, reducing the need for personal data. Tracing the Source of Funds Typically questioned by banks during the income legitimization process, the source of funds can be demonstrated through transaction history and contracts, particularly in crypto-friendly banks and jurisdictions. This transparency simplifies tax declarations and financial tracking, maintaining the privacy of personal data. Decentralized Accounting: A New Reality Each blockchain network involves managing new wallets, assets, and keys. Without proper tracking, valuable assets like airdrops or NFTs can be lost or forgotten. Users must handle their accounting, which is increasingly feasible with current technologies. In conclusion, fears of invasive KYC-AML regulations may be exaggerated. The real evolution in crypto regulation involves technological solutions that respect user privacy while ensuring transaction integrity.
The Howey Test: Defining Securities According to the SEC The Howey Test stands as a fundamental principle in investment circles, utilized by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to assess if various assets are considered securities. Historical Insight The journey began in 1946 with the case SEC v. W.J. Howey Co. The firm offered plots within its Florida citrus groves, with a promise to manage the land and distribute profits from the yield. The U.S. Supreme Court deemed this arrangement an investment contract, thus subject to SEC regulation. From this case emerged the Howey Test, a method to determine if a transaction is an investment contract and hence a security. Howey Test Criteria A transaction is deemed an investment contract if it satisfies four conditions: - An investment of money is made by an investor - The investor anticipates profits from the investment - The money is invested in a common enterprise - Profits are derived from the efforts of a third party In essence, if an asset enables an investor to gain returns through the efforts of others, it qualifies as a security. Cryptocurrency Market Implications Many in the crypto world are familiar with the Ripple vs. SEC litigation. The regulator's lawsuit aimed to halt sales of Ripple's $XRP token, claiming that it constitutes a security under the Howey Test. This legal framework poses a significant risk to numerous ICOs and other ventures, potentially subjecting them to stringent U.S. securities law compliance. #sec
Action or inaction, which is more important for achieving results? Every day, we all face the need to make decisions. For many, this process triggers stress and self-doubt. Often, hastily made decisions and their subsequent actions lead to failures in both personal and professional life. So, how can you tell when it's necessary to spring into action, and when it's better to just breathe, relax, and do nothing? Here's a simple piece of advice: As soon as you find yourself overwhelmed with worry, lost, and unsure about whether to act, it's a clear sign from your brain that it's time to pause. Acting in a state of stress, uncertainty, and constant self-doubt usually leads to rushed decisions and ultimately, negative outcomes. This is particularly true for impulsive behaviors, like panic selling or buying cryptocurrencies, thinking that the market will crash forever or grow indefinitely, and fearing missing out on huge profits. This last phenomenon is known as FOMO. I believe anyone who's ever traded any kind of assets has experienced it. In the trading world, succumbing to FOMO is a deadly mistake. But there's also the opposite scenario. I know many people who dream of achieving great things by their 40s, talk about building billion-dollar companies, yet do absolutely nothing. Their inaction stems from simple fear—fear of rejection in messaging, fear of looking silly to others on social media, fear of asking a friend for a contact. If you want results, especially significant ones, action is essential. However, your desire to act must be sincere, and your confidence in the necessity of these actions should be close to 100%. When your eyes sparkle with genuine desire, when you are driven by your heart, and when you are sure about moving forward, don't hesitate to make that call or send that message. The worst outcome in case of rejection or failure is staying right where you are. But success could lead to finding a new partner, co-founder, investor, or friend. I look forward to your thoughts in the comments. #FOMOisReal #fomo

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