Binance Square
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I am very appreciative and relieved by this decision of Banana Gun (#BANANA). They announced that they would refund the $3 million lost by those users who were unfortunately affected by the theft. This move undoubtedly shows that the project party attaches great importance to user rights and is responsible. $BANANA {future}(BANANAUSDT)
I am very appreciative and relieved by this decision of Banana Gun (#BANANA). They announced that they would refund the $3 million lost by those users who were unfortunately affected by the theft. This move undoubtedly shows that the project party attaches great importance to user rights and is responsible.

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BST, the backbone of BlockSquareAs the Oceanpoint ecosystem grows, Blocksquare's $BST token, as its core governance token, is playing a pivotal role. In the near future, BST holders will be able to actively participate in and influence the platform's important proposal voting process by depositing tokens into a dedicated governance pool and staking them, which will undoubtedly enhance community participation and a sense of belonging. Furthermore, as the protocol continues to evolve, the staking mechanism will open a new door for BST holders - without active operations, they can continuously accumulate more tokens and enjoy the fun of passive income. This is undoubtedly exciting good news!

BST, the backbone of BlockSquare

As the Oceanpoint ecosystem grows, Blocksquare's $BST token, as its core governance token, is playing a pivotal role. In the near future, BST holders will be able to actively participate in and influence the platform's important proposal voting process by depositing tokens into a dedicated governance pool and staking them, which will undoubtedly enhance community participation and a sense of belonging.
Furthermore, as the protocol continues to evolve, the staking mechanism will open a new door for BST holders - without active operations, they can continuously accumulate more tokens and enjoy the fun of passive income. This is undoubtedly exciting good news!
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Good news! DOGS has invested a lot of money this time, directly destroying 4.8 billion coins. The market is going to explode. Are you ready? Listen carefully, there are almost 170 billion DOGS airdrops left waiting for everyone to pick up. Recently, they made up their minds and destroyed the 4.8 billion that no one claimed. The value is almost catching up with 4.2 million US dollars! And this is just the beginning. There are nine rounds waiting. The number of DOGS will be greatly reduced, and a deflation mechanism has been set up. Will the price soar? Let’s talk about DODO, which is the leader in the decentralized trading industry! Recently, it has been helping to issue Meme coins, which is so powerful that the project value has doubled directly! This strength is really amazing! The magic of DODO is more than that. Its PMM algorithm is like an intelligent navigation of the market, which makes the asset flow fast and accurate. And the one-click coin issuance function is simply the God of Wealth of the Meme coin project. Once the idea comes out, the funds are immediately in place. I heard that the Meme platform is about to be launched. When the magic of Meme coins and the help of DODO come, won’t users and funds come in like a tide? In the environment of BTCFi and Meme projects, DODO is the most reliable partner, with smooth transactions and stable prices. Although its market value looks average now, the potential behind it and the support of bigwigs are like the brightest star in the night sky, making people look forward to its shining moments in the future $DOGS {future}(DOGSUSDT) #谷歌云与Solana合作 #哈里斯支持数字资产 #比特币盈利供应能否推动价格上涨?
Good news! DOGS has invested a lot of money this time, directly destroying 4.8 billion coins. The market is going to explode. Are you ready?

Listen carefully, there are almost 170 billion DOGS airdrops left waiting for everyone to pick up. Recently, they made up their minds and destroyed the 4.8 billion that no one claimed. The value is almost catching up with 4.2 million US dollars! And this is just the beginning. There are nine rounds waiting. The number of DOGS will be greatly reduced, and a deflation mechanism has been set up. Will the price soar?

Let’s talk about DODO, which is the leader in the decentralized trading industry! Recently, it has been helping to issue Meme coins, which is so powerful that the project value has doubled directly! This strength is really amazing!

The magic of DODO is more than that. Its PMM algorithm is like an intelligent navigation of the market, which makes the asset flow fast and accurate. And the one-click coin issuance function is simply the God of Wealth of the Meme coin project. Once the idea comes out, the funds are immediately in place. I heard that the Meme platform is about to be launched. When the magic of Meme coins and the help of DODO come, won’t users and funds come in like a tide?

In the environment of BTCFi and Meme projects, DODO is the most reliable partner, with smooth transactions and stable prices. Although its market value looks average now, the potential behind it and the support of bigwigs are like the brightest star in the night sky, making people look forward to its shining moments in the future

#谷歌云与Solana合作 #哈里斯支持数字资产 #比特币盈利供应能否推动价格上涨?
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From rookie to expert, focus on these currencies, and the road to counterattack will begin! In the carnival of MEME coins, DOGE and SHIB are like bright stars, leading the trend. Now, PEPE, FLOKI, BONK and other cute and interesting currencies have also joined in. Their fun and potential make investors' wallets swell in laughter! With the accelerated arrival of the AI ​​era, cutting-edge currencies such as AGIX, WLD, FET, and NMR are leading us into a new era of smart finance. When robots begin to lay out in the currency circle, how can your investment blueprint be absent from this technological feast? The public chain battlefield is also a battle of heroes. As leaders, ETH and BNB continue to lead the trend of innovation. SOL, POL and other rising stars have won wide recognition and popularity in the market with their excellent performance and ecological construction. Choosing them means choosing the infinite possibilities of the future of blockchain. Therefore, whether it is the MEME coin that pursues the trend, the AI ​​coin that deeply cultivates technology, or the public chain project with a solid foundation, it is the only way for you to grow from an investment novice to a big boss. Seize the opportunity, move forward bravely, and turn things around, it is not an unattainable dream! #比特币盈利供应能否推动价格上涨? #加密市场反弹 #金价屡创新高
From rookie to expert, focus on these currencies, and the road to counterattack will begin!
In the carnival of MEME coins, DOGE and SHIB are like bright stars, leading the trend. Now, PEPE, FLOKI, BONK and other cute and interesting currencies have also joined in. Their fun and potential make investors' wallets swell in laughter!

With the accelerated arrival of the AI ​​era, cutting-edge currencies such as AGIX, WLD, FET, and NMR are leading us into a new era of smart finance. When robots begin to lay out in the currency circle, how can your investment blueprint be absent from this technological feast?

The public chain battlefield is also a battle of heroes. As leaders, ETH and BNB continue to lead the trend of innovation. SOL, POL and other rising stars have won wide recognition and popularity in the market with their excellent performance and ecological construction. Choosing them means choosing the infinite possibilities of the future of blockchain.

Therefore, whether it is the MEME coin that pursues the trend, the AI ​​coin that deeply cultivates technology, or the public chain project with a solid foundation, it is the only way for you to grow from an investment novice to a big boss. Seize the opportunity, move forward bravely, and turn things around, it is not an unattainable dream! #比特币盈利供应能否推动价格上涨? #加密市场反弹 #金价屡创新高
谁说土狗币不能碰?可以玩,但得讲究方法,不能乱来!得经过精挑细选,多方面琢磨,不能随便买买就算。 1 我得说,我在我那小圈子里算是比较早推荐TERMINUS(火星城)的。那时候,我还是个土狗币迷,有个粉丝来找我,说看中了TERMINUS的故事背景,觉得有炒头,问我能不能投个两亿试试水。 2 你知道吗?粉丝问我那会儿,TERMINUS的市值才一百多万美金,眼看就要摸到两百万了。结果我一忙完,一回头,它都涨到三百万美金了。我一看,这火星城还跟马斯克沾上边了,老马亲自回应的,这可不是乱来,跟那种搞错对象的乌龙可不一样。我赶紧招呼小圈子的朋友,每人投了两亿进去。 3 后来,看它涨到六百万美金时,我又加了点仓,但也就两亿,别觉得我小气,就算TERMINUS是个好项目,高风险也是摆在那儿的。现在链上环境乱得很,PVP太凶了,很多项目一到两千万美金就熄火了。我也是为了大家的钱包着想,不敢投太多。 4 然后呢,看它涨到一千二百万美金时,我卖了一半,现在想想,是我眼光短了点,低估了TERMINUS的潜力。不过剩下的两亿,我拿到它涨到两千八百万美金时才出手。吃不到整条鱼也没关系,达到咱们心里的预期就行了。 5 炒币啊,就是一场心理战,你得跟自个儿较劲。从低价买进,再到高价卖出,听起来容易,做起来难啊。没团队,没专业知识和数据支持,心态很容易就崩了。所以啊,这其中的酸甜苦辣,只有经历过的人才懂。 #哈里斯支持数字资产 #比特币盈利供应能否推动价格上涨?
1 我得说,我在我那小圈子里算是比较早推荐TERMINUS(火星城)的。那时候,我还是个土狗币迷,有个粉丝来找我,说看中了TERMINUS的故事背景,觉得有炒头,问我能不能投个两亿试试水。
2 你知道吗?粉丝问我那会儿,TERMINUS的市值才一百多万美金,眼看就要摸到两百万了。结果我一忙完,一回头,它都涨到三百万美金了。我一看,这火星城还跟马斯克沾上边了,老马亲自回应的,这可不是乱来,跟那种搞错对象的乌龙可不一样。我赶紧招呼小圈子的朋友,每人投了两亿进去。
3 后来,看它涨到六百万美金时,我又加了点仓,但也就两亿,别觉得我小气,就算TERMINUS是个好项目,高风险也是摆在那儿的。现在链上环境乱得很,PVP太凶了,很多项目一到两千万美金就熄火了。我也是为了大家的钱包着想,不敢投太多。
4 然后呢,看它涨到一千二百万美金时,我卖了一半,现在想想,是我眼光短了点,低估了TERMINUS的潜力。不过剩下的两亿,我拿到它涨到两千八百万美金时才出手。吃不到整条鱼也没关系,达到咱们心里的预期就行了。
5 炒币啊,就是一场心理战,你得跟自个儿较劲。从低价买进,再到高价卖出,听起来容易,做起来难啊。没团队,没专业知识和数据支持,心态很容易就崩了。所以啊,这其中的酸甜苦辣,只有经历过的人才懂。

#哈里斯支持数字资产 #比特币盈利供应能否推动价格上涨?
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There is a wallet with 24 bitcoins. It stayed quietly for more than 10 and a half years. At about 2:30 pm on September 25, it suddenly "woke up" and started to move. This news was told to us by PANews, who said that they found it based on the surveillance of Whale Alert. Think about it, these bitcoins were worth more than 10,000 US dollars in 2014, but now, wow, it is close to 1.6 million US dollars. It is really a big profit!
There is a wallet with 24 bitcoins. It stayed quietly for more than 10 and a half years. At about 2:30 pm on September 25, it suddenly "woke up" and started to move. This news was told to us by PANews, who said that they found it based on the surveillance of Whale Alert. Think about it, these bitcoins were worth more than 10,000 US dollars in 2014, but now, wow, it is close to 1.6 million US dollars. It is really a big profit!
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It is about to soar, it is about to explode, and it is unstoppable! $ORDI {future}(ORDIUSDT)
It is about to soar, it is about to explode, and it is unstoppable!

交易说到底,最关键的就是怎么管好自己的仓位,就像炒菜得掌握好火候一样。 每次买卖,都得先琢磨好自己该用多少资金,别一股脑全压上。为啥?因为啊,赚钱的时候咱们想多赚点,亏钱的时候就得尽量少亏,这样钱包才能慢慢鼓起来,稳稳当当的。 说起来容易,做起来难啊。人嘛,总是感情用事多过理智思考。就算你觉得自己的决定特理智,其实心里那点小九九早就悄悄影响你了。看技术指标也是,你心里咋想,看出来的结果就可能带点偏。 所以啊,咱们在股市、期市里赚了钱,得记着是市场的恩赐,别觉得自己牛得不行。是市场给了咱机会,再加上咱们守纪律,这才赢了。 仓位管理,那就是咱们在市场里混得久的秘籍。只有活得久,赢的机会才多嘛。 别忘了,这交易啊,它是个概率游戏,不是谁家的自动取款机。想赢,得靠策略、靠纪律,不能像赌博那样全凭运气和冲动。投机和赌博的区别,说白了就是能不能管住自己,按规矩来。
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Ethereum Follow Protocol, which is dedicated to decentralized social networking, has now been officially launched on the Ethereum mainnet. This news was reported by Foresight News, saying that it was created by Brantly Millegan, the former head of ENS. The great thing about this protocol is that it does not require domain names and personal information to be handled by itself, but directly uses the ENS system to handle it. $ENS {future}(ENSUSDT)
Ethereum Follow Protocol, which is dedicated to decentralized social networking, has now been officially launched on the Ethereum mainnet. This news was reported by Foresight News, saying that it was created by Brantly Millegan, the former head of ENS. The great thing about this protocol is that it does not require domain names and personal information to be handled by itself, but directly uses the ENS system to handle it.
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$SUI {future}(SUIUSDT) The market keeps going up, that's called a bull market. At this time, once the trend is clear, we should try to do as little as possible. You can set your own fixed investment plan and invest when the time comes. Don't be in a bull market and try to grab the bargain of a small pullback. As a result, you may miss the rise of the entire big trend, which will be a big loss.

The market keeps going up, that's called a bull market. At this time, once the trend is clear, we should try to do as little as possible. You can set your own fixed investment plan and invest when the time comes. Don't be in a bull market and try to grab the bargain of a small pullback. As a result, you may miss the rise of the entire big trend, which will be a big loss.
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Boss Biden has spoken, saying that the Federal Reserve is expected to continue cutting interest rates.Boss Biden has spoken, saying that the Federal Reserve is expected to continue cutting interest rates. Let’s talk about Binance’s big news. Their CEO Richard Teng posted a report card on the X platform, saying that Binance’s total transaction volume this month has broken the 100 trillion US dollar mark. Isn’t it amazing! And SBF's ex-girlfriend, Caroline Ellison, was sentenced to two years in prison for some reason and will be in prison in early November. However, she is lucky enough to serve her sentence in a prison near her home and help pay back the victims of FTX. She also invested a lot in FTX, but it all went down the drain, even the 10 million investment in the artificial intelligence company was gone.

Boss Biden has spoken, saying that the Federal Reserve is expected to continue cutting interest rates.

Boss Biden has spoken, saying that the Federal Reserve is expected to continue cutting interest rates.
Let’s talk about Binance’s big news. Their CEO Richard Teng posted a report card on the X platform, saying that Binance’s total transaction volume this month has broken the 100 trillion US dollar mark. Isn’t it amazing!
And SBF's ex-girlfriend, Caroline Ellison, was sentenced to two years in prison for some reason and will be in prison in early November. However, she is lucky enough to serve her sentence in a prison near her home and help pay back the victims of FTX. She also invested a lot in FTX, but it all went down the drain, even the 10 million investment in the artificial intelligence company was gone.
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Review of the six shocking black swan events in the cryptocurrency worldReview of the six shocking black swan events in the cryptocurrency world 1. 2014 MT.Gox catastrophe: Bitcoin price collapse Back in the early spring of 2014, the collapse of the MT.Gox exchange undoubtedly sent a shock wave through the cryptocurrency world. The hacker attack caused nearly 850,000 bitcoins to disappear, a number that was equivalent to a huge share of the total global bitcoin supply at the time, directly triggering a nearly 80% plunge in bitcoin prices. This incident not only dealt a heavy blow to market confidence, but also made the cryptocurrency world face the harsh test of a trust crisis for the first time. 2. September 2017 Storm: Market Value Evaporated Overnight

Review of the six shocking black swan events in the cryptocurrency world

Review of the six shocking black swan events in the cryptocurrency world
1. 2014 MT.Gox catastrophe: Bitcoin price collapse
Back in the early spring of 2014, the collapse of the MT.Gox exchange undoubtedly sent a shock wave through the cryptocurrency world. The hacker attack caused nearly 850,000 bitcoins to disappear, a number that was equivalent to a huge share of the total global bitcoin supply at the time, directly triggering a nearly 80% plunge in bitcoin prices. This incident not only dealt a heavy blow to market confidence, but also made the cryptocurrency world face the harsh test of a trust crisis for the first time.
2. September 2017 Storm: Market Value Evaporated Overnight
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Bitcoin retracement: 62500-63000, target 64000-65500, defense 62000 Ether retracement: 2590-2620, target 2690-2760, defense 2560
Bitcoin retracement: 62500-63000, target 64000-65500, defense 62000

Ether retracement: 2590-2620, target 2690-2760, defense 2560
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How to reduce losses in digital currency trading? Six practical strategies are coming! 1. Focus on strong currencies. When you are hesitant, the 60-day moving average becomes the key. Actively participate or increase holdings online, and withdraw offline at the right time. This trick has been tried and tested in most cases. 2. In the face of currencies that have skyrocketed by more than 50% in the short term, stay calm and do not blindly chase high prices to avoid panic. On the contrary, choose a low-level layout, the risk is relatively low, and the potential returns may be more considerable. 3. There are often traces before a big rise, such as price fluctuations in a small range of about 10% to 20%, while the trading volume has decreased. At this time, building positions in batches at low levels can often catch the express train of rising prices. 4. Keep up with new market hotspots. The early stage is often the golden period for profit. Seize the opportunity, follow the pace of big funds, and easily realize profits. 5. During the bear market, stay patient and reduce the frequency of transactions for at least half a year. Learning to rest when the market is not good is a must for masters. 6. Conduct self-examination every week, focusing not on profit and loss, but on the effectiveness of the strategy. Stick to the correct strategy and adjust the wrong one in time. With perseverance, your digital currency trading journey will become more and more stable.
How to reduce losses in digital currency trading? Six practical strategies are coming!
1. Focus on strong currencies. When you are hesitant, the 60-day moving average becomes the key. Actively participate or increase holdings online, and withdraw offline at the right time. This trick has been tried and tested in most cases.
2. In the face of currencies that have skyrocketed by more than 50% in the short term, stay calm and do not blindly chase high prices to avoid panic. On the contrary, choose a low-level layout, the risk is relatively low, and the potential returns may be more considerable.
3. There are often traces before a big rise, such as price fluctuations in a small range of about 10% to 20%, while the trading volume has decreased. At this time, building positions in batches at low levels can often catch the express train of rising prices.
4. Keep up with new market hotspots. The early stage is often the golden period for profit. Seize the opportunity, follow the pace of big funds, and easily realize profits.
5. During the bear market, stay patient and reduce the frequency of transactions for at least half a year. Learning to rest when the market is not good is a must for masters.
6. Conduct self-examination every week, focusing not on profit and loss, but on the effectiveness of the strategy. Stick to the correct strategy and adjust the wrong one in time. With perseverance, your digital currency trading journey will become more and more stable.
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$BTC#Bitcoinis challenging the 200 moving average; if it breaks, it's party time! Come on Bitcoin, we've sent you all the positive energy in the universe, now go do it!
$BTC#Bitcoinis challenging the 200 moving average; if it breaks, it's party time! Come on Bitcoin, we've sent you all the positive energy in the universe, now go do it!
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About 80% of the novices who enter the cryptocurrency trading world have the dream of wealth, and their journey often needs to cross three levels: At the beginning of the entry threshold, most people enter as experiencers. This stage is often accompanied by small profits from trying out their skills and big losses due to careless mistakes, or the income disappears quietly like quicksand. After the first round of baptism, they enter the second stage, where they begin to consolidate their beliefs, continue to run in small steps, and at the same time widely contact new knowledge, learn lessons from failures, and gradually explore the trading rhythm and strategy framework that suits them. Until entering the third turning point, this is the critical period to change their destiny. At this time, not only exquisite strategic layout and precise timing are needed, but also strict discipline execution and a rare luck blessing are needed to accumulate considerable wealth and achieve a qualitative leap. However, it is rare to be able to return with a full load and leave the market in a chic manner in the first cycle. More often, we see the regretful figure of running out of capital and failing halfway. It is precious to be able to persist in the market. Market sentiment fluctuates like the tide. When it goes up, everything is beautiful, but when it goes down, everything is devastated. Because of this, it is particularly important to stay calm and humble when information is flooding. Excessive trading often leads to increased losses, while the real winners know how to cultivate their mentality in the chaos, improve their judgment and concentration, wait for the opportunity, and strike at once. #加密市场反弹 #USDTmarket value hits a record high
About 80% of the novices who enter the cryptocurrency trading world have the dream of wealth, and their journey often needs to cross three levels:
At the beginning of the entry threshold, most people enter as experiencers. This stage is often accompanied by small profits from trying out their skills and big losses due to careless mistakes, or the income disappears quietly like quicksand.
After the first round of baptism, they enter the second stage, where they begin to consolidate their beliefs, continue to run in small steps, and at the same time widely contact new knowledge, learn lessons from failures, and gradually explore the trading rhythm and strategy framework that suits them.
Until entering the third turning point, this is the critical period to change their destiny. At this time, not only exquisite strategic layout and precise timing are needed, but also strict discipline execution and a rare luck blessing are needed to accumulate considerable wealth and achieve a qualitative leap.
However, it is rare to be able to return with a full load and leave the market in a chic manner in the first cycle. More often, we see the regretful figure of running out of capital and failing halfway. It is precious to be able to persist in the market.
Market sentiment fluctuates like the tide. When it goes up, everything is beautiful, but when it goes down, everything is devastated. Because of this, it is particularly important to stay calm and humble when information is flooding. Excessive trading often leads to increased losses, while the real winners know how to cultivate their mentality in the chaos, improve their judgment and concentration, wait for the opportunity, and strike at once. #加密市场反弹 #USDTmarket value hits a record high
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German officials recently took thunderous action and closed down 47 cryptocurrency exchanges suspected of being involved in illegal activities. These platforms were strongly accused of being a safe haven for cyber criminals and helping their underground economic system to operate. This move highlights the German authorities' unremitting efforts to combat illegal cryptocurrency activities. In an official statement released on September 19, the German Federal Criminal Police Office and the Cyber ​​Crime Investigation Agency jointly pointed out that these closed exchanges failed to effectively implement anti-money laundering regulations, providing a breeding ground for the illegal laundering of huge amounts of funds. According to reports, these exchanges have become "money laundering machines" for ransomware gangs, botnet controllers and black market traders, who use these platforms to quickly integrate illegal proceeds into the formal financial system. What is particularly noteworthy is that, an exchange that has been operating continuously since 2012, has served more than 410,000 users and completed nearly 1.3 million transactions. Its scale and wide impact are staggering. Faced with such a serious situation, the German government did not hesitate to post a warning message on the homepage of the seized exchange, bluntly stating that it has all its data, including transaction records, user registration information and IP addresses, and is conducting an intensive investigation, vowing to bring criminals to justice. However, the German authorities also admitted that since many cybercriminals hide in countries that have set up protection barriers for German law enforcement agencies, it is difficult to prosecute all users involved. Despite this, the action still had a huge deterrent effect on the underground cryptocurrency field, especially the seizure of important platforms such as, and, which sent a clear and unmistakable signal to criminals: Germany will never tolerate any illegal cryptocurrency activities. It is worth noting that this is not the first time that Germany has taken a heavy blow in the field of cryptocurrency regulation. Earlier this year, the German government announced the sale of 50,000 bitcoins seized from the pirated website, with a total value of US$3.15 billion. This move not only demonstrated Germany’s determination to combat cybercrime, but also once again proved its positive attitude in the field of cryptocurrency regulation.
German officials recently took thunderous action and closed down 47 cryptocurrency exchanges suspected of being involved in illegal activities. These platforms were strongly accused of being a safe haven for cyber criminals and helping their underground economic system to operate. This move highlights the German authorities' unremitting efforts to combat illegal cryptocurrency activities. In an official statement released on September 19, the German Federal Criminal Police Office and the Cyber ​​Crime Investigation Agency jointly pointed out that these closed exchanges failed to effectively implement anti-money laundering regulations, providing a breeding ground for the illegal laundering of huge amounts of funds.
According to reports, these exchanges have become "money laundering machines" for ransomware gangs, botnet controllers and black market traders, who use these platforms to quickly integrate illegal proceeds into the formal financial system. What is particularly noteworthy is that, an exchange that has been operating continuously since 2012, has served more than 410,000 users and completed nearly 1.3 million transactions. Its scale and wide impact are staggering.
Faced with such a serious situation, the German government did not hesitate to post a warning message on the homepage of the seized exchange, bluntly stating that it has all its data, including transaction records, user registration information and IP addresses, and is conducting an intensive investigation, vowing to bring criminals to justice.
However, the German authorities also admitted that since many cybercriminals hide in countries that have set up protection barriers for German law enforcement agencies, it is difficult to prosecute all users involved. Despite this, the action still had a huge deterrent effect on the underground cryptocurrency field, especially the seizure of important platforms such as, and, which sent a clear and unmistakable signal to criminals: Germany will never tolerate any illegal cryptocurrency activities.
It is worth noting that this is not the first time that Germany has taken a heavy blow in the field of cryptocurrency regulation. Earlier this year, the German government announced the sale of 50,000 bitcoins seized from the pirated website, with a total value of US$3.15 billion. This move not only demonstrated Germany’s determination to combat cybercrime, but also once again proved its positive attitude in the field of cryptocurrency regulation.
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$DODO {spot}(DODOUSDT) DODO leads the market and sets the trend. It is creating a trend that cannot be ignored.

DODO leads the market and sets the trend. It is creating a trend that cannot be ignored.
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85% similarity loss characteristics common in cryptocurrency investment, self-check which ones you have encountered? 1 Frequent transactions, rising costs and easily swayed mentality: Frequent entry and exit of the market not only accumulates transaction costs, but also easily leads to emotional operations due to market fluctuations. 2 Blindly chasing the rise, lack of strategic position increase: Impulsive increase of positions when seeing price increases, lack of clear investment logic, often fall into the dilemma of high-cost purchase. 3 Hesitation after being locked in, weak stop loss awareness: When facing losses, delaying action to stop losses, the result is often further expansion of losses. 4 Replenishment of positions against the trend, lack of risk awareness: In the early stage of the market's obvious decline, frequent attempts to replenish positions are still made, ignoring the risk of trend reversal. 5 Holding coins in the short term, missing long-term gains: Preferring short-term transactions, it is easy to miss long-term appreciation opportunities due to price fluctuations. 6 Following the trend, lack of independent thinking: Hastily following or exiting the market as soon as there is a slight disturbance, lack of personal judgment and market analysis. 7 Currency jumps make it difficult to form a deep understanding: Frequent changes in investment objects not only increase costs, but also make it difficult to form a deep understanding and research on any currency. 8 Over-diversification makes management more difficult: Although the original intention of diversified investment is to reduce risks, too many types of currencies make management complicated and difficult to manage in detail. 9 Rely on gossip and lack of independent analysis: Blindly believe in market rumors or suggestions from others, lack the ability to verify and judge independently. 10 Stubbornness and rejection of new knowledge: Rejection of new strategies and new technologies, unwillingness to learn and update knowledge, and easy to fall into rigid thinking. 11 Decision-making hesitation and missed opportunities: Hesitation at critical moments, lack of decisive action, and missed the best investment or exit opportunities. 12 Fear and greed coexist: Fear makes people afraid to buy at the bottom of the market, and greed makes people unwilling to sell at the top, resulting in shrinking profits or increasing losses. 13 Strategy is not fixed, and people are content with small gains: lack of stable investment strategy, and rush to cash out as soon as they make a small profit, ignoring the potential and value of long-term investment.
85% similarity loss characteristics common in cryptocurrency investment, self-check which ones you have encountered?


Frequent transactions, rising costs and easily swayed mentality: Frequent entry and exit of the market not only accumulates transaction costs, but also easily leads to emotional operations due to market fluctuations.


Blindly chasing the rise, lack of strategic position increase: Impulsive increase of positions when seeing price increases, lack of clear investment logic, often fall into the dilemma of high-cost purchase.


Hesitation after being locked in, weak stop loss awareness: When facing losses, delaying action to stop losses, the result is often further expansion of losses.


Replenishment of positions against the trend, lack of risk awareness: In the early stage of the market's obvious decline, frequent attempts to replenish positions are still made, ignoring the risk of trend reversal.


Holding coins in the short term, missing long-term gains: Preferring short-term transactions, it is easy to miss long-term appreciation opportunities due to price fluctuations.


Following the trend, lack of independent thinking: Hastily following or exiting the market as soon as there is a slight disturbance, lack of personal judgment and market analysis.


Currency jumps make it difficult to form a deep understanding: Frequent changes in investment objects not only increase costs, but also make it difficult to form a deep understanding and research on any currency.


Over-diversification makes management more difficult: Although the original intention of diversified investment is to reduce risks, too many types of currencies make management complicated and difficult to manage in detail.


Rely on gossip and lack of independent analysis: Blindly believe in market rumors or suggestions from others, lack the ability to verify and judge independently.


Stubbornness and rejection of new knowledge: Rejection of new strategies and new technologies, unwillingness to learn and update knowledge, and easy to fall into rigid thinking.


Decision-making hesitation and missed opportunities: Hesitation at critical moments, lack of decisive action, and missed the best investment or exit opportunities.


Fear and greed coexist: Fear makes people afraid to buy at the bottom of the market, and greed makes people unwilling to sell at the top, resulting in shrinking profits or increasing losses.


Strategy is not fixed, and people are content with small gains: lack of stable investment strategy, and rush to cash out as soon as they make a small profit, ignoring the potential and value of long-term investment.
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The Graph (GRT) token has performed well with a gain of 28% in the past week. However, it is unclear whether its bullish dominance can be sustained. Although the short-term trend is positive, the long-term trend is bearish. Bulls are facing challenges as sellers have been dominant since June. Although the current RSI and CMF indicators show increased bullish momentum and a large amount of capital inflows may help break through the $0.18 resistance, the simple moving average shows a downward trend. The 50-day moving average is below the 100-day moving average, and it will take time to break the downward trend. There was no obvious selling when the price pulled back, the market sentiment was optimistic, and the increase in prices and open interest reflected investors' bullish sentiment, which is consistent with the general market phenomenon after the recovery of Bitcoin. However, the future trend is still uncertain, and investors need to carefully assess the risks and look at the development of GRT rationally.
The Graph (GRT) token has performed well with a gain of 28% in the past week. However, it is unclear whether its bullish dominance can be sustained. Although the short-term trend is positive, the long-term trend is bearish. Bulls are facing challenges as sellers have been dominant since June. Although the current RSI and CMF indicators show increased bullish momentum and a large amount of capital inflows may help break through the $0.18 resistance, the simple moving average shows a downward trend. The 50-day moving average is below the 100-day moving average, and it will take time to break the downward trend. There was no obvious selling when the price pulled back, the market sentiment was optimistic, and the increase in prices and open interest reflected investors' bullish sentiment, which is consistent with the general market phenomenon after the recovery of Bitcoin. However, the future trend is still uncertain, and investors need to carefully assess the risks and look at the development of GRT rationally.
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