Who says you can’t touch Dogcoin? You can play with it, but you have to be methodical and not mess around! You have to go through careful selection and think about it from many aspects, you can’t just buy it and forget about it.

1 I have to say that I was one of the first people in my small circle to recommend TERMINUS (Mars City). At that time, I was still a Dogcoin fan. A fan came to me and said that he was attracted by the story background of TERMINUS and thought it was worth speculation, so he asked me if I could invest 200 million to test the waters.

2 Do you know? When the fan asked me, the market value of TERMINUS was only more than one million US dollars, and it was about to reach two million. As a result, when I finished my work and looked back, it had risen to three million US dollars. I saw that this Mars City was also related to Musk, and Musk personally responded that this was not messing around, and it was different from the kind of misunderstanding of the wrong object. I quickly called my friends in the small circle and each of them invested 200 million in it.

3 Later, when it rose to 6 million US dollars, I added a little more, but it was only 200 million. Don't think I'm stingy. Even if TERMINUS is a good project, the high risk is there. The current on-chain environment is very chaotic, and PVP is too fierce. Many projects have stalled at 10 to 20 million US dollars. I also don't dare to invest too much for everyone's wallet.

4 Then, when it rose to 12 million US dollars, I sold half of it. Now I think that I was short-sighted and underestimated the potential of TERMINUS. But I didn't sell the remaining 200 million until it rose to 28 million US dollars. It doesn't matter if you can't eat the whole fish, as long as you meet our expectations.

5 Speculating in coins is a psychological battle. You have to compete with yourself. From buying at a low price to selling at a high price, it sounds easy, but it's hard to do. Without a team, professional knowledge and data support, it's easy to collapse. So, only those who have experienced it can understand the ups and downs.

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