85% similarity loss characteristics common in cryptocurrency investment, self-check which ones you have encountered?


Frequent transactions, rising costs and easily swayed mentality: Frequent entry and exit of the market not only accumulates transaction costs, but also easily leads to emotional operations due to market fluctuations.


Blindly chasing the rise, lack of strategic position increase: Impulsive increase of positions when seeing price increases, lack of clear investment logic, often fall into the dilemma of high-cost purchase.


Hesitation after being locked in, weak stop loss awareness: When facing losses, delaying action to stop losses, the result is often further expansion of losses.


Replenishment of positions against the trend, lack of risk awareness: In the early stage of the market's obvious decline, frequent attempts to replenish positions are still made, ignoring the risk of trend reversal.


Holding coins in the short term, missing long-term gains: Preferring short-term transactions, it is easy to miss long-term appreciation opportunities due to price fluctuations.


Following the trend, lack of independent thinking: Hastily following or exiting the market as soon as there is a slight disturbance, lack of personal judgment and market analysis.


Currency jumps make it difficult to form a deep understanding: Frequent changes in investment objects not only increase costs, but also make it difficult to form a deep understanding and research on any currency.


Over-diversification makes management more difficult: Although the original intention of diversified investment is to reduce risks, too many types of currencies make management complicated and difficult to manage in detail.


Rely on gossip and lack of independent analysis: Blindly believe in market rumors or suggestions from others, lack the ability to verify and judge independently.


Stubbornness and rejection of new knowledge: Rejection of new strategies and new technologies, unwillingness to learn and update knowledge, and easy to fall into rigid thinking.


Decision-making hesitation and missed opportunities: Hesitation at critical moments, lack of decisive action, and missed the best investment or exit opportunities.


Fear and greed coexist: Fear makes people afraid to buy at the bottom of the market, and greed makes people unwilling to sell at the top, resulting in shrinking profits or increasing losses.


Strategy is not fixed, and people are content with small gains: lack of stable investment strategy, and rush to cash out as soon as they make a small profit, ignoring the potential and value of long-term investment.